How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

Why should I, just a new player, waste my time to save someone else’s billion isk freighter, while they were AFK?

So all those ganked freighters were afk? I see

Ah…you have this bizarre idea that there are ‘non PvPers’ out in space in Eve. How quaint and carebear-ish.

In reality, Eve contains a big ‘PvP’ button. It is called ‘Undock’. The fact that undocking is consent to PvP is proven by the fact that wardec warnings on undocking do not say ’ ah, you’re in a mining ship, you are ok’…you get the undock warning regardless of what ship or even fit you are flying.

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They must have had sheltered lives, most capsuleers started PvP’ing in school

And yes, that is @Githany_Red getting her ass kicked.


The HS Ganker are toxic poison though we need them for various reasons!

Also don’t forget this one:

:popcorn::innocent: :blush:


They picked on Gertie just above :point_up_2:

Dirty Gertie?

Don’t you know that you’re Toxic?

Then there are the worst types of video game players, more so Meme creators. The ones who troll you in real life trying to find out your game name to associate said game name with your real name in the real world to then spin Meme on the forums that is in text form that includes point words of association that is then used to ‘magically’ boosh a layer of what, digital protection away from the psyche?

Bros. I grew during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. We knew what Meme and trolling was long before you were even a sparkle in daddies’ eye. That’ because we got the computer first. You didn’t.

Now, as back-up, would like us to bring the golf ball sized water balls made from paper to the fight, because yeah, oh yeah. We’re still in high school as well.

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for you infermation lots of people are semi watching netflix like I once herad of somone who stalks wormhole relic sites watching netflix and waiting for people to come and I am going to take a wild guess that you gank people

I though no liked britney spears anymore

I think she went though some serious mental issues while recording this maybe you are toxic

I could say the whole idea of undocking being consent to pvp is ganker and pirateish of you

and you are some a scenario which I have rarely had to deal with

Then they deserve to get blown up. You are either playing a game or you aren’t. If people can’t even be bothered paying attention, then I have zero sympathy.

okay I agree that anyone who leavs the computer screen while playing deservs to lose there but are you really saying that there is no way to multi task and be semi afk

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Yes…I thoroughly enjoy blowing up ships, particularly of people who aren’t paying attention. I’ve killed a few suspects I didn’t even need to warp scram…as they clearly were not paying attention.

You cannot be watching Netflix and be paying sufficient attention to gankers entering the system and closing in on you. Which is it ?

Calm down miner

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actully there are some people who are able to do that I do not actully recmend as it kinda makes the show less enjoyable and what have aginst netflix they make good shows with affordable and flexable subscription price and the cherry on top is they give it to us all at once so we can keep are weekends busy