How do you remain interested in Eve when you have lost interest?

Then you have answered your own question. If Eve is not a good game - then why are you here?
Seriously? If you can’t find a reason to play, and be here on your own then you have answered your own questions.


Please refrain from using logic in these forums…you’ll scare the guests…


EvE is good game but right now it is in very bad state! Only grinding and big fleet fights in null.

I think it’s best time to just take a break and maybe come back ”if” the game gets fixed one beautiful day.

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Thank you.

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Dude, do your part as a community member and follow your own advice.

Also flagged for Inappropriate forum behavior.


i just stopped playing it for good.
whatever… we ware sold to yellow people anyway.
my friend stopped playing too, nobody about old farts i know play now.
maybe it will change before i die, but i dont care about eve assets and all this ■■■■, and if you are bored should do the same. It is the halest

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I completely agree. When a game doesn’t care about you and sux your blood it’s time to move on.
Has Eve ever cared for its players? That’s the question.

Player rights

“we”? “we ware (sic) sold”? Maybe it’s best you separated yourself from this game.

“player rights” What rights? You have/had the right to access to play on the server as best as ccp could do…as we all agreed when starting this game…that’s it.


My take on this is that when all is said and done, everything about the game only amounts to one thing: Farming. And this is not a smack about PVe either, even if a lot of farming involves it. Other players are farmable in many ways. :pirate_flag:

Some can argue that farming “helps me get what I want to PVP” but then que the endless threads on everything wrong with PVP. Meanwhile there are other games where you go direct to PVP without having to farm for the in-game cash to buy the equipment for it.

All of the content: farming. Some will do it to PVP if they can.

That’s kind of boring. And a bit of a letdown. It’s hard to take the game seriously when the secret message from the mission arc or escalation is “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine” or something like that.

Take old school exploration for example, When you dropped probes down, there was no way to know what was going to happen. You could spend hours at it and get nothing or something not very worthwhile. The next day you get hundreds of millions of ISK in 10 minutes just by sheer luck. Now all the anomalies out there for the eye to see, easy farming. When everything is boiiled down to easy farming, it’s boring. When most of the PVP is cat and mouse and blobbing, it’s boring.

The old school of PVP, back when people didn’t care and just did hull-tanked Incursus roams (giggle - I’m thinking of names and the old saying “real men hull tank”) just to make adversaries scream “Why won’t you die??” was fun too. Unpredictable. Now nobody fights unless the outcome is predictable (they win and usually by being in a blob) though we are lucky enough to get the occasional tale of tables getting turned. But that’s like watching a NASCAR race just to wait for a car to crash.

So the game was better when it was less predictable. And all this farming? What is it all for really? To PVP? This can go around and around in a circle. Exploration the old way was all about “the find”. PVP the old way was all about shooting and getting shot and maybe you got lucky. Even the gankers are getting bored.
What the game needs is a bit of chaos. CCP has for years gone to the people who calculate the exact amount of ISK they are supposed to make in an exact amount of time and any change in mechanics comes along that might reduce ISK a million or two and these people are the ones freaking out like you just did a one-nighter with their mom or something. I have seen people during live events all butthurt because it was getting in the way or their making ISK mindlessly. - Or maybe they pay their rent with RMT for all we know.
We need some chaos for chaos would attract that kind of player who wants to have fun.

Remember when this was fun?


Depends. I like optimizing my farming, trying different model, and after that realize I was wrong in my modeling, that some parameter made the whole choice representation incorrect.

Most of games are setting up goals and farming for those goals. Call that farming if you want. Without a goal there is no long-term pleasure. Even what was very exiting at the first time becomes boring the thousandth time.
Eve has a very good thing, that you can change, try new things, enjoy a way to play or another. you can start optimizing something, then do something else.
I have not used exploration for one year + now, I still have my (now worth, they wre less when I bought them) 7×1.3b worth cynabal, my 7×900M worth stratios, my 3b worth loki, my asteros, my scanning ships, that are spread around to optimize my daily exploration routine, because I stopped exploration in HS since I found more interesting activities.

I also don’t use those PI accounts that I trained, because the activity time is too important and can be used for other things.

I also don’t use those ±10×±1b average fits that I made for farming anoms.

I also don’t want to go back to null, cause I realized the farm is not worth it compared to HS (though maybe it will become better when F4&F5 gets the suspect timer back).

Maybe tomorrow I will find things more interesting than what I do now. It seems industry is actually very worth, working on it.

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You are spot on.

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Yeah I just don’t let people, who try to manipulate others, get away with it. We’ve been through this, I’m not going to reiterate on it.

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It’s a farmer’s game now.
The whole thing is basically done already.
You mentioning it made it fully click in my head.

They’re going to use NPCs to control destruction in the economy everywhere and all the idiots who love farming will love the game for it, until it dies the death it doesn’t deserve.

They’re going to have procedural content with some sort of AI that offers proper opponents and the idiots will be happy. Endless content, basically. The wet dream of every greedy asshole management believing their own stupid buzzwords.

It’s all because of money and abusing stupid people. I mean, like, you know how I keep shitting on dumb people who do nothing but PvE and farming all day to satisfy their lower instincts?

They’re easy money.
It’s a fact! It’s not even an insult anymore!

It’s all because of them.
They’re easily manipulated.
They’re easily entertained.
They’re dumb people.

Game’s over. The bears basically managed to indirectly destroy yet another game, just like all the others from that time, but this time it’s simply not because of their whining, but because they’re easy money.

It just took longer time and a clueless, greedy management that only cares about money and nothing else.

Considering the state of the world and the latest generation of people, I sadly have to conclude that the EVE ONLINE we once knew, filled with smart, creating and daring people who love to create has stopped existing.

I find it amazing that CCP managed to actually make many of us, who have fundamental disagreements, basically agree on this. Some might word it differently, but in essence it all boils down to the same.


Please explain how I’m manipulating people?

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I find it shocking that CCP allows people like you to continue posting nasty stuff to people on forums without repercussions.

Absolutely shocking.

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You understand what I mean when I call this a “browser game”. That’s what it feels like.

To paraphrase Gravemind: This game brought us here as foes. Its demise will make us brothers.

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Nobody cares. You are just trying to convince yourself it’s okay to insult people when you don’t like them.

It’s not.

The rule of discussion is “respect other people”, not “respect other people when they agree with you”.


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I do. I ■■■■■■■ do … and you’re absolutely right.

Eve’s always been a game which favours self starters. And it has so many different things to do. Cycling round them works. As does watching the metagame. (and using that to predict movements :smiley: )

I’ve never lost interest in it.