SP farming added
Add PI - a semi-passive income that compliments SP farming quite well.
Edit: Although neither SP farming nor PI are Alpha-activities.
So I was looking for a Scorpion and noticed the cheapest one (hub wise) is in Rens and the most expensive is in Hek. The profit would be about 24M and the trip is about 7 minutes in a BS. As an Alpha can fly a BS, you have no problems what that. You can also load-up the BS with other low products in Rens to take to Hek.
The Scorp @ 24M profit represents about a 205M/hr earning rate…
Even if you only sell one of these (or similar) ships a day, that’s a PLEX’ed account every three months for just 7 minutes a day.
Hope that helps.
This really isn’t the right way to trade.
Rens sell is 125
Hek sell is 147
Rens buys are at 88
Hek buys are at 67
You will only cut a profit if you buy at Rens and then relist at Hek AND someone wants to buy a scorp from sell orders in Hek AND that happens without someone undercutting you.
In this scenario the best thing would be to put up a buy order in HEK for more than anyone else is offering. Wait till it’s filled move the ship and then put up a sell order in Rens. That might give you 58 BUT you are locking up isk until someone sells and someone else buys…
A quick look at the Market history tab will tell you if the market is active enough in scorps to achieve one sale a day. I doubt you can shift one a day in any of the hubs bar Jita or Amarr.
Does anyone actually play the game for fun anymore or is everything now some min/max bullcrap?! Who the f#$k wants to log into a video game to “work”?! Its literally .50 a day ($15/month) to play Eve! Even cheaper if you buy a multi month package! If you cant afford $15/month then stop gaming! Get your priorities in order!!!
Except I was specifically highlighting speed not margins and not having to babysit orders. Your point is 100% correct but it will take longer (Rens is pretty quiet).
Ok so a few other passive isk faucets that weren’t mentioned are Research Agents RP farming, Selling Researched BPC’s/BPO’s in Contracts, Production.
So you mentioned PI. You can’t “Do” PI until your actually an Omega. The only thing you can do to prep for PI is decide what you want to make and where to do it, and then setup ships and command centers nearby until you can train the skills.
The stuff I listed is also mostly Omega skills required… but with a few of them; you can do alot more prep while still an alpha to get ready for when you switch to omega.
RP farming is just getting access to LVL 4 agents for one of the Research Corps for the 4 Empires. Here’s a list.
You just need to run lvl 3 missions until you unlock the lvl 4 agents and then start a project to get passive rp points that can be turned in for research datacores. Also they tend to ask for a mission 1 time a day which will grant RP. If you skip these missions they will just wait for you to show up or won’t offer anything else until you talk to them.
Other then that if you have production slots or research slots… USE THEM! Selling researched BPO’s or just copies of researched BPO’s can be an income stream aswell.
Hope that gives you a few more ideas. Goodluck!
This thread is giving CCP ideas where to hit alphas so they will have to buy omega. If its too easy, CCP will nerf it. Like with blackout in null that cuts the afk ratting.
10% on 10B is 1B…which is 1/2.4th the way to plexing a single account.
A little background.
I was hellbent on all these grandiose strategies to break the game and plex my account and do it alpha and blah blah.
Long story short, after learning what actually works, I am rolling-stock over 1b a day now…and earning about 250m a day.
And I’m only getting better.
One loss would wipe me out pretty hard, the risk is high, like anything else…but the reward is equally high.
Pi is definitely the way to go, but I guarantee you 99% of people don’t know what the F- they are doing with Pi…and out of hundreds of google-fu web searches I finally found someone who had a clue. And did the rest of the work on my own.
So you can too
There’s 3 scorpions for sale in Rens.
As someone (me, moi) who actually can produce 10% of the ENTIRE daily market of an item in Jita that has about a 6.7b daily trading value (Currently producing 3.4% but if I scaled up across my 2 other toons…)
I can thoroughly tell you there’s a major flaw in your idea of earning 205M/hr profit from flipping 3 battleships.
Now I’m no expert…I’m actually just starting on my path to something better. But already I’m producing huge amounts of product and seeing market impacts in Jita. When I produce something I know how many cycles (end product) I will produce, and I need to see that the Jita market will support this impact…if it won’t, I can’t scale to that full production.
You’re pissing around about hauling garbage from Rens to Hek, from a dumpster to a landfill.
Just out of curiosity I resurrected an alpha I’d been planning to train as a scout / covert cyno last night and headed into dirty lowsec to see what money could be made.
Between abandoned faction and T2 drones, relic, data sites and the odd player wreck I found I managed a respectable 310m for my efforts. That’s just in a T1 frigate, not touching null or WH space and with less than 790k SP.
Granted I had a few lucky breaks and I was in Sansha lowsec for the juicy plates, but it’s not going to take more than a week or two of (dare I say it fun) exploration to realise a tidy sum.
Add WH sites to this and even ship losses which literally cost just a few million at most and it’s well worth it.
Though I’ll still pay to sub as I’m lazy and y’know, effort.
First: How long did you play? Because scouting for 12 hours ~ less than 30m an hour while doing ONLY that.
Second: You can’t even scan down level IV sites as an alpha except maybe if you’re in an Astero…I wasn’t willing to spend 75m to find out.
You can see the trolling-carnage of countless posts of mine claiming I was about to be able to do it and everyone saying I never can…and I never did.
So either you’re a liar, or … whatever. Probably a liar.
Welcome to grind online. Why suggesting and forcing players to farm for plex they don’t need? You can do insane amount of thing as alpha while you enjoy game. EVE is not a job, do what you enjoy and your wallet balance will rise with time.
Under the “TRADING” part in the OP is:
Trading - profit per day: apx 5-10% of your total invested capital
As there are too many variables to give specifics I just used ballparks from experience. Desios tossed out the 10B comment and I was just pointing out that with that, it’s bloody easy to earn enough to PLEX more than one account.
PI is great but requires a specific type of personality. IMO it’s tedious AF and I’m one that love tedious things.
I’m getting it down to where it’s pre-set and a few clicks and a few hauls and you make 1b a day \o/ But I’ll let you know when I get scaled up to that. Oh that’s with ~8 planets by the way.
I’m not sure what you mean here. 5%-10% of 10B is 500m - 1B.
1B is 41.6% of a Plex.
The operating capital to earn 10b even at 10% is 100b in capital…that’s…unrealistic.
Dude…you’re a vastly experienced player. I’m using my experience in my early days to show how easy it is to make ISK with low SP, low risk and high rewards. This thread is geared towards new players so for most, your level of production is a long way off…
I have exploration on the list and somebody else echoed your experience.
It is amazing how the risk/reward for NS/WS exploration is so good…a cheap Probe fit gives you access to such potential riches.
Please don’t call me a liar. I have no vested interest in doing so. I’m not intending to steal from you or kill you, well at least I wasn’t until I read your post.
I played for around 4 to 5 hours. I scanned what I could and if you actually read my post you’d see that I mentioned I got lucky. Also in Sansha lowsec you make bank with the armor plates. I then headed to FW space and loaded up on abandoned drones.
I’ll see you soon, brave one. Make sure your hold is nice and fat.
People are free to do what they want of course…I never suggest perusing PLEXing an account over actually having fun but if you can combine the two then…no problem.