How to get more people to play eve

Well we have the proof now that your fear i could be talking the truth is far bigger than your fear of making a fool out of yourself…

My offer stays…now the ball is on your side…

Look, you’re really fooling nowhere here, spodbrain.

  1. devs aren’t allowed to tell
  2. I would never ever get a response within even a single day
  3. You are well aware of 1 and 2, or really, really dumb. :smiley:

Either you’re not even trying, or you’re trying really hard, thinking you’re smart, but actually you are really, really pathetic. :slight_smile: It’s so bad, I even expressed that I’m feeling bad about abusing you like this, without you even understanding that I’m doing so.

Never stop posting. :slight_smile:

Desperation as i said…

1.Devs ARE allowed if the account owner agrees
2.I already made contact to get this info
3.Another desperate attemp to avoid the proof that does not fit into your agenda.

My offer still stays…

ah yes, how could I have possibly missed that. obviously the clear imbalance in how much has been added for pve is completely invalidated by the fact that some of that content is a little bit more challenging. or has a couple second of risk for pvp right at the very end.

Well lets look at the stuff they did add specifically for new players, the resource wars sites… clearly those where super successful, well, except they wheren’t, because the content was too easy, and the rewards small enough that you surpass the point of them being worth doing far too quickly. obviously thats what we need more of though, if we just do more of that THEN the new players will stay.

Exactly…mixing pve with pvp is the problem here…

Safe havens is what todays players want…

You may dislike that but you cannot change it…

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if having less than 10 seconds of vulnerability to pvp is enough of a problem to drive players away. especially when there is a bunch of other content they can do without that risk, then this probably aint the right game for them.

The community that Balos supports wants more “safe” PvE. They want content where they can just do their thing without any interaction from other players. So Abyssal space, is in their view, not an appealing addition even though it is a PvE feature in its initial iteration, since there exist a risk of losing your stuff. It goes against their ideology of having a completely safe bubble where nothing can be lost.

They want more mind-numbing content like afk-mining or shooting red crosses. They believe this is the content that will drive player numbers back to eves prime.

NO pvp is the answer,otherwise it’s no pve content…simply get this…it’s no brain surgery needed to understand this simple fact…

Mining is PVP. I quit mining when CODE kept harassing me for a permit.

except the pvp doesn’t happen when your doing the pve, you are 100% safe from other players while you are doing it. yes, you are at risk when you are done for a couple second, but thats AFTER the pve content.

just cuz your parents got shot in a back alley after an opera, doesn’t mean it was the opera’s fault they got shot. if that made any damn sense then batman would be a very different comic.

irrelevant…mixing pve and pvp makes it to pvp content…

Bottom line…

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and this has to stop…

but its not mixed, pve occurs in the abyssal site. you leave the site, you are no longer doing pve, then pvp happens.

again irrelevant…mixing pve and pvp makes it to pvp content…

it would be pve if the way was safe and no pvp possible 'til the dock…

I don’t care about your strange definition…

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You can bend words and statements as much as you want but facts is: gamers vote with their wallets and ccp need their money (desperately) :relaxed:


then just go play on singularity. 90% of space is completely empty, just stay away from the testing systems and you can do anything you want in perfect safety, as a bonus just about any module you could want is available practically for free in any station so you don’t even need to deal with those pesky other players when you buy stuff from them.

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Same old: go singularity, I’ll go first on Singularity and pay full subscription if there is no one problem, every few months ccp clears all progress on Sisi and you have to start from the beginning, the same situation as if you were ganking at TQ …

so what. you can copy skills from your main character on tranquility, so just train up the skills you want, when a server wipe happens, copy the skills over, buy whatever you want from the market for basically free, and your right back to where you were.

I do not want your silly advices, I want persistance ingame and when I get it from CCP I’ll pay subscription, till that, ccp will get only your money and talks …

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All those years of using the term “skin in the game” was taken the wrong way.