How to get more people to play eve

Good riddance.


Everyone can just lable something as easy, that just doesn’t say a lot. Fact is that criminals in highsec get hunted by the faction police. They can only stay for a couple seconds in one place before they get explodet.

People learned how to go about their business by accepting and accounting for this restrictions and if you add new ones there are two things that can happen:

  1. it cripples them so much it’s no longer worth doing so the ganking will completely stop.
  2. people will adapt, accept and account for the new mechanics and continue ganking.

If #2 happens guess what will happen next? People will think it is too easy and demand it getting harder.

So what we have here is a never ending cycle of demands that will only ever end when ganking is for all practical reasons impossible. And for that reason, “it’s too easy” is just not a valid argument. You have to think of something better.

Or check this guy: Fufunka | Character | zKillboard

Yes, I was one of those starter system ganks. One of 2 in my entire time with EVE. Suffice to say this guy had a routine for interfering with the Career Agent missions that was good enough to work on someone who is very cautious, checks twice, suspects everything is a trap, and rarely gets caught by surprise.

Full report to CCP, nothing done. Waited tilI saw him do the same to another person in Uitra, got them to report, included my own copy of the info, nothing done. Guy continued to gried in Uitra for several months. Earning nothing, not even tears in most cases, since there was little response in local.

He didn’t even taunt or harass in local, silence until the end of the fight, then he would link the killmail and an emote.

No idea if CCP ever stopped/banned him, or he just got bored and moved on. But yes, there are people who go out of their way to specifically grief new players. Not saying there is a lot of them, but they’re there.

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If the guy isn’t getting banned then he takes lots of ‘breaks’.

Edit- and you don’t know if his silence in local means he’s not opening private convos with people.

The biggest problem is that some people still don’t understand what eve is. This thread is clearly evidence to that. There is a reason why I keep saying that the NPE needs to include clear communication of what eve is.

I mean, just look at TinkerStinker. Lugburz came in talking about suicide ganking in rookie systems. TinkerStinker then proceeds to whine, as if getting blobbed in a VNI is somehow related to suicide ganking in a rookie system. Those two are very different things. One is perfectly normal and part of eve, while the other is prohibited by TOS and ban worthy.

CCP really need to make a better job at explaining what the game is.


And I have never seen anyone actually defending what they are doing. If CCP doesn’t do anything against them that is a problem.

But… It has nothing to do with regular ganking which is not targeting new players. This are simply two completely different things and it is dishonest to mix them together in an attempt to forge an argument where there would otherwise be none.

Fact is that the people that get hit hardest by CODE. are bittervets who then try to use new players like a shield to get rid of their enemies. CODE. are pirates, actual pirates who pirate stuff, not sparkly pirates who sit in lowsec and just talk and dress like pirates. Pirates go after worthwhile targets with ISK and new players just don’t provide that.

and yet still able to dock in stations; no continuity my friend.

i think thats a bit of a grande assumption there, the only real experience i have with code is mostly code members suicide ganking newer miners; or dumb old ones i guess; sure you see them in uedama actually running it for a profit but i somehow think this is different people; like the guys in code now that actually pvp in gangs - though currently i dont think ive really seen them in anything but trig ships…

but then thats just the links they post…

What do you think will happen if you remove docking rights for criminals? It will certainly make things more inconvenient for the ganker. I doubt it will change anything for the gankee and I highly doubt it will change the rate of ganks.

So I just don’t see how making a game mechanic mor inconvenient helps anyone. Sounds like the opposite of what you want to do as a game designer.

Continuity. and no, not really, dont do the crime if you cant do the time dude. ie; stop whining your not getting it easy.

like stopping hyperdunking?
or several scams that have been in use over the years?
or a thousand balance patches?

Stop being biased and take a more objective view my dude.

You have a very strange way to argue. It’s not very convincing. And I’m not sure why you think I’m whining. I simply try to discuss game mechanics with you.

So let’s say I would agree and gankers can’t dock. What happens next? Anything else to make it “harder”?

Found some of them “newer miners” earlier today. Without ganking this would be more widespread.

Tell me this is something new players that want to get into mining would like to go against.

you can still dock at citadels.

you see here, here is what seperates me from you.

the ability to think outside the box from an outside standpoint.
and i never said for you to stop whining, the sentence was meant in context :wink:

several of you are also forgetting yourselves and indeed the op.

You set the standard for “dirty tricks” with your attempts to redefine words, accusations of stalking, deflection and generally being an ass.

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wardeck them… oh probably no eligible huh?

So let’s say CCP implements this and now everyone ganks out of citadels… or out of lowsec or out of wormholes (sorry, you did not think out-of-the-box enough, this probably separates us I think… ).

How is this now harder? You can make the same “this is too easy” argument as before. So what’s next?

NPC corps to avoid wardecs, thus why to combat one has to gank.

In your case it seems to be a very severe case of “truthiness disease”. If it suits you it’s true /lol.
There can’t be any actual communication with someone who doesn’t distinguish between true and false.

how is it not more awkward? also if ccp implemented citadels properly that really wouldnt be an issue, and would provide a viable target for retaliation.

As it stands even the acceptable suicide ganking is basically player retaliation free.

Which is 100% wrong.

Honestly im a 2007 toon, you show me this picture in hs and my mind “asks why the hell should i care?”
i dont mine
i dont manufacture
industry in delve is higher but i dont see many code spreading the word of james to delve. Why? because thats not how it works and many people in code rely fully on not having that retaliation factor from ganking - and no, concord blowing upi your catalyst doesnt count.
Hence the biased views.

And likely why we are focusing more on code antics than ‘‘how to get more people to play eve’’