How to get more people to play eve

Yeah you are right…my bad,they tried it several times and failed miserable last time 2017 in some countries…but it does not go well and is not going well this time…
But that does not devalue anything i said…

“You want”?

CCP endorsed null mega empire lifestyle for last few years, particularly due to the gigantic but short term boost in revenues and other statistics Rorqual multiboxing provided to them before the sale to Pearl Abyss. That lifestyle is based on safe krabbing. People played to acquire assets, bigger and stronger ships, citadels, and so on. Much like how Blizzard kept people playing WoW for the next epic item, CCP kept people playing from the first VNI to the 15th Rorqual (plus ratting super and multiple titan/fax alts). Mechanics enabled them to do these under conditions that are extremely safer than what they should be. The problem is while WoW can keep adding items, dungeons and novel PvE, Eve’s progression is both repetitive and boring (nullsec ratting is boring), and it is finishable in a couple of years (e.g. you can get all alts you want and titan etc in 2 years) thanks to SP farms. So the same mechanics created a stale game once people have all assets they want. Grouping up and n+1 mechanics became really important for asset acquisition gameplay, but then mega blue donuts blocked big wars and everyday content because nobody is willing to fight biggest alliances, they need to blue each other keep the status quo intact, and they do not go on the offensive either because they are founded on krabbing (and not attacking people).

CCP now realized this won’t work long term and are trying to take some of it back (e.g. Rorqual nerfs). Basically they need to give up the idea that null mega empire krabbing, and the belonging people feel to play with corpmates etc., is the lifeblood of Eve ecosystem and their revenues. The lifeblood and the thing that keeps people playing Eve for last 15 years is explosions, wars, fighting, and all kinds of stories emerge from these. Those are the actual aspects that gives Eve it’s niche. So they need to change game mechanics toward a less safe, more dangerous, but vibrant Eve with many wars and conflicts. There are lots of ways to make such changes. But some of you will have to give up your ability to Rorqual mine with 15 Rorquals under extremely safe and riskless conditions for all that to work.


Well if the big mega alliances are the problem then the solution is easy…strip them of all of their assets and place them into low and restart the race for power again :slight_smile:

But i doubt ccp would dare that :slight_smile:

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Just turn-off/down the ore faucets and have corps fight over what’s left…it’s not hard really.

And you call ME stupid because i demand no pvp in high(which is sad would kill eve)?

Stripping the ore supply would kill it for sure…

People always underestimate the importance of mining…:slight_smile:

There is nothing wrong about safety…

Yes, no PVP in HS is still stupid…

Mining is very important but everything needs balance…of which is very little right now regarding ore…

No pvp in high IS balance because currently it’s pvp ONLY…i don’t see how you can call this “balance”…

If you have all on one side, ie NO PVP and none on the other side, ie PVP, then by definition, that is not balance.

There is very little to worry about in HS if you actually care about flying right.

Seeing as I am not a Council Stellar Management member, then yes it’s is “I” as I do not speak for other players, only for myself.

And since this thread is not exclusive for a CSM member, then I am free to post what I believe is my opinion.

Which means others are also free to agree or disagree with my opinion, but not if the argument is suggesting that I do not have that right to post my opinion in this thread.

Safety is the single most cancerous thing that’s making Eve stale.

Imagine you are a Rorqual pilot, and I have a 100 man fleet hunting Rorquals. A single Rorqual catch can be the reason to play for 100 people for that night. 5 Rorquals a month can be the reason for 100 people to keep subbed. For every Rorqual pilot’s sacrifice, many times over players keep playing the game. Moveover, when your alliance goes on the offensive, you can kill other people’s Rorquals with your fleet and the same cycle goes on.

But if conditions are safe enough (due to how game mechanics work) for your Rorqual, then my fleet won’t be able kill it. In that case people who like to hunt Rorquals will slowly starve of content and leave the game. And people who like to mine in Rorquals will slowly stop logging in in 2 years, because there is nothing to farm anymore. Of course the Rorqual and the 100 man fleet is a toy example, but stuff like this is exactly what’s been happening in later years of Eve. In most mined regions, only %2.5 of all mining revenue converts to kills of mining ships. That is extremely low.

If you are a null mega empire member who likes their friends extreme capability to save him under distress, it is hard to understand why safety in nullsec is wrong. But it is.

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There WILL be pvp in the game…just not in high…and this IS balance ,having pvp EVERYWHERE is inbalanced…

You see it wrong…

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You are fighting a pointless battle…spend the time learning what not to do in HS and helping others with the same issue would be a better way to spend said time.

It will never happen…

Still too much…

What you underestimate is how people want to play these days…

The demand for “compete” each other is long done and any game like eve have to be changed away from this direction in whichever direction…but holding the course of "competition everywhere will be fatal…and i guess ccp knews this…

If CCP endorses the krabbing lifestyle then mostly krabs will remain in the game and be dominant. Then it would be easy but wrong to say “people just wanna krab”. The changes catering to safe krabbing themselves alienated the other playstyles/players. And if we want more people to play, it means we need to revert them.

You mean like today?

Which means that PVP everywhere is alienating pve and all other playstyles?

In which way is this better?

Where? Lol.

Fyi, if farmers lost %20 of their earnings instead of %2.5, they would still farm. Balancing the game doesn’t necessitate people to stop doing PvE.

Being wrong, again, devalues what you said. I’ll give you this, you’re consistent about being wrong.

No pvp in high IS balance because currently it’s pvp ONLY…i don’t see how you can call this “balance”…

There WILL be pvp in the game…just not in high…and this IS balance ,having pvp EVERYWHERE is inbalanced…

PvP everywhere is balanced, in a PvP game; of which Eve is one.

Which means that PVP everywhere is alienating pve and all other playstyles?

Except it’s not, I fall into PvE and other playstyles, I haven’t been alienated, neither have thousands of others.

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It is funny but for me this sounds like CCP should do anything in their power to keep these IMPORTANT Rorqual pilots subbed and in game while basically ignoring needs of others “100 people” you have mentioned. Because this way they will keep 101 player in the game while caring about 1.