@op please read this its very important and it will open your eyes significantly.
This is a very easy question for any designer with experience to answer. The problem is that ccp, these forums, are largely filled with population that is driving only specific types of game play. They are short sighted, and narrow minded in the view of expanding eve to allow for larger player base. I have been advocating for changes that would do just this.
The biggest problem ccp faces in its design philosophy
the problem is that current systems. Current Diplomacy systems allows for mechanics that prevent us from dissolving larger entities (coalitions). Fundamentally ccp is opposed to stopping the larger fights, but if they negate from this position, they will likely find themselves with even larger fights then they had dreamed.
So the key to null sec players returning, is more content not less frequent, larger battles.
I believe that eve could be changed fundamentally in a way that allows it to caster to this design, but i dont think ccp is adventurous enough for it, even though it would take only a few, basic tweaks to the system (ask me how and why if you want to know)
the changes needed
I believe we should start looking at redesigning the philosophy around some “core concepts” in eve. This is vital to eve growing.
Examples of this are looking at how we define each section (low, null, high, etc) of space. We should definitely move off the concept of “high is safer, less income” and move more toward " You can do criminal activities in high, but you can in low sec, and null it dont even matter".
The reason for this is because around 50% of the population of eve do not want anything to do with pvp. A large amount of people left this game because of the previous war-dec “station camping” system, which took ccp almost 13-14 year to fix.
Then i have to start asking myself, those players who enjoy the content of trade, being abused and molested by code, and high sec pvpers who just want to farm new player, is it actually good for the game? I cannot find any evidence to support it is, and stuff published by ccp is often questionable, or used in a way to suit pushing this agenda, even though its blinding in opposition to industry metrics on the topic.
So the answer ultimately is we need to
- Equalize the income (with no more then 15% Isk variance) of all forms of space
- Change high sec to being “legal actions” only, and set high secs war dec system to require “mutual war” so that high sec is completely optional for pvp.
- Allow for non-mutual wars to take place in low sec
- find ways to include war decs in null for sink issues (like war is required to sov-check each other). It might be interesting to do something like "taxes on alliance raise if they are to peaceful, so it builds up its per month value if you dont war dec, and challenge another).
I could promise this will significantly improve the eve population rates.
This is a harder question, that is really subject to opinion, but the question is probably better answered with two other questions.
Why did they leave, and what are they doing now?
These answers will likely influence the answer to this question.
I can tell you, that when it comes to retention rates, there is another serious problem in eve, and that is that there is very little encouragement to group-game play.
We need to look into adding something that encourages team work and purpose. The large income rates of isk really damage this effort. Stations should be huge tasks, and corporations should not be punished for building them (by being war-eligible), no in fact, this should be a reward, and a form of protection to them.
after almost two decades of experience in the industry, i am sure that most of eve’s major problems would be resolved with redesigns to corporations, alliances, and diplomatic systems of eve; though i’d like to also see mining changes something like
- Reduce the amount of ore mined per a cycle
- Increase the value of the ore in an equal amount (so there is no impact)
- Significantly increase all mining rates (15-30 seconds to fill cargo hold)
- Redesign all ships to be like expedition frigates, down size barges to destroyers, and exhumers to barge level, and improve their mobility significantly
- merge all three types of barges and exhumers into one type (so no more yield/hold/tank variations, just all in 1)