How to get more people to play eve

And just what would I teach them?Alot of them I see around won’t talk to you or want to do things alone and come back a while later showing me some god awful fit and ask for ways to fix it.
Alot won’t use voice coms outside being forced into it like in major pvp alliances and typing tons of info sucks

One of the major things I keep seeing is ‘I want to be a miner and industrialist’ or ‘I want to go pvp’ even tho they’re alpha and barely started so I have to explain that they know nothing and show patience and of course explaining most industry is behind Omega sucks too

Now this “the first one” removes everyone from his corp except one freshly made alt with 0 SP* and leaves.

What would you do now to clean up his citadel? Create 1 man corp with another 0 SP* character and spend days cutting this citadel 1 by 1 damage an hour?

  • “0 SP” figuratively speaking. Everyone starts with some amount but we talk about real new characters here.
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He’s abusing Zipf’s law. without actually understanding what he’s doing. It’s comparable to when CCP used a scientific study justifying the removal of colours from the neocom. They had no idea what they were doing and misapplied the study, ignoring any and all reasoning against the change.

Anyhow, this video explains it really well:


What he doesn’t understand, or rather: is completely oblivious about, is that natural environments balance themselves out naturally and that any artificial limitations (such as banning PvP from highsec) are actually negatively affecting the natural balance.

He’s literally anti-evolution! I wouldn’t even be surprised if he’s a Creationist. Humanity only reached this point because the strong and smart survived and the weak and stupid perished. He’s for the exact opposite.

This guy has no understanding of survival and natural laws. He’s a sheltered moron who watched too many TV shows making him believe he’s a good guy fighting evil … or whatever it is that put him into this delusional state of mind. In any case he’s a wannabe tyrant/dictator seeking power and, like literally all of them, he’s using lies and ■■■■■■■■ to move forward.


And just what would I teach them?

The sad reality is that the dialogue being pushed here isn’t really about teaching new players how survive, prosper and enjoy life in New Eden. It’s really about saying welp, HS is too hard so make it crime-free and then you magically get higher retention somehow…

There is a bit of the ol’ bait-n’switch going on in this thread…their goal is to make HS crime free, period.


Delete all structures in null. Delete all alliances. Delete all supers.

Let them rebuild from scratch

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  • Equalize the income (with no more then 15% Isk variance) of all forms of space
  • Change high sec to being “legal actions” only, and set high secs war dec system to require “mutual war” so that high sec is completely optional for pvp.



Too late or too early but necessary !!

Would it be rude to accuse certain capsuleers to be in violation of CONCORD Directive Omega One Five?
It’s honestly like an echo chamber between them.

I don’t see how that applies? These guys aren’t self aware!

For those interested:

the first hit for “concord directives”.

Because they drone on about “the importance of safety in highsec” but don’t bother discussing things players (including themselves) could do right now to not request such a change to the game.

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You mean like stupid machines who can not think outside of their stupid, linear programming?

Oh well then I agree!

Assuming they’re actual people, though, they’re really, really bad people.
Maybe … hm… maybe they’re drones-in-people-suits. That would make an awful lot of sense!

Drones would not want people to be self responsible, or being able to take care of their survival. They’d want everyone to be dependent on protection so they could take over!

Man, you’re a genius! The plot thickens!

((though what would that say about modern, western politics that literally breeds dependent, helpless, self entitled, self declared victims like them?))

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I think it’s quite important to balance the need, which is urgent, with making changes that are possible and reasonable.

New players still have to want to play EVE, not some other game. Unfortunately for everyone, “high-end” EVE and a few other things don’t seem to be in ideal shape right now … but IMO the game as a whole isn’t broken. I don’t see a reason to “destroy it to save it”.

From very high level, I think we could say that new players need:

  • A way to get started in EVE (ISK income, game skills, game experience, personal interactions) that’s natural, and won’t fail due to random incidents. This isn’t the same as the kind of “New Player Experience” EVE has had in the past. They’ve all been a “pointy-headed manager’s” version of “on-boarding”, and don’t do nearly enough
  • Intermediate goals that they can “see”, and for which there’s a is also reasonably clear path to achieving them. IMO this must include a way to play with other people - which raises one of the “elephants in the room”: the trust problem.
  • Long-term goals that aren’t intrinsically discouraging. Today’s nullSec tedium isn’t going to keep a player in EVE for the year or two it will take most to get established as “nullSec nobility”. So even though nullSec is of relatively limited importance to new players, it has to become a desirable and achievable long-term objective (compare with the “huge battles” PR/advertising hook)

Regardless of the accuracy of that approach, or the implementation details, any changes:

  1. Must be affordable, so they must be done with smallish changes to the game
  2. Must conform to a planning requirement I usually describe as “you have to be able to get there from here”. An objective that involves breaking EVE along the way is not a good objective :slight_smile:

You’re completely lost in the fog /lol.

You’re conflating a necessary, but temporary, step for new players with a completely different kind of change.

Not that EVE’s security levels design doesn’t need work, but new players need separate zones, not changes to highSec.

Actual dev/player naval corps (npc) would probably help with that and perhaps guidance on which corps to join, for example people who enjoy scanning should be pointed towards groups like eve scout; others that perhaps want to lean more should lean toards eve uni.
If they just want to go now and join big fleets - horde.
And so on; i mean i look at the recruitment channel every day and its littered with people with false claims - and these do nothing to really help a lot of players stay ingame (i think…)

Though to be very honest its been a long time since i did any npe or career agent.

I do however think factions/npc corps should have more obvious tenets and ‘regulations’; for example npc naval police scanning miners to ensure they haven’t overdone their quota - and actual npc miner corps where there is some sort of mining achievements and missons; these should be undeckable, but subject to harsher tarifs or need to use specific stations or or if if…
npc navies (for players to join), sometimes led by devs or even isd, create events and roam the borders of lowsec clearing (or trying to clear) gatecamps and sometimes involved in border clashes with the other faction navies - you might argue this would be militia but you would be looking at that from a highly simplified manner.
AND clear and defind ranks/medals that players can show off for years to come and use as part of a backstory for their character; sure not everyone wants to rp but were all here to escape in one form or another.
Opportunities to join the pirate factions too…

I think many things could be done and yes

Newer players arent much different from older ones, its just the older generation didnt have to deal with the massive gap; if the game was designed to help players move on and up and out of highsec it hasnt (and it shows) countered for the people that stay.

…and you are so desperate you have to keep resorting to ad hominem…

Lets pretend that 1.0 is for new players only. No criminal acts, they can earn a bit of money but maybe limited to 1-2M an hour. Venture mining only trit at lower levels and minor industry. No outside trade allowed and only what NPC sell would be available plus the minor industry.

I’d be 100% in support for that…but it doesn’t solve your main problem…it wouldn’t teach then f-all about how to live in NE. It just gives them a safe space and false security and they would just as vulnerable as they are now when leaving this protected little bubble.

Love to hear the follow-up to that…

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They need guidance and information, not safe or separate zones.


they need a little more time before being released into the general population.

They need more than guidance and information. Your “A but not B” statement misses the point on both sides.

Safe Zones, if they turned out to be useful, would be part of a process, not an endpoint.

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They still will go boom…if they don’t know what to watch out for then how will more time help them?

i think safe zones for some yes, but specifically for new players that choose that path; and not 100% safe; and actual bans for people who go round targeting new players for suicide ganking…

suicide ganking a two week old character in a venture imho is not cool.