How to get more people to play eve

Okay that sounds like they ■■■■■■ it up completely.
I can understand the complaints then.

We ran those sites, didn’t we?

Why did we stop?

It wasn’t just the rewards, the combination of player limits and accel gates meant that your full fleet couldn’t make it into a site that already contained someone.

As much as i hate abyss space, it is the future of group pve. On demand. Always get your full fleet in. We can even combine abyss space and alliance tourney ship points costs and limits to encourage well rounded fleets.

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No one else was?

For PvE, they were kinda fun actually. Maybe that was just because they were novel, but I tried and tried and there were no other players doing them. And this was only what, months after they came out?

Man, you’re in for a surprise regarding the trigs.
All signs point at them being a new playable race eventually.

These two kind of not go together … and I remember.
We did a few, there never was anyone else.

What we didn’t consider was that we gained standings increases,
which means NPCs at belts start repping us …

We never maxed our ranks. Shame… :slight_smile:

There was a player limit. Like 5? Or maybe it changed based on the ranks. Need to check. Daichi means if you had a pre-formed fleet of the max and you arrived at a site being run, you all couldn’t join in because of the player cap. But since no one ran them…

Not sure that was a big factor in its demise, but I can see it being an issue, especially if they were ever to become a popular fleet activity.

They still are in the game! It’s not too late, although we might want to run them as they could be deleted at anytime I am afraid.

It’s what stopped us.

Form a fleet, fly 10 jumps to a site that can fit us, find out it’s already occupied. Next site that can fit us? Another 10 jumps.

Rinse repeat.

Another problem was that it was mining. The sites were fastest run by using skiffs. Combat ships actually slowed down completion time.

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3 for smallest.

Initially it was 2 at release.

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We’re still a mining corp …


Did you ever pick up any other players, especially newer ones while running fleet? Like is it a viable model with some tweaks to bring newer players and existing ones together in a site to cooperate? Or do you think it will just be turbo-farmed by pre-made fleets by veterans no matter what they do?

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I hoped i could use resource wars to recruit. But I found most weren’t chatty. And forming a fleet with strangers only happened a few times and it was brief. People kept to themselves. Did you have much success in that area?

Big vet groups didn’t do resource wars once they found the rewards didn’t add up.

No, but I didn’t try until 4 or 5 months after release and they were dead. A couple veteran PvE afficianados, but almost no activity at all from any player, new or not, by then.

You’d think that some new players would stumble across them before they understood the rewards, so maybe they really do just keep to themselves that much and such efforts are doomed. Maybe your right and with some Abyssal site, CCP will get it such that all the cool kids are doing it and find some way to throw newer players in with them.

Since anything actually worth doing in the game requires it right down to many corp recruitment reqs. ■■■■, its so bad in the last event, Guardian Gala, CCP even made multiboxing mandatory to make accelerators cause you couldn’t even switch to your mining ship or character cause they made the sites despawn, that’s how bad its getting.

Of course if all you ever wanna do in Eve Online is sit in HS and just do L3 or lower sec missions or stay permamently in a new corp like PH or Karma and get blapped every single time a decent fight comes up or single VNI rat and alike then hey … But then you’ll leave outta sheer boredom and grindiness anyways and the point is to keep people from leaving, not make them leave.

I played EVE for years, including 4-5 of them in w-space with just a single account and character even. I was totally fine. Not sure why everyone keeps repeating that multiple accounts are required. It helps for some stuff sure, but it’s also a challenge to some to do it solo anyway.


Your enjoyable challenge is someone else grindy crap that ought not to have a place in video games altogether which are meant to entertain people.

This has actually advanced from 2014, no idea if its leveled off yet, but there were a few articles here and there and overall the average gamer age is still rising just not as fast as before.

They aren’t. Notice that those who claim to require multiple accounts to run certain content, whatever it is, are the same people who do not have any friends who would do it with them.


I wonder if the lower age band (Teens) has had an overall increase in numbers due to Eve becoming F2P

You’re literally talking about every video game in existence.

Most likely it did initially, but likely evened out as time progressed.

You said it yourself, one man’s grindy crap is something that entertains another; thus fulfilling the need for a video game to entertain at least some of the people playing it.


I had to think about this.

Basically the price of stuff is pretty high. And ticks are pretty low.


After the ‘EVE is hard’ comments consider this: In the real world ( outside, a scary place ) people have less cash to spend. Well, they do in my country anyway.

Rule Number 1 of EVE. If you can’t afford to lose it then don’t undock.


A game that’s so hard you can’t do much…

You need to start raising ticks, NOT nerfing ‘harvesters’ ( like VNI’s & Carriers ). The golden age of PLEX’ing is over.

Content-wise the Abyss etc looks pretty good. With ticks a bit higher that will mean people can afford to undock in stuff that’s a bit shinier.

The key issue I knew of was Baby-seal clubbing. New players getting trounced by older players. So I agree with the need to shake up the Meta.


Jita 4-4 destroyed by the Triglavians. That’ll get some hoarded wealth back into circulation. No warning, just (((( booommm!!! ))))

Also we need a Goonish Civil War. The battle for Null is already lost otherwise. Too big to fail is too big to fail.


Perma-war knackers people out. So I disagree with the anti-crabbing stuff. Crabbing is fun, with the occasional fight you can afford to spice stuff up.

See what I mean?

And… Rule Number 1 is Rule Number 1, as the UK ( my patch ) develops a Public & Private debt issue after 10 yrs of crap wages. The real world is encroaching, & the game needs to adapt to that.

We clearly don’t engage in the same gameplay. I hardly ever grinded in this game no matter what I did. It’s up to everyones own choice how they play EVE and if you think you have to do stuff that is completely unbearable solo don’t blame the game for it, there are clearly other options.

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