How to increase eve player count

I just realized that the easiest way to increase Eve’s player count is to force everyone to have alts.
That would save a hell of lot of time wasted on trying to figure out why new people bail out.
The first patch would instantly double the population.
And it could be the first of many!

Make it a one time purchase , then F2P.

They need to make the gameplay fun enough for people to play it.
I understand some people have it difficult financially but making any game free to play does not solve everything and creates problems on it own. Imagine the amount of multiboxed clients… I would like the idea as it would save me hundreds of dollars per year. Which CCP doesn’t get anymore then, how do you wish to replace that income?

Companies like Wargaming , Sandbox Interractive, etc. they are still doing very well with F2P model .
CCP could do the same , but it’s capitalist greed taken to the extreme . CCP instead choose to go on a monetization campaign to squeeze every last penny out of it’s customers on a global pandemic and economical crysis . This tells me so much about the rotten persons who run this company.


Are you seriously suggesting that Wargaming is less reprehensible than CCP in regards of monetisation?

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While they do have premium vehicles , gold ammo and all sorts of that stuff , you don’t need any of that to be competitive and it’s 100% free to play !

But in the CCP world:

New player enters the game , gets bombarded with expert systems , buys one , just so he can try a ship temporally . After x days, guess what ?! Can’t use it anymore , has to get omega and wait x months or pay more and buy injectors .
New player uninstalls .
And you people ask yourselves why CCP is having problems with player retention …
Seriously ?


Remove skill points, move to a subscription only model & monetise accounts ( still keep alphas ) but all omega accounts have a $10 fee pcm.

Why is CCP so happy to gimp new players behind great Wall style skill point restrictions?

The only new players who will stick it out are real money whales who will achieve nothing more than being an average f1 monkey.

Breeding f1 monkeys is returning good profit for CCP so expect no change soon. Monetising n+1 is the name of the game, CCP is now a one trick pony.

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Of course it makes a difference. QB has two accounts, one premium and one pure f2p. His overall winrate, enjoyment through QoL advantages less restrictive money issues is very different for both accounts.

Premium vehicles, both in wot as wows, that vastly outperform tier ships. Premium ships that are massively overpowered at launch so everyone wants them, and several months later they get nerfed a bit as new premiums are for sale.

Battle pass on top of premium which gives you overpowered modules to use for your tank. Flags and ship skins in wows that give mad bonuses, all kinds of boosters in wot. Crew training speed is very much affected by how much you spend.

Convertable xp for gold.

And let’s forget the “random” containers which every year give you a super low chance of getting one of those fabled vehicles, like the is-3 II. Only costs you a few 100 euros.

Wargaming is a ■■■■ show when it comes to monetisation.

You are wrong . There are no tier X premium ships to buy in World of Warships . The only tier X premium ships are the ones that are for coal or steel (resources that you don’t get with money , but you get by your performance in the game and everyone has access to them) .
Tier X is what everyone aims for , it’s like end game titan in Eve . The highest premium tier that you can buy with cash is tier VIII , which is vastly inferior compared to a non-premium tier IX or X .
Any new player can download , install and play for free to grind a tier X without paying not a single cent.
The most OP ships are the ones you get with coal and steel atm in the game , and as i said those resources you get by playing games , both in random battle mode or ranked / clan battles.
Unlike Eve you have the option to not pay and play for free while also enjoying the game to its full potential, not like alpha state in Eve.

Wait so all of wargaming’s reprehensible ■■■■ is forgiven, because eve is (realistically) a subscription based mmo?

You’re off your rocker.

How much cash must one invest in Eve to fly a titan ?
A lot of cash .

How much cash must one invest in World of Warships to get a tier X ship (the equivalent of a titan in Eve) and play for free ?

Notice the difference ? There’s nothing left to say . While it’s true that WG has also its monetization schemes , unlike Eve , none of those are compulsory in order for you to be able to play and enjoy the game.

Nah. 1 golem was refunded it was lost due to server problems. The first was because I thought I could solo that pesky drifter and had a slightly wrong fit. The tengu for caught in a gate camp that I wasn’t expecting. Any other things you want to try to talk ■■■■ about?

Or you buy PLEX with ISK you’ve gained while ratting in null in an alpha fit ship until you can afford to upscale. A bit more tedious to do now with all the rebalancing but still possible to not pay with cash.

[sarcasm]You’ve convinced me. CCP should abandon the Alpha clone concept.[/sarcasm]

CCPs issues are vast, deep and thorny at the edges - but this ain’t that.

How to increase eve player count

Step One: Make Babies
Step Two: Raise infants to 4-5 years old.
Step Three: Teach the kids how to mine.
Step Four: Assign mining quotas as a chore.
Step Five: Profit from mining, and you have increased the player count.

(if older, maybe one could also teach the tykes how to tackle and later scout)





Step Sixty Six: Lose your EvE empire to AWOXing by your own children. You have taught them well.

–Gadget Predicts


How to increase player count?
Make the game fun again. Right now it’s nothing but a mundane chore, a huge pain in the a-
I’m sure potential players expect to have fun when they start the game. Is there anyone who started a game thinking “this will not be fun but I’ll play anyway” ?
As long as CCP doesn’t want to make EVE fun it will continue to lose existing players and miss out on new players.
There is such a thing as “difficult but fun”. EVE can be difficult but it’s not the game, it’s all the nerf and force-play that CCP imposes on the players and that’s not fun at all, as evidenced by the daily loss of players.
EVE needs to go back to its roots and CCP need to analyze what made players stay back then.


Define FUN.

That is a colossal amount of work and no player will enjoy and accept that , he will quit long before achieving that goal . It will be like a signed contract for a second job on a few years determined period.


-something that provides mirth or amusement:
A picnic would be fun.

verb. (used with or without object)
funned, fun·ning,
Informal. joke; kid.

adjective, fun·ner, fun·nest.

Informal. of or relating to fun, especially to social fun:a fun thing to do; really a fun person; the funnest game.

Informal. whimsical; flamboyant:The fashions this year are definitely on the fun side.

Merriment, pleasure,gaiety

I have a feeling that if she ever sees this post, things are going to be pretty lively around your place.

At least until you finish picking up all your crap from the street where she threw it and head over to your friends place to couch surf for a month.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: