How to play this game when i cant earn ISK?

You don’t know about cloaking devices ? And a few ship hulls that are invisible on dscan ? Now you do and you can adapt.

Keep a close eye on local (separate the channel from the stack, make it narrow with only names showing), and assume anyone else in nullsec to come after you. And if you ever go inside a wormhole, assume you’ve been seen by at least one cloaky. The rest is up to you on how to handle it, that’s part of the game.


Clearly not, had you actually watched a few YT guides on exploration you could and would have known about the concept of cloaking. Had you watched any guides on how to be safe in null and/or while doing exploration you would have learned about cloaking attackers, Astero and other stuff. Had you asked for help in the Help or Rookie channel people would have told you as well.

So the fact that you didn’t know is proof that you didn’t “try to find information”.

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Once again, OP was using a cloaking device on the Heron. Not just that, but the T2 version. This means that when the OP was putting together the ship, they browsed cloaking devices and chose that specific one. And this means that the OP compared the modules, and probably wanted to get the Covert Ops Cloaking Device II based on its awesome stats but couldn’t, because they read through the item information window. And that means the OP saw this:

Or, alternatively, the OP just pulled the fit from the web without doing any research.

Either way, the game/community are not at fault.


I missed that so it’s actually worse.

If you’re going into low or null sec then I’d say stay away until you know the game. You’re playing the game at a level you’re not ready for yet. I’d suggest joining a decent corporation if you’re going to play at that level so soon.


Yes, it is quite easy to tell stuff.
Another thing is to know how to READ.

I did not say that I did not know about cloaking, clearly I use it.

What you were reading half awaken is that guy told me that person that killed my ship used cloaking device that is able to cloak ship in warp- which is impossible for what I am using.

Is it clear now?
Read better.

Read my response to him.

Do you have any suggestions for corp?
I saw tens and hundereds of them- how to know what is what?
I know how to find one, but lack any pointers how to know are they good or not?

Also, ignore these people talking about me not knowing what cloak is, they just did not read my post how I wrote it.

Join Eve Uni. They run classes, have sites and have a channel where they will answer any questions you have including other vets who help.

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Cry more. Learn how to Google next time kthx.

Its almost like Google exists. Huh.

Its almost like there are a ton of expo guides out there that warn of cloaky ships in WH. Huh.

Or maybe spend 5 mins googling. I dunno.

Or um you just suck bro. There are a plethora of guides out there. Death is a friend who always finds you, and when He does, its your fault.

Yes generally getting higher skills help you in game. This is true for all games ROFL.

I heard Poinen has good belts. You should mine there bro. I heard you can even mine AFK all day and not have to worry.

Cause we don’t suck bro.

Where is this figure coming from? The loot you got? Ships and fitting? What are you expoing in LOL.

Obv not. He threw money and def lost.

Bro, you can find all this info on Google.

Yea. He’s using a better ship than yours. His is faction, yours is T1. I hope the drones munched your frozen corpse :smiley:

Nah bro, you were misleading peeps and got exposed.

So much butt hurt in you, are you OK?

There are many ways to earn isk, some are grindy, others are slow and calming. The trick in the game is 2-fold.

  1. find something that you enjoy doing and see if it makes isk
  2. come to terms with the idea that isk is not the be all and end all of the game



Bro you literally made a thread of salt :smiley:

I mean are you ok after not catching the probes on D scan and then getting wtfpwned by an astero :smiley:
It seems not ROFL. Wait till you meet his bigger brother :smiley:

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You need to learn how to read friend.
Also, I am bored by you. Have a nice day.

Says the guy who sobbed out all “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW??! *sob sob” and complains about “going to school to play a game”. Maybe you might not want to be so quick to tell others about reading.

Err… pick one, maybe? Those seem mutually exclusive. Or did you sub and let your toon accumulate SP into just-anything? :worried:

Forget about the Magic 14: they’re “the skills that give you bonuses whatever the hull you fly”, not “the skills that give you bonuses whatever the task you’re at”, so those bonuses might be less than useful for some activities… especially so if you’re trying to go indy, since most of it is not done flying around.

Actually, industry is more appropriately done through a lot of alt-tabbing to a browser (EveU wiki, EVE Marketer, Fuzzworks, etc.) — or not even launching the game client at all — and I wouldn’t expect to get any profit from it within the first 3 months at least, due to the specific skills needed (reprocessing, PI, science stuff…) and, most notably, the sheer amount of research / reading / spreadsheet’ing to gobble down before getting the gist of industry and trade. I still have to try out the Isk Per Hour Industry Program before I can positively advise for it, but it looks interesting.

I’m not even touching on the cost-of-entry, here: BPOs are damn costly¹ and ME/TE research takes forever when you’re only starting. Fortunately, there are other ways into the whole thing. One might be to pick T1 BPCs from contracts and try and turn them into T2 BPCs: that doesn’t take loads of materials, and the ROI should get rather consistent pretty early on, if there’s demand for your output… In the same vein, it’s neither too hard nor too costly to get into PI and just spit out a few planetary mats to the market; with almost every other BP requiring PI stuff these days, it might have become an actual entry path to industry.

In any case, the game and its systems have been around for quite some time, people playing it have had time to figure out where to draw margins from, and since the market is, as most thing in EVE, driven towards competition, those margin spaces are usually drawn rather thin and hard to get one-self into.

That’s the first thing that came to mind while reading your first post: anything is more easily done — esp. learning the ropes — more profitable, and more fun, when you can do it with other like-minded people.

Not to dwell too long on that, but you might have missed the “If” that started the sentence you quoted, which didn’t seem that rude to me; I felt it responded to your saying you didn’t like the “need to swap out of the game in order to play the game”.

(1) BPOs are costly just one example here of how the game might slap back at you if you’re not extra-careful: if you want to buy a BPO, always check the sell orders “expires in” column. If they’re all below 90 days, then that BPO is not seeded in that region. Check the BPO for GSCs, here in Sinq Laison, there for the whole cluster (I’m surprised people don’t actually try that same trick in Jita :thinking:) That connects to @Destiny_Corrupted 's comment:

It’s again that same story you’re telling us here:

And well, my answer won’t please you a lot but I’d say: the easiest opportunity to learn about a trap is the first time you fall into it :man_shrugging: That or, as was said before, play with people who will give you a hint before you fall into it.

Regarding your attempt at selling stuff, being undermined every time you tried to undermine every one else… I’d say that the strategy is at fault here. Check the price history for the stuff you want to sell, and do not, do not ever, sell cheap. I had that kind of “angry moments”, during my time playing WoW, for the very same reasons, till the day I started considering other sellers more as friends than as foes. Since then, I’ve always priced stuff above the lowest price, usually leaving a dozen other sell orders below mine. Sure, it takes more time for my stuff to be bought, but it’s far less hassle, more isk, and also more pleasurable :wink:

I’ll take a real life example: I found one of those in an 3/10 escalation, on 23 august. I looked at the volumes and average prices, both whole-cluster and in Sinq Laison (cause I’m fine with Dodixie / don’t care enough for Jita), and it looked like that:

  • SL: 8 to 20 / day, ~30m apiece;
  • whole cluster: more than 100 items traded every day, ~35-37m apiece.

There wasn’t too many sell orders in SL, something akin to what’s available at the moment, but the item average price shows a steady “week-end breathing” (the waveing of the 5d average blue line, around the longer-term orange line), so I saw no reason to forego the difference between the sell orders and the universe-wide expected average: I placed my item at 35m isk. It means that, in that 30-35m gap, there were some 10 other-exact-same-item that would have to be bought, plus all the other that would be placed in that price gap in the meantime, before mine would even be considered. At a cost of 2.8m broker fees. For something that sells only 10 copies a day + is not too hard for others to come by… Sounds a bit bold, yup.

Then I forgot about my sell order. I was just a little annoyed when I looted another one on 17 september, since my first one was still on the market. The bottom selling price was higher than the month before but not much had changed (that I could see… actually I had not cared to look at it). After some hesitation, I put the second at 36m, cause I really don’t like to modify my sell orders (costs isk, would eat up my time…) and I won’t try to undermine myself. Even if that seems like doubling up on an apparently-not-so-effective strategy and the broker fees.

And then I forgot about it all, again. Until two weeks ago: one night, some one (same person) had bought the two items. I’ll agree that it’s not quick, but I really enjoyed the “woot’s all that isk come from?!!” moment at the log in screen :grin:

All that to say: when I sell stuff, I work with other sellers. If they make more isk, I’ll make more isk too. Or, in other words, there are good reasons for real-world legislations against market manipulations! Video games are a nice way to learn about / toy with such bad ideas.

The first such sign we’re handed when joining this particular game is usually that one. But ultimately, this is a video game, and only that: we use pixel thingies to throw pixel stuff at other pixel thingies. That, in itself, offers very little in return for the time and money we put into it. It’s somewhat fundamental to the fact that it’s “only” a game. For us, at least; sure, for CCP, there’s business involved… However, I really wouldn’t go as far as saying that “they make millions” — well this can give a vague idea, but that’s before expenses… I don’t even want to start dissecting that kind of thing (might be against ToS, too). So, since this is only a game, we have to find “some reason” to adhere to it. For some it will be a notion of enjoyment, for others there has to be a more tangible sense of reward… But the fact remains: if one doesn’t find any such “some reason”, then one would should turn to other activities.

However, when I read your posts, I indeed read some feeling of outrage, but I see a glint of defiance & challenge too: you’re not happy with some of the stuff the sand box throws at you, and you want to kick back at it. So I’d say: welcome of the party of us, trying to kick it in the box, only managing to kick it in the sand, and still asking for more :wink:

4 of the usual approaches to “helping” people:

  1. well intended advice (parental guidance)
  2. reactive forum tralala
    giphy (55)
  3. bad corp vs. good corp
  4. the (over)confident Mentor

OP indicated that approach #3 is probably of most use to him - which is right most of the time. He has the necessary stubbornness to retry, he has some knowledge of the extent of the risks in Eve, but needs to increase his risk mitigation - and needs to learn to think like the hunter, not only as the hunted. That’s when he’ll start making more isk and losing less of it. Throw the man an invite.


You forgot the fifth approach, but that’s the one they don’t teach you about in school:


It’s the…

“You told/gave him what!?
“Now hold on a second, let’s just see where this goes…”



Lol, the Noisy Cricket, aka “are you ***tting me” ? It’s a powerful tool in approach #4, where the Mentor tests the mindset of… never mind.

To which we can add #6: “Don’t touch that thing”
“Didn’t I tell you not to touch it ?”