If they give the eris another mid slot, they destroy the balance between the dictors having 6 slots split over mid and low slots… The heretic already got the 8/3/3 layout so the eris gets the 8/2/4 layout, still better than 8/1/5 I guess
What’s the point of testing it out? CCP is going to release it, bugs and all, regardless of if it’s good to go or not.
I tested Stasis Webification Probe in sisi.
This is not “bubble”, but “bomb”.
After launch the probe 3 sec, “explode” and 10km web effect.
If hit hostile the bomb, 30 sec keep webbing 30% web effect.
Only you can web hostile when “explode” the probe. Not remain web field like “bubble”.
It is just a bomb.
3 sec delay after launch, 30% web effect, only 10km range, not remain web field.
I think it is hard to use.
damage application increases for everybody, now it’s a question of who’s got the better tank.
I see what you did there
So it’s a womb (web bomb). Or maybe a womble (web bomb bubble).
I like both of those more than wubble (web bubble).
they forgot to mention more ui fuckup.
Web bubble has the effect of penalising a slower fleet more than a faster fleet, because it’s much easier to land them on a slower fleet than a faster fleet. This has a number of consequences:
- AB fleets are made weaker vs MWD fleets, at a time where they already have a surfeit of disadvantages: they already have relatively poor range dictation, and tend to rely much more heavily on speed and signature mitigation factors for survival, and now they can be straightforwardly slowed by 30% as they lack sufficient speed to escape such a bubble if reasonably well deployed, and certainly not without requiring a drastic manoeuvre pattern that necessitates going to minimal transversal.
- There will now be a critical speed which, once reached by a doctrine, allows you to be functionally immune to web bubbles, and this critical speed can be cut further if your anchor is on the ball.
So, in a meta that has long favoured mobility advantage over projection advantage in most (if not all) fleet contexts, the scale has been further tipped.
Were this a scram bubble, or a scram burst of perhaps shorter duration than the current web burst, it would serve as an opportunity-cost balancing factor for the choice of MWD vs AB, something sorely needed in the current PVP ecosystem.
Yes i agree your opinion
This web bubble is too hard to aim skirmish fleet, it is only for slow fleet.
More advantage such as Munin fleet.
I think need change remain web field few minutes like Warp Disrupt Probe or some other improve.
Will different probes stack?
If yes 3 stacked probes will slow ships by 57%
I suggest nerf there strength to 20% (40% stacked)
It’s already been answered that they don’t stack and will just refresh the duration of the debuff. Also, lmao, suggesting nerfs already.
You know what could be interesting? Now that Combat Ceptors get these massive overheat bonuses, they should be allowed in Frigate Escape bays. That way you could be useful in them on the battlefield.
Good to see combat inty’s getting something. Although 100% heat bonus is nice, in practicality you only get a few cycles off before you have to unheat or burn the prop. I’d rather them have a 50% web and grappler resistance or something. Another thought was to give their MWD immunity from scrams, but that may be too disruptive.
Would have tried the web probe, but they weren’t seeded in my corner of lowsex. Maybe just me though.
You of all people should know, “reading is hard”
Apologies in advance if somebody already asked this question, but I think CCP should clearly state it in the thread description whether or not an interdictor can fit (2) interdiction sphere launchers or will there be a separate module for web probes, and in case they’re different can they both be fit at the same time? Will there be enough room to fit other standard things like tank and guns etc., thank you.
Also, these changes still don’t allow interdictors to fit Combat Probe Launchers without seriously gimping the fit. Wouldn’t it make sense that interdictors could in fact fit a combat probe launcher? Can you address this in your update please? Thank you.
I thought it was a joke.
After several tests at Sissi, my opinion is:
It’s a great idea, but It won’t be worth it.
You need two interdictors working together.
AOE Range of 10km is little. If an enemy jumped the gate and if you are at 0km to the gate and the other dictator released a disruptive warp bubble, you will be more than 10km from the enemy. If he tries to get the gate back, it may be that his bubble has no practical effect, as he will already have a little acceleration and 30% is also little compared to the smallest webifier (Civilian Stasis Webifier: 35%) …
I think that if the AOE Range is increased to 15km and 50% it would be better and it would be worth justifying two dictors. It could decrease the effect time to 20s.
Staying as it is, better have instalock tackle than a other dictor.
Another alternative would be a mixed probe, if the warp disruptor time remains, as it is today, + webifier (10km, 30%, 30s or 20s) …