More fantasy and delusion, as usual from Destiny. Facts are so easy to come by when you can make them up on the spot!
Please do let us know how you’ve managed to obtain ‘private’ moons. Other PvPers seem to have found that moon mining was an excellent source of content:
Also fill us in on how people are getting to and from Abyssal pockets without being PvP targets, especially since the traces are scannable.
And do update us on the mechanics of how having a null-sec pocket to farm isn’t open to PvP, or how it’s different than Null has ever been. Since it’s the ‘tearful masses’ who got it added, apparently.
I won’t even bother correcting you that wardecs still exist in high sec, and wormholes could always be fortified with player owned bases. Which were more defensible than citadels, in some ways.
For the early years, there was some fighting and PvP in the game because the mechanics hadn’t all been worked out to the last decimal, people didn’t have other and better games to turn to, everyone wasn’t glued to their smartphone 4 hours a day, etc.
You keep talking about the ‘new generation’ of players who will avoid PvP at any cost. I suppose you mean those hundreds of millions of players out there doing shooters, MOBAs, battle royales, survival games etc. And the fact that nearly all the people who played EVE 15 years ago are still out there playing combat games. They just dumped EVE because it’s not really a combat game anymore. It’s barely even PvP. It’s just ganking and ambushes.
That’s nothing to do with the pleas of the tearful masses. That’s just CCPs sucky game design coming home to roost after players gave them a decade to deliver the game they promised and they continually failed.
When folks stop whining about how CCP and the casuals “took PvP away” and start focusing on ways to add interesting and worthwhile PvP back into the game, maybe CCP will finally wake up and do something about it.