I regret to inform that we still don't die enough

You really haven’t grasped a thing I’ve said…either that or you are just evading it.

I am not objecting to ganking per se. What I am objecting to is the wildebeast having to just apathetically stand around and be munched…without any dynamic for the sort of Dirty Harry style 'make my day, ganker ! ’ comeback that would constitute REAL PVP…actual combat…rather than 7 seconds of 15 Catalyst vs 1 Venture and a Concord intervention whilst the wildebeast carry on munching.

Fit your procurer for combat. It’s a thing.

You won’t mine much but you will give a ganker a nasty surprise.

Or as I keep saying mine in places where gankers don’t venture out.

See choice.

No…as Kezrai pointed out above, for the gankers there aren’t. They can safely wander about highsec in cheap ships under the protection of the police, and their sole ‘consequence’ is losing a cheap ship they’d already planned to lose, and a meaningless ‘kill right’. There’s no sense in which any Dirty Harry is gonna show up and proclaim ’ make my day, ganker !'. ALL of the consequence is on the thieved, and none on the ganker. Some are simply suggesting this needs re-balancing.

I still dont understand why ganking would lead to unhappy producers.

Here is where I have to stop you… right there.

I know you express it as an open reference thus not directed to a particular individual… or I want to see it that way.

This “enjoy it or leave” is way too subjective for setting the thermostat on a discussion.
People use it as a catch phase in many forms and here is my take:

I am trying my best to have a decent thread. It’s going well so far and want to keep it that way. This “the way or highway” is not helping. I don’t like some stuff as many others here and I’ve been on the highway. On my name and the others that are too, taking it seriously, please appreciate it.

I don’t care much about consequences for gankers. I specifically gave examples relating to me.

I like the risk of losing cargo. I like the risk of an op in an expensive ship.

Players that continue to play eve like that as well. It’s a big reason people play.

I get a huge sense of achievement as a result.

Ganking could be interpreted as low risk. But ultimately It would be low reward if players didn’t serve themselves up on a platter.

Could it be in part… because you can? --afford it?–
You risk a percentage glorified as a big deal or are you truly backpacking your EVE’s life through Ahbazon?

Don’t answer, just think about others.

The concept of joy is subjective. Too much to point at the door.

So if I don’t enjoy a game. I should keep playing it making myself unhappy and then take to the forum to spread that unhappiness As far and wide as possible.

With this particular poster the reasons and benefits for ganking have been explained. Advice has been given by countless other forum members. Which frankly would make many of the issues just go away……. But that advice is being dismissed out of hand because you know…. Better if the poster is just invincible and pvp should be by invitation only.

Where else is there to go? Lol

I understand the way you see it and don’t deny it’s validity.
Now, just please, don’t point at the door. I want to know how they think EVE can improve. I don’t have to agree.

I’m not exactly a veteran here. I was a noob a year ago. I lost ships.

Lost half of what owned making a mistake on moving day.

This was also when high sec rats could be trigs and practically one shot you in belts in addition to gankers.

I didn’t moan on the forum. Or refuse advice. Or tell people that were trying to help that they were “wrong” lol

Sure I understand the cat and mouse of mining, and there is a sense of ‘achievement’ in making it to the port of sale with a sort of ’ didn’t get me this time’. I don’t think anyone’s arguing for that to be eliminated. Mining is already pretty boring, and the threat spices it up a bit.

But having faced that cat and mouse…it would be good if one could change ship, undock, and make the ganker the hunted. That’s all I’m asking for…a dynamic that allows the table to be turned in a cost effective manner. That would spice things up even more !

I’m not pointing at the door. I’m asking a legitimate question.

The person is still playing. Why? Given it seems to be so triggering for them.

See? I had no idea and at the same time never even thought about your experience, yet I hear you.
The poster you may be referring too and I have had it before and we tacitly agreed on neutral ground based on respect that I had to farm. It does not mean I have to agree on his scope of joy, or yours to think I can voucher his permanence in EVE. There are other ways to make a point.

Nothing in game is stopping you doing that though. This is the issue I have

What is stopping you turning the tables? You can dock up reship. You could cash in on your kill right. You could join the anti-gankers.

You can even get in a cheap ship and use the same mechanics against them.

Everything you are asking for can be done in game. It’s just more effort and less convenient than you want it to be. Yet you continually present it as being impossible

Sure…and I’ll relish the role of Dirty Harry. Now if the Concord authorities would just stop taking my gun away for zapping the baddies…:slight_smile:

Why? Gankers deal with it.

When concord zaps them it’s “gankers are lazy and there are no consequences to their game play style”.

But you can’t fight back because……. “I don’t want to deal with the consequence of concord”.

See yet again……… choice.

Just because it’s effort and comes with consequences you don’t like it doesn’t mean it isn’t their for you as a choice.


We truly need another force, a faster one, and not so overpowered.

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It would be far better if players were empowered to provide that response service.


I said force… never undersigned it.

Could be, yes. I like it but since it was Gix who twisted me to it, I hesitantly raise a brow. The smirk is free.

No doubt. Fully in support of that if the mechanic cannot be exploited by gankers themselves.