From a solo player who likes Chess and other strategy games, PVP in Eve is too exploitive for my taste.
I original thought the Duel option was a cool idea if done fairly, but quickly set it to Auto Reject when the first day it was live exploiters were spamming me with it from ships they obviously would win in.
Other PVP options all end up being who can exploit whom for the win. Looking up kill board stats it’s difficult to find solo one V one kills. Most are piles of guys in camps waiting for the next smart bomb or instalock set up for a venture kill or shuttle explosion (two of my recent low sec loses).
Now it’s sort of fun to roam avoiding other players in LS and Null, but until CPP comes up with a one v one dungeon that somehow levels the playing field, I’ll never lose a ship in a consensual PVP event.
You realize that they’ve added arenas to the game, right? Completely “even” and “fair” matches, just like you desire. Enjoy dropping money on static, generic, unfulfilling PvP content that devolves into everyone using the same optimal meta builds, and letting random chance weapon damage rolls decide victory (unless it happens that you get matched up with someone who doesn’t have any idea what they’re doing, or are such a player yourself).
Yes, once you leave your garage, there is a chance you can get into an accident. Once you undock, you consent to PvP. Again, your feelings don’t matter. This is fact.
Good thing this is a vidya game
Yes in game. In a vidya game.
Then why even play bro I’m having fun. I feel like if you’re having fun playing EVE, you are in a minority. Wild that peeps pay for a game to not have fun.
I just know you sat in bank protection and talked smack to the reds outside of Yew Abbey LOL.
Uh. Have you ever tried to do that? Its pretty hard.
Preach. I dropped in 25km on a proc in low in my ish pretending to be a krabber and he warped faster then Space Jebus. I mean how? All these peeps saying that it is impossible to get away
Bro we literally playing a space vidya game. Why would be talking about historic Greek legend?
Nope, all PvP. Thankee for coming to my EVE talk.
It doesn’t actually.
There is no distinction
How do you know he wasn’t doing it?
Or don’t respond cause they keep shredding your narrative and so you call them troll
wow, that’s a full and fairly complicated operation - thank you very much for describing this in detail. I might use this knowledge in the future - for now I will make sure to fly smaller ships
The street fight is when both sides are fighting - a little bit comparable to your campaigns in highsec when you are loosing a ship after ship but keep coming back - because a good brawl is more fun, more adrenaline, and more rewarding
In Eve, it fundamentally does. By downloading and logging into eve, you are subject to PVP. It’s been that way since the day it launched. How is this still debatable?
War decks were changed to require a structure in the years I have been playing.
It’s not, its simply a comment on the fact you’re judging my in game abilities on a single line of text. Maybe if you actually faced me in game you would have a different opinion. You might still decide I’m terrible, but at least it would be based on evidence.
I’m playing a spaceship video game, which is specifically designed so gankers can hunt miners. The greedy miners are rewarded with sufficient isk, such that they continue to undock and die for my personal pleasure and benefit.
New Eden is a private island, where I hunt miners. That’s canon.