I want to love this game, but


Lol “survived” … and with such hardship … lmao

And well if you can’t read through the lines and nuances of what this thread is about, then I guess theres nothing more to say for you ?


I totally agree with you, OP. These players are disonorbru, cowardly, risk-averse. You should find their spaceships in space and [expletived deleted] annihilate them. Get their capsule, too, if you can.

A “fun and productive” fight in Eve is only for the guy who wins.

You win by being slightly more clever than the guy you’re fighting.
Remove “choice” as an option for engagement, you’ll get your fun fights (and probably lose a lot too which can be productive)
Assess situation, strike first, win or lose give a GF in local, learn from your mistakes.

Hint; The breacher is known as a capable T1 pvp frigate - If you’re going to “Ask” for fights try to find a ship and fitting that is not so well known and might encourage others to engage you.

What else do you expect? You came here with a complaint, how others deny you fun. Not necessarily the best starting point. If you need a mentor, then ask for one in the right spots. Recruitment forum is a good one.


You answered “yes” for three of your four examples.

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Killboards do matter. They tell a story of what your toon has been doing.

If you’ve got a solid green killboard with a lot of blops, I would be foolish to take the fight without brick tank, a cyno, and some friends to bring in with it. If the list of blops is consistently short enough, a purpose-made solo ship might take the fight.

And if you’re inside a plex and like to fly my hard counter, I shouldn’t take the fight because you’ve already got range and all I’d do is stupidly lose the ship if I went in.

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you presuppose that they are here for your fun. They are not your bitches. Maybe pvp is not their thing. Maybe this is the night they just relax and grind. In short, they are not here to entertain you. This being a sand box, they can do their own thing. But since it is a sandbox, you also get to do your own thing - and that means you get to kick over their sandcastles if you can. So stop being a crybaby just because they wont play the game the way you want. Just catch them and kill them.


Come to Black Rise. There are plenty of fights to be had. Of course there are many farmers to be had as well but if you want a fight Vlillrier and Oicx have plenty to offer.

They’re all in combat capable ships, in a pvp centered warzone/game, and so am I.

But yea, how dare I presuppose that they are here for the same thing … ? Or even, how dare I provoke them to a duel or even think of it as a reasonable demand for content ?

How dare I call them out for craven or arrogant bitches publically for their conduct simply reflecting as much ?

And how dare I login to a mostly pvp-centered mmo and expect to give and receive entertainment content for and with other players ?

And also, with what kind of reasonable probability can you assume a 2009 char as “grinding” a plex in an enyo all alone for, when most likely he just runs FW lvl4 missions on his alts for his isk like everyone else ?

“Stop being a crybaby”. You could also stop regurgitating that meme of a response to new players now as well, it’s getting really old.

You are complaining about human nature. People in general don’t want to compete, they want to win. So people who play games do what will let them win. It has always been that way, it’s why people my age learned to hate the name AKUMA in Street fighter II (grrrrr pick antoher character just once you idiot, EVERYONE picks Akuma!) lol.

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Yea well “human nature” needs to grow a pair and pick Ryu. :wink:

Ah this one … if you really want to give entertainment, you would have just entered the plexes. I’m serious here, you need to be willing to risk something. Overheat everything, and go all in. You never know what you will find, maybe the Enyo is AFK or way off the beacon, or a bad pilot, or whatever. This all happens more often than you think. And if you lose (or win) you can chat with your opponent, maybe asking for a rematch, getting some tips, etc.


Remove local


If you have a ‘fair fight’ in Eve, you’ve failed.


lmao, you guys are just the cream of BORING by definition.

I actually really wonder now, what having sex with some of you must be like…

You’d think you were only in the bedroom with one of them, but then 7 more would jump in through the window…


Rofl, instant meme, somebody gif that …



Only thing I got from this was that it’s okay for you to pick your fights and refuse to engage unless you feel comfortable doing so, but not okay for them to do the same.

When you ‘chicken out’ it’s justified with a list of reasons / excuses.

When they do the same it is cowardice.



That double standard irks me too. If I avoid a fight I’m going to lose I’m a coward, when you do it you are “just playing smart”.

It’s like how last week me and 3 other guys killed a guy who came into our space and he complained about being blobbed. He was a member of pandemic horde, a group that once responded to our 12 man cruiser roaming gang with 90 Caracals :grinning: