I want to love this game, but

I got to comment 30 before I became so tired of OP’s self perceived superiority that I’m just coming straight down here, to show I’m as impatient as you are. Also, I expect you to reply to my post. It is mandatory; as I took my valuable time to come in here, i do expect a worthy reply that will justify the precious investment of my time.

You are sitting in a plex with a Breacher, a ship known for its ability to catch and whittle away its opponent and scram kite like a boss. You are mad that people refuse to engage you when conditions are strongly in your favor, while also understanding that most 1v1’s aren’t 1v1’s until they’re over. You cannot control the possibility of 3rd party interference, intended or not. You are so full of presumption that it borders on naivety. A pilot that bested you refuses a rematch, after you know his fit and can counter fit against it? But you’re mad that he moved on. With your loot and dignity. Indeed with the last, because it brought you here to whine about it.

Why don’t you take the initiative and gamble with odds that are against you. You might actually learn how to play and save your self from useless babble, which is the real waste of time.

Or leave. We lose nothing one less personality like that in our space.


In case nobody already said this… Wouldn’t high sec be a better place to invite duels? That’s the point of the duel mechanic, it kind of ensures that it really be a 1v1. In low sec where everybody can shoot everybody, people will assume the duel invite is just bait for getting exploded by a gang. That’s what I’d assume, at least.

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People offering fair duels existed in Dodixie when I started playing, but you need to be careful, neutral logis are a thing. Though it doesn’t make much sense to betray somebody if both are in cheap ships.

Is RvB still a thing?

If it is - get your ‘fair fight’ there.

If not, reform it.

–Fair and Balanced Gadget

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Indeed Eve is all about mindset and attitude.

From the opposite end of the PvP scale, not getting caught is also 2/3 of PvP.

The hunters mindset goes hand in hand with that of the hunted, both can be equally as much fun; I wish more realised it.


i’ve said it time and again but i’ll repeat it here now. NO ONE OWES YOU A FIGHT. you are not entitled to pvp, anymore than a miner or a ratter is entitled to safety.

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Its my understanding that PVP in this game requires no consent, especially in low or null, wh, you just attack, at least that’s what always been the norm, hell in high sec no permission is needed either, one thing about this game that most people learn fast is when someone is offering something that seems legit it’s often a Jack in the box.

Trust is not something in this game.


First of all: You are doing it wrong,… you might not want to admit that, but thats how it is.

Now that we have that out of the way, we can get down to the educational freebie :).

Step one: Identify the worst or second worst ship in your prefered shipclass according to the current Meta.
Example: -Rifter before the last rebalance- (which btw had the benefit of not actually beeing bad, but everybody thought so anyways) This way everyone his brother and his dog will engage you without giving it a second thought.

Step two: Now you work out all the ways to build a supertight Killerfit that has the widest engagement range possible, and assign a rough estimate of your Odds to win specific encounters/matchups. (This can be done by experience and loosing lots of hulls). In the End you will come up with a list of Matchups that goes somewhat like this: engage/50%/50%/GTFO)

Example 1: Your MWD/Buffer/Scram/Autocannon Rifter vs. Kiting Slicer Fancypants = You win everytime (except for the odd all 5 weird fit guy :slight_smile: ).
Example 2: Your Rifter against a DD or Dram or Succ that have all fallen aslep = You loose everytime :frowning:
And so forth…#

The point off all this is to let the other guys engage you with the wrong perception of the situation and then roflstomp them and warp off before their blob arrives.

Letting the PVP come to you, instead of wasting your life trying to get PVP from someone is the way to go !

Keep in mind that the other guys will adapt quickly (btw: You will soon notice the guys who start their first adjustments only after their 5th or 6th unsuccessfull try, you wanna keep those entertained so that they visit you often :slight_smile: ).

And so forth…

If you do all those things you can squeeze 6 months of solid gameplay out of the experience and get a handle on things… before you try what we all did, shipping up to cruiser level in low sec, and quickly afterwards returning to highsec or even worse 0.0 :).

Speaking of 0.0… you want to ALWAYS engage the casual 0.0 Guy who drops by low sec in his blaster fit Comet or his Garmur at all cost and with extreme immediacy (before some other low sec regular gets him before you do :)). They ship you are in at this point in time doesnt really matter; chances are you are going to win anyways :slight_smile:


Wow, that’s the first and actually very helpful and constructive reply in this thread, and it only took nearly 60+ responses to get there …

Was I not entitled to that at least, despite my petulant nooblet annoyance ?

Also, did I forget to mention anything about the community at large in my OP ?

Oh, no I didn’t … :joy:

Anyway, thanks, @Localized_Superiority

(Edit: Antagonizing Profanities)

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They removed the death penalty on pods on the basis that “high SP players couldn’t go and pvp” and there would be a rush of people ready to pvp in frigates once removed. Never happened, people are still as bitchmade as ever. They should reinstate the death penalty now this has been exposed for the BS excuse it always was.

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So this whole thread is about the OP crying because nobody will play the way he thinks they should play, or let him dictate terms?

Have I got that right?


Yes, you have.

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I want to see OP’s reaction when someone duels him and drops a suicide cat on his ass, while tackled. the rage would be hilarious.


Only one constructive post so far has helped me switch my views more, see above.

And so, are we going to have to go through another 60+ utterly useless “you cry, and I flame, cuz I can.” sort of replies until we eventually see a second one ?

Judging the community’s track record, sure looks that way.

If youve already switched your views, what else are you waiting for?

“has helped me switch my views more”

Meaning: Still in the process of aquiring and receiving helpful info…

Where did you read: “totally switched my views” ?

As far as the community goes, my view hasnt totally changed so far.

So you had already switched your view before that post, and it confirmed it, gotcha.

So what is it you are waiting for? Have you tested your new plans yet?

Waiting nothing at in particular, I just go where this community takes it. So you can either choose to continue being a smart aleck and prove my OP right, or, post something complementary to that other guys post, or nothing at all, up to you really.

And ftr, I plan on testing it yea, just as soon as I get more free time since I’ll be needing 2hrs at most to get it properly set.

Oh the statement in your OP regarding people in general is accurate. Theres just no need to display it yourself if you want practical advice.

Im just wondering how long you are going to keep asking other people to tell you how to play the game before you do it yourself. And youve told me so thats that.

Considering the tone and language used in your OP you deserve all the negative comments you get.

Up to now they’ve been strangely mild for some reason, maybe there’s a little christmas cheer still lingering.