And Good will win, because CODE. always wins!


Excuse me a second but to be utterly blunt CODE are an awful target for most PvP players unless they are masochistic. Most of the ships they fly are worth nothing and they will spend a lot of time just chasing catalysts and bombers. It would be tediously boring.

That being said taking out their Citadels would be something that people should be doing. I have said that seeing the CODE Fortizar in Niarja blown to bits is an objective for me and trying to get people willing to do this is rather difficult. The issue is getting people with the attitude to want to try for it. And with hisec wars being as it is the only way would be to get a load of dedicated characters into a single alliance to do this objective, and this makes it doubly difficult in hisec.

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Syeed Ameer Ali

Or perhaps you are under the illusion that it is possible to totally supress a video game guild through gameplay until it disbands and permanantly ceases to exist. This is just a fantasy.

Wait! That last part. Look up U.S.A.T.O

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Youve never asked me.

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Haha yeah, I remember U.S.A.T.O - I was there in that wormhole with you, Bing, in another life, before this toon was born. Ah memories…

I guess it is possible to destroy a corporation if there’s only 1 person keeping it going. Something like the New Order (or really any group worth joining) is different because when one of us gets permabanned, or quits or something, a dozen others are ready to carry the torch.

Which peaceful activity?

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I see, a true white knight! A glorious hero with shining armor ready to strike and safe the princess filthy miner. To protect peace you must declare war on CODE.!!! The hero we need is finally here!!

Can’t wait…

Although I fear this is just another someone™ do something™ situation.

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Miner please! Stop with your lies. How many defenseless Guristas refugees and so-called ‘blood pirates’ have been victimized by the endless aggression of the miners, who don’t even bother to ask if someone is living on the asteroid before blasting it to smithereens. How many non-capsuleers have died because they no longer have access to fresh water because some bot fleet came and sucked all the ice out of the star system?

Enough is enough! Miners must obtain permits and support a regulatory agency which serves to protect the interests of everyone who lives in the high security zone!

CODE ‘kills’ capsuleers who regenerate in their clone bay, whereas the miners slaughter hapless NPCs who have but one life to live. Remember, when an NPC pilot dies, he is dead FOREVER. CODE thus seeks to defend those who cannot defend themselves.


You truly are the People’s Princess


Here’s an interesting question then… there are now NPC miners in High Sec. I have looked at them. None of them have mining permits. So does that mean CODE needs to destroy them too? They are all technically bots. :wink:

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Nah they are normies.

Their short existence is punishment enough.

I’m building an alliance of top anti gankers. Send me 1bn isk in game to find out more.


They actually do have permits. Non-capsuleers obtain a physical permit which they must display when undocking at the station. James supports their effort in the hope that eventually all mining can be done by the NPCs, so that capsuleers are free to do other things.


I know they named a hospital after you.

I wish I cared about normies as much as you.

You set a wonderful example for all <3

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This is almost impossible and useless waste of time for two reasons.

  1. CODE ganks people who PvE because they are trash at real PvP. And those PvE people do not want to PvP back. If CODE weren’t garbage at the game, they would be in either low or null.

  2. Destroying the citadel is a waste of time. They will just put down a new one. Who wants to structure bash for hours for no gain? You don’t even get any loot.

Defeating Code. requires more active miners… More than any of them can handle. Put players on belts, the time it will consume will be the goal.

Though that alliance is lazy of late, perhaps defeated already.

First off, we ARE in both low and null - surprise! Regardless, are you arguing it is EASIER to kill something protected by CONCORD?


I mean seriously, everyone knows that highsec PvP is the elite-PvP of EVE. Null and low are for new players who want to learn the basics under easy conditions.


Terrible human beings like YOU make me wonder every now and then whether I’m doing the right thing by shooting them, when maybe I should be shooting terrible human beings like YOU instead (EDIT: in game :stuck_out_tongue:)… or at the very least not interfere with them doing so…


Thats exactly why Im on the side Im usually on too.

Theres no need for that kind of behaviour.