“Beaten to submission.”
That kind of notion is the root of all evil.

Depends on the people. Some learn if you simply tell them, but for some you need some rounds of antimatter applied to the face to get their attention first. In the end CODE. is there to help, educate and lead the people of highsec who would be completely lost in chaos without us.


Sorry that challenges are something you dont look for in a game.


I’ve always thought that what is often needed is for the carebears to venture outside their comfort zone and see how safe hi sec really is for the prudent. Being encouraged to go on a couple of ganks and a couple of null sec roams really changed my outlook.


Whiel I acknowledge that some players could benefit from that you really are downplaying the danger here. Yesterday the entire pipe between Jita and Amarr was covered by Tornado gankers. One system had eight ready to gank. That eight strong gang was a tad much even for the prudent.

You say that ag was aware where the enemy was, knew their exact numbers and setup, and it was obvious what they would do and what targets they would pick, but there is still nothing they where able to do?

Every other group of players would succeed with even a fraction of that information, yet the only thing white knight leader Drac here is capable of is crying about it on the forums.


Uh, as a new player who doesn’t know how to circumvent that gank fleet except by taking a different route, could you please explain how I could do that?

Why is taking a different route excepted?

I presumed there were other, less obvious ways to avoid a gatecamp that I’m currently unaware of.

Hisec to hisec WH’s are actually rather good to get past choke points.

There may be. Sadly, I timmy into them too often to have reliable advice.

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I know the pain.:confounded:

Ganker squadsmaking tens of millions of isk per year. Money funnelled by strict command and control operation to central account, controlling by James 315, who collections hundreds of millions of isk PER YEARS! This money i sthat used to force miners to uninstall game. All of is true, if CCP knew the truth then they would act, but they are all secret permit holder and CODE cultist. They even have secret room in Ice Land, it having hot spas and marble murals depict James and InvincibleStabber. Why was it it invincible you asking? Just askingCCP. You know answers. Think, and together we can enforce our thoughts here. Follow the isktrail and remember that CODEspace bullies are everywhere, best to just play farmville and hopeing nobody stealng again the carrots again. and potatoes.


This hundreds of millions of ISK goes directly back to the gankers to fund and support their bot fleets so they can plex them - with the bot fleets the gankers can continue to force new players to uninstall the game - this is evil, something needs to be done about this.


if u listening to command confirmation protocools u can tell is robot simulated voice for darpa end user, project crystal castle (looking it up is same system i work with for bombing yemen city probably explai n real purpose for code ganker to develp


Could I have some of whatever the last couple of posters have been drinking/smoking, please ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If the likes are any indication, it appears to be mutual shitposting.

…is this how gankers flirt?

It feels like what you cancelled, I have activated @Viirilithizu_Ward I’m the opposite of you, kinda kryptonite to this thread. Feels weird to read and find someone at the exact opposite end. Almost unreal. Oh well. I’ll gank any one or any thing without fear of losing it. Cause after all, I know where you and I have been and are heading.

Is that your state of mind Viiri?

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Sorry, but you don’t beat people to submission.

The smarter way is starting a fight and deliberately losing it,
without him noticing. That gives him the kick to seek yet another fight.

Beating people into submission is absolute nonsense. You’re having it backwards, literally. The people who whine about how others are better already have been beaten to submission in real life, and here they’re whining basically about the same things happening to them in a video game.

The people who complain about scammers, gankers and non-consensual PvP are the ones who are ineffectual at defending themselves IRL. They’re forced to comply. They’re forced to be nice and have no chance of being emotionally open and honest. They’re forced to live a life that doesn’t really make them happy. That’s what made them so bitter and sad in the first place.

This comes from helicopter parents, toxic religious upbringing, a culture that beats you into submission and obeying authority and a culture where crap you buy and your looks define your self worth. When you’re powerless against that which happens in real life, because you’ve been raised to obey and submit, then you get people who whine about others being better in video games.

Then you get hypocrites, liars, passive aggressive morons. You get that, because they have nothing else they can do to defend themselves. They never had a chance.

These people never learned how to think for themselves, never learned how to stand up for themselves and never learned how to properly defend themselves against others.

Not even the LAST thing you’d do is beating them to submission, because they can not figure out how to overcome the situation. For them it really is not possible! If you threw them into a pool so they learn swimming, they’d literally drown … and I’m not kidding.

So … No.

You start a fight …
… and let them win.

That way everything naturally falls into place.

PS: The above doesn’t apply to people who behave as if they were Duke Nukem in person. Those guys need a slap in the face to help them finding their senses again. That’s NOT the same as beating someone into submission. That’s more like wardeccing a loudmouth and making him apologize in public.