Totally not dodging the fact that you’ve been proven, again, to be a liar…
And sorry, but you don’t get to decide what’s the important part here, not after trying to disqualify me with lies, not after dodging everything that proves you wrong, and much less by pretending this should be turned into yet another bumping thread even now that this game mechanic isn’t an issue at all anymore…
BTW, the last thing you said about the KR thing in another post is still wrong and utter nonsense. You still need to repeat all that nonsense again in your next reply to try to make it true…
Strawman anyone? The only thing you have proven is that you want to argue about nothing, and calling me a liar, lol…
You are the one telling me that I want to nerf ganking, make it easier to AG and whining when I have been calling for this timer or something else to end this ridiculous no consequence no limit bumping mechanic in hisec. That is what I have been calling for and which I am now happy to have, ganking is fine, balance is good now and I don’t see it as being a major issue for gankers.
I want each of you to send me one billion isk, and I will then judge the winner of this debate. I will announce my conclusion here, and present an award to the winner.
I know, he also does the same in the AG chat channel. In fact because of him hardly anyone talks there, they are all interacting in other chat channels.
I happen to think he is just there to upset people.
The objective is not to win in terms of his arguments and talking points, especially when he ends up arguing with himself effectively, it is quite amusing watching him do just that. It is evident that he wants to win some sort of forum war which is rather amusing.
He uses the exact same approach as Dom Arkaral. Notice the going off on side tangents, drilling down on out of context elements and making it about that rather than the point made, then demanding links and proof as if he is some sort of judge, this was the same mode of operation that dum dum used. The way he uses emos is the same.
Above he decided to link my support to another players suggestion on finding something to make competing against gankers engaging to be a nerf to ganking or to make AG easier and that I was whining when the change to bumping solved what I saw as the only real issue with ganking. The issue was that bumping at a balance level gave too much control of the battlefield to gankers. Once this slight adjustment was made I was fine with the balance of ganking as a whole and said it after that change had been implemented.
I saw Racknar fail due to the reasons I wanted this, in that he saw a target with his scout and was not able to hold it long enough while getting his gankers logged in and setup. He actually used three characters to re-set the warp timer but the freighter still managed to get away. And that is exactly what I was after. What it means is that the ganker has to be active and ready otherwise he will miss out. None of this easy take your time rubbish.
And in his own words this:
In all my interaction with him that was his view, he did not see it as a problem that needed fixing, and would tell me that I was wanting to nerf ganking and that I wanted to make AG easier and that I was whining, when this was the only subject I had an issue with, everything else was round the edges little things.
It is interesting that he still wants to have a fight over that, makes me laugh actually. In affect it is not a nerf to ganking because it was something that made freighter ganking too damn easy, it is a nerf to easy mode freighter ganking.
It does not make AG easier, in fact it reduces the reaction time and AG have to be on the ball as much as the gankers do, so to even suggest that shows his ignorance.
So while he thinks he has won some sort of forum war this exchange will make my point.
Another subject was my pushing AG players to watch multi-boxers for use of input broadcasting outside of the ganks, in other words moving around undocking and docking. I explained to a number of people what they need to look for. They found it interesting, Knowledgeminer decided that I was talking bullshite and went off on me for it when I first raised it in the AG channel. And he proved to me that he had either no clue or had an agenda at that point, which is why I dropped any contact with him and blocked him in game.
People know that fleet warping enables you to move a group of players, you can actually click while in warp to jump the gate. On long warps no issue, on short warps if they all jump together, questions have to be asked. When you see them warp and all dock at the same time, questions need to be asked because you can fleet warp but you have to click dock when you come out of warp. When you see them all undock at the same time, questions have to be asked. I am pushing AG to watch and note the non-engagement movement of these multi-boxers and to give me the information of time, date place and what they saw, and when I have enough proof they will get reported. I have a number of people who have agreed to do this.
Personally I think he is gaming the AG chat channel, if it was me I would have kicked him from that chat channel. But this type of exchange with him here helps me in getting to the point that people see him for what I think he is.
But thanks for the thought.
PS Twitch 1h40m in and at the end of that segment he tells people who use input broadcasting that he is coming for you, brilliant stuff.
Am I the only one who struggles to read any Dracvlad post? I usually can’t get past the word Dracvlad, and when I do there is just a swarm of incoherent sentences which swirl around without any real point or substance.
Also, I find that these Dracvlad posts tend to aggregate one after the other, like dozens in a row that take FOREVER to scroll past. It’s even worse when they start looping and repeating themselves with quotations from the earlier posts.
I got part way through one of the posts, and then it directed me to ANOTHER thread in order to learn the author’s opinion, and then that post directed me to yet ANOTHER thread. It was like one of those clickbait websites where you have to keep clicking next in order to find out what she finally texted her mom.
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I don’t really bother to read them either. They always end in anectodes about him anyway. It’s like he is completely incapable of discussing on an abstract level, it always falls back on his self centered view point.
It’s pretty pointless. In the end he is just crying on the forums and has zero impact in the game. Or maybe he has even a negative effect on ag as he seems to reinforce their defeatist attitudes. Maybe we should send him a fruit basket for helping the cause.
Just out of curiosity I read like half a post of him…
I bet someone informed him already about the autopilot auto dock trick?
Either he lies on purpose to push his agenda or even after all this time he still doesn’t understand all the game mechanics he sees himself the expert about and thinks he can teach stuff to other players about it. Which is it?
Those posts do, however, serve a purpose for him, namely divert attention from his lies, his ignorance, and everything he’s proven to be doing wrong in general all the time.
That’s why you simply have to realise when the game is over, accept his necessity to have the last word with whatever gibberish he wants to say as an admission of defeat and get over it.
This was a rhetorical question, right? I mean, you know the answer is both, right?
It is obvious but you still have to set it up on each client. And I look for the time when they go for something and they miss their chance, I want to be absolutely sure before I flag them. So I look for something that is highly suspicious and I know what to look for. Those dimwits assume that I don’t.
You might have noticed that above I explained about what I look for in terms of jumping a gate, I assumed that I did not have to explain the same thing for using auto pilot and docking, especially as Sol mentioned it to me in another thread.
One thing I do not want to do is report someone who is not botting, so I have to be totally sure, 100%,
Also a certain ganker this morning undocked all his toons together, all 16 in a one second tick, tell me seriously that you can do that? As I was not paying full attention to that screen when it happened I did not report it. Because unlike the ganker muppets I value people playing this game. I just don’t like cheaters…
1h40m And note the last comment about coming for people who use input broadcasting.
Dracvlad appears to live in a fantasy reality where people don’t have typing speeds in excess of 150 words per minute, and aren’t capable of rapidly mashing all the keys on their keyboard (and mouse) in order to play a video game.