Kinda. I don’t think the majority of CODE. are sadists, and while Aiko might be annoying, Karak is alright most of the time. Meanwhile Dracvlad also seems to be a lot of hot air and no substance, as opposed to Knowledgeminer, who actually knows what he’s talking about.
Yes, knowledgeminer is a definitley an eve pragmatist who joined AG for content he enjoys.
I actually do sympathize with dracvlad’s motives but in the end talking about how code is bad will do nothing compared to actually fighting them in game.
I joined AG because I learned of Code. without getting ganked.
I just hate the very attitude itself, calling others butthurt or snowflakes and claiming how what they do will give them a ‘tough love.’
This very kind of idea disgusted me, and code apparently gave me a enemy to fight in-game for being a very embodiment of such ideas in oppose.
So I joined AG channel and identified with its movement, but in the end i am more of an anti-code than AG.
Even if i move on to nullsec and WH, i still see myself fighting against code.
But in the end even if I ideologically oppose code and how much i preach about it only in-game results speak louder than forum threads.
And like the brain-dead vermins they are, speaking to folks like aiko with reason will only be a waste of time because they will just reply with more ridicules accompanied with lots of s.
They are literally internet trolls and griefers which the game allows it to exist while and prosper with their laissez-faire environment as how molds and bacteria grows easier in certain environments.
So in the end only way to properly fight against them is to crush them and their efforts in game.
And knowledgeminer does have the right idea when it comes to opposing code, actual differences are never made in the forums.
Not sure what you mean. You appear to be saying I’m trying to destroy CODE in a more pragmatic way or something. That’s not the case. I love to hunt them, but have nothing against what they do. I like their website, have fun talking to them in minerbumping chat channel, have made friends in game that are in CODE (which I hunt too regardless), etc.
And FWIW, I had a friendly relationship with the OP @Viirilithizu_Ward too (even though he liked to wardec me just to make me have to quit corp back then), which I’d like to keep having if he finally returns to the game some day. The drama that caused this thread came as a surprise to me.
I should contact you in game then, because things are moving on that front. I have now joined the AG leadership and am pushing for things to develop, we have more people coming back and we have objectives. At this point CODE and other gankers can correctly call me part of the AG leadership.
And it is very much aimed at them.
Above another player made a criticism of knowledgeminer and his activities, but I have said that he is a very good hunter and pretty relentless at it, well above most other people I have come across, I went into a channel with him and I listened to what he was doing and how. However he has issues, and in the end he is pretty bad for AG because he drives away potential AG with his aggressive tone in the AG channel and he has had a very negative impact on gaining new AG recruits. If it was down to me I would kick him out of the AG channel. I also question his motives, because if I was trying to stop new players joining AG he and what he does in the AG channel is how I would go about it.
By the way, just because my killboard is not updated automatically on Zkill does not mean I am doing nothing, I have kills I can assure you, and they caused the ganks to fail. Those irrelevant Racknar pod kills don’t show that I was after a DST, Racknar timed it well to get out, it had enough warp strength to do so, still was in structure. I said well timed to him and he got salty.
Also note that when you are doing AG you don’t always get kills, and for me it is to stop the ganks in the first place, which is something that knowledgeminer is very correct about in the AG channel at least. It is because your very presence causes people to log off. People were ganking with Tornado’s the pipe Amarr / Ashab / Mad we counter camped I placed two HIC’s there and they stopped logging in and we do not see them any more. You have no idea mate and are being dare I say it a wanker with that post
And I should point out that in terms of hot air forum stuff I was pretty successful in terms of the bumping issue, because I actually got to exchange with CCP Hilmar on it and following on from that the timer was finally implemented even if it was mainly for new players. Sometimes hot air makes things rise to the top…
@Octavech_Raholan So please contact me, as you are Korean you are pretty much in my TZ.
Everyone knew this all the time,
they were just waaayyyy ahead of time itself!
I just want to add some actual information on this.
I can’t say he’s a good hunter. Honestly, there’s no indication of that. What I can say, though, is that he indeed is relentless. He’ll sit cloaked, or not cloaked next to someone semi-afk waiting for his moment to strike.
Like … hours. We’re literally talking hours here. He’ll just sit and wait. He’ll even sit there when it’s likely the other guy is just afk and he won’t believe it, of course, but that doesn’t even matter. He’ll just show up, maybe greet or not, and then wreck you with his presence.
The downsides, playwise, that he has, is that he doesn’t seem to have much regard for giving all sides of the equation at least a chance to have some fun with it. He has tons of in-game competence, but he lacks social competence.
All in all a very good player, definitely relentless, which seems to root in his inability/unwillingness to let things go. That’s fine in this case, because at least he’s trying to get back at people in the game instead of whining about them on the forums. He’s helpful, sometimes showing signs of Dunning-Krueger, and tries to see the available options when there is a need for a solution. On the social side, though, he’s not actually fun to hang out with for a longer period of time. Which actually is a bummer.
Dracvlad is korean WE KNEW IT ALL THE TIME!!!11111oneoneone
Just recently joined mate, I did not join before as I did not want to tread on toes and as far as I was concerned with the bumping mechanics as it was it was pissing in the wind.
That is pretty spot on, I should have emphasised the relentlessness more on my post above. This aspect of his personality is well above most other players I have come across and in reality defines success in this type of hunting, but he knows how to fit and setup and understands the mechanics around what he does very well indeed, with the odd hiccup every so often…
I am actually fascinated to see how your conflict in Hek develops.
I am not Korean, I would however love that internet connection…
I’m dying over here
Man, I should really fix my second monitor (or just get a new one) and come back soon. This is getting better and better.
I’ve stopped being active again, because I’m playing solo. It would be okay if I could play with/against him actually, but that’s simply not the case. Playing with someone else, directly or indirectly, is important and without an active local there’s just no point.
I’ve got lucky at that one weekend where there was tons of activity in Hek. Not sure I just got lucky or was the actual cause of that activity due to being active. Fact of the matter is, though, that the following week end especially the weekend made it clear it was just a fluke for the most part.
The Great Fight in Hek was awesome, though.
Wish there was more of that.
We’ll see.
Make sure to buy a VRR one. (Variable Refresh Rate)
I took it as a joke, but was taking the opportunity to make the point off of your joke, it made me laugh however.
Sorry to hear that, but I understand that quite well
It is difficult to get interesting content at times.
That was what I was hoping to see more of with the war dec changes, glad to see it is happening at times but I am disappointed at the lack of war HQ explosions, though that damn exploit does not help in this. But the players need to push themselves more to do it.
The second monitor was actually not really a gaming monitor. It just has to be rally large and 4k so I can display 3 clients at once (tiling window manager FTW).
Bookmarked for posterity.
I guess you are proud of that, which would fit if it was your intention. Bookmark this too.
No need to. A single bookmark for my previous post works for both.
Imagine owning a pathetic soyboy title like that, especially after all the good gankers have left the game
I guess it’s time for the armies of ■■■■ and piss to surround a single vexor ganker with 30 falcons
As much as I think people who are agers are complete losers, at least you have a somewhat level head on your shoulders and don’t just blame the game
Can’t have that in the ag channels tho, gotta say gz when some shitter links a km where he tried to jam a tornado after it’s already fired it’s volley
It’s against the ag channel way to tell them they did absolutely nothing to stop the target dying
Calm down ganker, you are so incredibly butthurt.
For a player who gives out that he knows so much about the game you are talking utter crap here. Faylee used to tornado gank, and in lower security systems it was perfectly possible to get off two shots and he did that. For example taking a gankers fit into account I will fire again when overheated after 13 seconds. So tell me again that there is 100% no value in jamming a Tornado to prevent a second shot in a 0.5 system.
It does depend on the fit to survive the gate guns long enough of course. The amusing thing is that Knowledgeminer continues to go off on this when it is possible to get two shots off, that is how silly he is in the AG channel.
I of course would explain to them that in higher security systems it makes no difference but could have an impact in lower security system, but that does not happen any more because hardly anyone talks in the AG chat channel.
No wonder you lot lost if that is the stupidity you show. I hope you play better than that in LOL.
Calm down ganker, you don’t even play anymore.
You are ignorant as shite, there are Tornado gankers all over the main pipes you dumbfeck. 99% in Jita, seriously mate, get a brain…
That shows how little your comment really means doesn’t it, in that you have no idea about anything.
Wow, your leadership is up to a good start. You should recruit @DrysonBennington as your strategy officer, you two would make a good team to finally bring CODE. to it’s knees.
You’re outright lying and talking out of your ass here again.
I’ve always said it’s possible for a Tornado to get 2 shots in lower security high sec systems, that ECM jamming may be useful in those cases, and how to tell whether a Tornado is intended to shoot once or twice. Assuming that a Tornado may shoot more than once just because it’s in a 0.7 or lower sec system is wrong.
For a Tornado to be able to shoot more than once, it needs to be able to tank the gate sentry guns and keep the target in place until the second shot lands. That means those Tornados are fitted differently. They have some tank and either warp disruptors or a dedicated tackler in another ship just for that purpose.
I’ve never, ever, said ECM jamming is useless in those cases, you clueless liar…
I had to explain it when you went off on a rant without noting that it is in fact useful in certain conditions. You were so desperate to ram someones face in shite that you could not be bothered to point them in the right direction.
I missed that bit about assuming that they are intending to shoot twice, how do you know that they are not? Seriously, start thinking about it, you push this line that you know so much about ganking, but you fall over your own feet and only give half the story to burnish your ego.
Bluster however much you want, you did not explain to the people concerned when it could work and be useful, if you are going to develop people don’t give them half the damn story to make your ego better. And you call me clueless and a liar, ignorance by omission is no defence mate when you hold yourself up as you do.
PS I logged on about 4 hours ago, no one has said anything in the AG chat channel. You did a very good job mate, bookmark that for your ego burnishing.