I actually had to laugh out loud when I wrote that.
I miss CCP Falcon.
Not that he was around much.
*looks around*
I don’t like this place.
I actually had to laugh out loud when I wrote that.
I miss CCP Falcon.
Not that he was around much.
*looks around*
I don’t like this place.
Quoting for the record. Though a number of AG players are also in that channel before you get too excited.
And you did, I just hope that you chat more in that channel In fact I am prrty sure you do, because no one chats to you in the AG channel,
So, when can we see some results of Drac’s ag takeover?
What do you mean? We’re seeing them already…
Do you guys need a training partner?
Or … well … eight … whenever Pedro has time.
Credit where credit is due, yesterday I unblocked him and he was actually a lot better in the AG channel and people were actually chatting, he also answered a question that me and a couple of others were wondering about, so I thanked him for the answer, though I did not notice an acknowledgement.
I was mostly AFK due to wifey…, and my client did D/C so did not have a chance to check properly.
Man, it’s always rough when two long-winded carebears take over a thread and continuously reply to each other with paragraphs of drivel, not just drivel, but meta-drivel. Drivel concerning previously posted drivel.
But when two long-winded carebears sperg all over the forums and neither of them have a complete command of the English language, that’s Charmin’s Extra Rough
What reason do I have to believe your claims without any proof?
Also, is English a secondary language for you? Because your post here is a borderline word salad that I can only barely understand.
You were the one who brought up killboards when you called me a nobody, I didn’t talk about them at all. I also don’t have much on my killboard because I don’t really participate in PvP, but that doesn’t diminish my interest in anti-ganking techniques because I’d prefer to avoid being ganked, thank you very much!
Something wrong?
Isn’t it against the forum rules to post logs, or are you talking about killboard entries?
He’s barely coherent sometimes, it makes him really hard to read.
For those of us who have neither, this is a little hard to believe.
One might compare it to a paintball match; everyone is there to have fun, but sometimes one player ends up cussing out an opponent who shot them somewhere painful.
[tilts head]
Were you high on something when you wrote this…
[looks down]
…and the rest of your posts?
Please tell me you’re joking…
I hate to admit it, but you’re right.
@Knowledgeminer, @Dracvlad, why don’t you take this discussion to a separate thread instead of using this one to argue in?
Because unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.
If you see how each of these discussions start, you’ll see it’s always Dracvlad making some false claims that then I have to decide whether I ignore or refute, and in a thread like this I’m simply not willing to do the former.
When I’ve proven him wrong and he starts blabbering, then yes, I may just ignore him, and you may see that in fact I do… until he comes up with some other false claim or accusation again…
But if you’re curious, you may fully educate yourself about what a thread like that would look like here:
Knowledgeminer Vs Dracvlad thread
As you may see there, he would do things like eventually ask for the other thread to be closed, saying he wasn’t interested in that discussion anymore, at the same time that he was bringing it up again in the thread where it started…
But do read it to have a laugh and educate yourself about what’s going on here when you have time for that.
Eesh, sounds rough. Makes me glad that my primary forum is so well-moderated.
Clearly your were bullied terribly as a child. Perhaps you’re still suffering from some kind of oppression now. You have my sympathy. I suspect most gankers are like yourself. Pro tip: PVP is more fun.
I enjoy ganking miners.
You don’t have to believe what I say. Just like I don’t have to prove everything I say just because someone on the internet demanded it.
I will give you an example, yesterday I was looking a chat between a number of people on a Discord channel about loot scooping the soityo’s and one Miniluv freighter ganker who I happen to like and respect said that there was a lot of people using loot scooping scripts in hisec. As I like and respect him I am not going to detail who it was and where exactly he said it. Just the fact that it was said. I could easily prove it, but in doing so I would expose him to possible sanction by CCP, which I do not want to do. I rather appreciated his honesty to be blunt and do not want to see him punished for that. He just confirmed something I always knew…, take that as you want!
Ad hominem, LOL, but I can get a bit verbose at times and I make my sentences too long and mash the punctuation a tad, but this is a internet forum. Generally if I don’t go back and adjust it makes a statement in terms of my attitude to the person I am replying to. But to think that that indicates that English is not my first language is actually showing a huge amount of ignorance in that most people who write like that tend to do it in their first language, silly man.
Lying or is that ignorance on what you said earlier, because you compared my killboard to Knowledgeminers in terms of AG first, which is when I explained to you that it is pretty meaningless, and took the opportunity to sneer at your killboard to make the point. As I said when a victory is making the gankers log off due to a HIC ready to nab their loot scooper, killboards are not a thing…, and mine is not updating automatically either…
That is totally fair, I only brought up your killboard because you decided to use it against me without understanding it’s irrelevance in terms of different AG play.
It is quite easy to avoid being ganked if you have high SP and know what you are doing. However part of this is deciding not to make yourself too vulnerable in terms of ship choice. For a long time I gave up using a freighter, because bumping made it too easy.
When I move stuff I use one of two Impels, one has a massive tank but uses active armour hardeners, I also have slaves and can use a command ship at the same time. If I go for it with heat, it is over 1m EHP… The other is fit to deal with Alpha strike gankers on the undock and they need a very large number of Tornado’s to take it out, more than any group currently operating. It is also setup to do the cloak/MWD trick which I may add some gankers have moaned about.
If you want to know more on how to protect yourself from a player that has not lost anything to gankers, feel free to ask me questions. I know a lot about avoidance, fitting and ship selection. Just to emphasise my recent approach is that a HIC with an infinity point is pretty scary to loot scoopers as their warp core stab approach is totally negated. I have tried to use something with faction scrams so they chance their arm so as to get a kill, but…
Why do you care. In any case my issue with Knowledgeminer is that I suspect that he could be a ganker player deliberately trolling the AG channel to prevent new recruits from sticking. And if that is not what he is doing then he is socially incompetent which is very possible based on my own interaction with him in his channel.
So my play here and on other threads is of course to tease out his real attitude, his links to the gankers and his bias which I have done. This really got started when he went after an innocuous statement by a CSM candidate and phrased it in exactly the same way as certain ganker players who only think that there have only ever been nerfs to ganking and who thought that bumping was balanced.
We commonly refer to that as the HTFU attitude which they apply to others and not themselves. In his channel I explained to him the issue around bumping, but he was adamant that it was not an issue, he only changed his tune relatively recently and even then just above he linked himself saying that he did not think it needed changing, which is what he thought 100%.
Of course such an exchange is rather messy and not especially fun for others to read. But the most amusing thing for me is that I am still not sure whether he is trolling the AG channel or that he is just socially incompetent. I am now erring towards the latter but I am not sure at all. However he does have a similar posting style to Dum Dum.
I have come across a lot of people who like to put others down to make themselves feel better when they don’t need to do it, he could be that. He knows his stuff obviously, but he does not know everything, but acts like he does and discounts anything that the other person says. For someone like me who is totally comfortable with who I am and what I say and do, it does not matter, but for those coming new to the AG chat channel who want to feel like they are fighting back it makes them walk away.
Which is a bit of a catastrophe because the Gank-Intel channel needs people actively wanting to report to be affective and to be blunt, there are less and less people reporting. So there you go my issue with him laid out in an easy to understand way.
So while he continues to sneer at people in the AG chat channel who are not as skilled or as knowledgeable as him there is an issue. And saying that what about his choice of game name, it is a windup in one sense, the type of name that the gankers like because they like doing the I am better than you bullshite.
Damn I just talked myself into thinking he is more likely a ganker alt…
…and he really believes that someone is going to be interested in and read all of that huge wall of drivel.
This is really bad.
“Those of us” … who is us?
Which group do you belong to?
Why do you believe you can speak for these “us” ?
When you have neither friends nor social competence,
then you are in no position to speak for anyone else.
Makes sense … right?
So, anyhow …
You have no friends and/or social competence?
Yes: How does it matter if you believe it or not? You admit you have no clue and experience is what would teach you otherwise.
No: Let those people have their own voice I can dismiss as clueless.
Most people would be perfectly capable of changing the broken parts of their brain they call personality, they’re just too brainwashed to understand that it’s necessary and their self perception is so far off reality that hoping they don’t breed is the best thing the rest of the world can do.
The sad part about this being “the best thing” is that dumb and stupid people outbreed the intelligent and reasonable by a significant margin.
Social competence is something one can learn. Everyone can do that. Actually, everyone can learn anything if he just accepts that it’s needed. Yet, here we are, in an era where humanity has all the knowledge of the world literally in their hands and what does it matter? Naught!
The assholes will claim they don’t need to (see above), the idiots will claim they can’t and the self declared victims will claim it’s everyone elses fault and they’re entitled to having friends.
And people like Knowledgeminer, of course. Or Dracvlad.
These two are so much alike it’s almost comical.
Dracvlad really manages to grind KM’s gears.
What a child.
Anyhow …
Woohooo 2019! Thank you politics, humanity is ■■■■■■!
Thanks for the Likes, @Pix_Severus!
Anytime, friend.
Are you doing well in your Life?