I did that. Like, really. When the police picked me up for the second time and brought me to the hospital they wanted me to take their ■■■■■■■■ medicine, which REALLY made me break down super hard. Not the “medicine”, but the fact that they wanted me to take it.
I’m hardcore when it comes to mental techniques, meditation (spent most of my teenager years meditating almots every single day), learning how to be smarter. Decided to stop being 2016-Sol and went back to my teenager self, which meant: “You get through this or die trying, like you always did.”
The fact that I’m still alive - for a multitude of reasons - actually made more more proud than anything else.
Figured out how this whole ■■■■ works and what actually mentally gets people to kill themselves. Fun Fact: Apparently it’s logic that eventually gets people to kill themselves. It’s one jump to a logical conclusion to the next, until the final logical conclusion which declares inner peace … and then people end it. Logic, as you probably know, is heavily influenced by feelings. Figured that I need to use techniques to silence my brain when the onslaught (you know it) happens, no matter how long it takes to just sit there and concentrate. My attention span is insane for modern standards) and accept the fact that thoughts are nothing but mirrors of inner states, not something actively created.
Decided to embrace the fact that the most sensible thing I could do is killing myself, combined with this immense part of my personality that simply outright refuses to accept literally any wall or obstacle. (There’s this scene with the not-Edward-Norton Hulk declaring “That’s my secret. I’m always angry.” Fits me perfectly, just that I’m not angry.)
Spent time actively seeking tears. Musical therapy, basically, which helps washing ■■■■ out of my system. One needs to figure out how that works, but it’s extremely effective.
Took me a year to get from 6-8h a day crying to crying once a week. Took me another year to get it down to once a month. Now it’s 2019, I’m pretty much my teenager self again mixed with the wisdom of an almost 40 year old person who spent most of his life on self improvement.
Btw … the “chemical balance” thing is a myth. It’s not accurate. You should do more research. They have no actual idea what’s going on or why ■■■■ helps. No one really knows what’s going on, but I can safely quote Keanu Reeves who figured out that “You’re not suffering from depression. You’re suffering from the world around you.” That’s pretty much a fact, because people don’t suffer from things randomly. “Random” doesn’t exist. Rewriting physics isn’t acceptable.
Can’t speak for everyone, though. You do you. I’d never suggest anyone to do what I did, because that was pretty rough. The one (of two) advice I can give you is: Spend all your time learning how to improve yourself both cognitively and physically. It’ll change your life. It doesn’t matter how long it takes and there’s no “end goal” to achieve, which makes this even better.
The other advice I can give you is: Don’t let feelings and motivation dictate your actions. Learn how to stand up against your lack of motivation. The big secret is saying out loud that you don’t care, listening to your voice, NOT YOUR THOUGHTS and just doing it.
The modern human is a slave to his feelings, mistaking them as willpower. They make their actions dependent on them. It’s ■■■■■■■■, though, because everyone can do anything and it doesn’t ■■■■■■■ matter if he wants to. Only slaves depend on their motivation to get them through life and getting rid of this dependency should be paramount for every conscious living being.
I have books about hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, almost all books written by Robert Anton Wilson (seriously, buy those. All of them. Start with the Cosmic Trigger series). I even own a copy of “Dianetics” simply because it’s a part of the whole idea of self improvement, no matter what the stupids say.
Hm. What else.
Eating was the number one thing I started doing as soon as I noticed my mood dropped. I never before drew the connection, but it’s actually obvious. When that didn’t help I just kept escalating until things went better again, because “■■■■ this ■■■■ even if it takes me hours”. Nope, I’m not fat. : p
Oh and here’s a really good one:
Animal fat and sunlight. The mix is amazing!
Top priority in the summer: Get colour and eat fatty stuff. No ■■■■■■■ kidding!
That’s all. I’ll go back to my usually portrayed self now, if I may. I’m a walking chemical imbalance full of ■■■■■■■ awesome and often I cry when it gets emotional in the new She-Ra on netflix! I cry like a baby, it’s harmless and ■■■■■■■ hilarious!