Actually from what I hear, CODE. is pretty dead right now other than a few multiboxers. The days of fleets and all are long gone.
So you can’t prove any statements you have made. Just that you have lived in the wild west for a while. Sorry for hijacking the thread, but people saying idiotic things about mental illness and that everybody that doesn’t play the way they like it are sociopaths. For fudging sake educate yourself or ask me and I will di it.
I don’t hate people with mental illness, I hate societies that produce it. It is extremely hard to break the reinforcement loops that enable this state of equilibrium. I know, because I tried.
I have no interest in proving anything. Just know that I love you.
You cannot change people that don’t want to change.
Well I hate you uneducated view on mental disorder, and what it brings and how its evolved. - But as you seem bulletproof for facts I will leave you for now.
Yeah at least not anymore … thanks Geneva Convention!
That pupper in the pic is a good boy and only wants some pets. He even has 500 money. I don’t mind he has issues.
I find it fascinating how it is always the people like this guy who think themselves better than others show such fascist tendencies.
Nah, my thing was that I was in a lot of pain over there. Not that I thought I was better.
Does Ward want more attention? Who’s a Ward? Who’s a Ward? Yes you are! Yes you are!
Wow, what a ******.
You’re asking if I want attention?
I cannot prove it, that’s why. It’s unprovable and very personal. If you feel it, you feel it. If you don’t, it doesn’t exist (and you believe it cannot possibly exist). So I stopped trying.
And why would you judge, react negatively before you understand someone? Why do you think you are so trigger happy when it comes to putting others down? It does have something to do with how you perceive me, and therefore your own world. It is a harsh, unforgiving place, filled with people you don’t really like.
That is very different from how it could feel, otherwise.
Alas, it is no longer my mission to exercise in futility trying to make people understand something that can simply not be conveyed by language. I already failed, and broke along the way.
I do love you, as well.
People never know what to do with that kind of sentiment. I gave up a long time ago as well. People have a much easier time with “slightly hostile” than with “loving.”
I think you may have misinterpreted my asterisks.
@Overmind_Niminen - you were right! Our enemies are indeed cowering in fear!
I’ve never been your enemy, Viir. From where I stand, much of what happened was the result of a lack of communication. Until you went Grr CODE., I didn’t even consider not giving you your cut from that one thing. FWIW, I forgive you for your betrayal. It’s all just pixels. And memes. Mostly memes. It’s been a long time since I took any of this very seriously. Hit me up some time. You know where to find me.
Did you stop taking it seriously after you tried that goofy-ass move where you thought you could sieze power over the New Order by seizing the CODE. executor position? Proving that you didn’t actually understand how anything works?
That was pretty stupid, Tweeps. I know it’s years later, but I still have to give you crap about that.