All belief systems, even fictional ones set in a universe of internet spaceships, have adherents that twist the original meaning for their own benefit. I even alluded to this in my original comment. I wasn’t defending suicide ganking as a game mechanic or the actions of certain suicide gankers.

You’ll note that I referred to The CODE as an idea, not a group of players. Players can win and lose. Players can abuse ideas or stay true to them. But the idea behind The CODE, in its true form, always wins because, intentionally or not, it was built as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Skiffs are notoriously hard to suicide gank. That’s nothing to do with The CODE, that’s just prudent target selection.


Isnt this section about fictional crime and punishment?

How is being a pirate or lawful permit enforcement officer not what C&P are about?


Ok putting my hand in the blender here for a mo…

How come the gankers know what makes a good target and AG dont?


And that isn’t the same thing?

Man, I sure am glad that I’m just a scumbag ganker and don’t have to worry about REAL Elite PVP like spending 2 weeks being lonely and hunting down someone’s afk cloaky alt. THAT is true-blue, REAL hunting that REAL men, not mean, unfair gankers enagage in.

Also, Drac already proved all this in a previous thread.


I doubt it’s even a true story. Notice how he didn’t link a killmail…

My guess is Dracvlad thinks about how he might do something, spends two weeks wondering if he could do it, and then decides he has done it.


If TheDrac says he has seen it, it is true.


Even though he has “quit”, I am sure he is reading this.


Hi, Drac! We all know you never blocked anyone. Too much of a drama queen.


I dunno, have they tried bait and switch tactics?

I just keep hearing about them arriving late, not waiting for em.

Well, not having a co-ordinated unified front would appear to be a major hurdle to any plans, I guess.


Maybe years ago when the traffic was good and bumping exists, what a braindead excuse for being a failure. Even the dumbest agers/thieves are there as we kill stuff now, since its so telegraphed where we will be.

Neither of which are events that are happening again. And it must be hard for antigankers to gather the brainpower to put a cargo scanner on their ships to see if its something we’re going to gank

Yes, I agree, we need balance. Antiganking needs a huge nerf, it already has too powerful tools even tho the dumb retards who try to use them are bad at the game

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When are you going to join your failure friend and quit? You’re just as big a loser and failure as him. You gonna have a mental break down on us too? :rofl: :sob: :rofl: :sob: :rofl: :sob: :rofl: :sob: :rofl: :sob: :rofl: :sob:


Ragequit? lmao

I went and played other games when the content was dry.

A little different than actually ragequiting after being dunked on by CODE, I’m sure you’re next. You’re even more butthurt than Dracvlad about ganking and an even bigger crybaby :joy:

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Lucas already proved he’s not a butthurt forum carebear in a previous post.


Lucas is just jealous that we have a successful award-winning blog that keeps going strong, while Lucas has a trash blog that completely died years ago. Man, it really sucks when you put hours and hours into writing your opinions down, and then everybody tells you their opinion of you.


-He says as the tears flow down his cheeks as he remembers CODE. repeatedly dumpstering him


Cool! :+1:

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We should lay off, his best friend and comrade in arms, great ag commander dracvlad, king of the tards ragequit.

We don’t need another angry, crying mess of a carebear scraping his ass on the exit door.


And that’s my core point. To prevent a crime is next to impossible in game and IRL. And in game, most gankers are already -10 so…

Eve is not a space combat flight sim like ED or SC where you can act like police and really chase/hunt. Eve’s combat is way to, hummm, primitive to model that.

Sorry but that’s what it sounds like. You want to prevent crime before it happens…that’s a security guard.

No. You are confusing RL penalties to RL mechanics. The penalties are different (20 years vs ship loss) but the reaction of the law is the same; it’s after the crime.

The laws in New Eden are clear. If you want the penalties changed then that’s a different topic and STILL does not address the actual preventing of the crime.

Alt’s wander off with the loot, not the criminal. Also a different topic…

I support the sandbox and ganking is part of that. I could just as easily say that I want all AFK play removed at all levels. No auto pilot and no automation for mining. After all, hauling/mining is the most carebear form of ISK earning there is. It’s a massively overpowered mechanic used by idiots and rookies.

Again, all crime seems OP as it generally can’t be stopped if one sets out with that intent. Arguing against this is arguing against reality. If you don’t want you car vandalized then park it in your garage but the minute you leave the safety of your home, your car is vulnerable and there is not much you can do about it.

IMO, you need to stop focusing on the crime and take aim at the deterrent. Longer timers, fines, fees, harsher police harassment, no tethering, etc…just saying ganking is OP is pretty pointless.

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