Ice Mining

@CCP_Aurora Still no ice here either, we have now gone 2 weeks without ice in our belt, IDC if this is working as intended, its unacceptable. IDC if you are trying to make us poor, removing belts without telling us you are removing them is just rude and toxic to the game, especially when you keep trying to make it sound as if you aren’t removing them.

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Can you offer any information, response, courtesy?

Still no ice in multiple systems since the “spawns will decrease” patch. None.

Just curious…

ehm what do you expect all here?
this is ccp…
after soem time they will come out from a extended mashroomtour and tell us, that everything was intended to watch how the players react to this change and how the market react to this… or do you really expect something different?
then they will cry how great eve is and the next world record for the most biggest hyper pupper battle that took 14 h time… BUT it only took so much time, because ccp is not able to manage, that we player can play without tidi lol .
just add an option in your new eden store buy items for plex… why all this show around. you did it already for skillpoint, no do it for all other stuff come on… we know, that you want it, JUST DO IT!

still not re plexing my account until this is fixed

There is an important comunication problem here. From the beginning CCP started to talk about changes in “chances” when there was no chances at all with the ice spawns.

Before the patch there was “Ice systems” No chances, you just knew that that system spawns ice while others don´t.

When mined out, it re-spawned after 4hrs. Again, no chances. You mine it out and 4hrs after it respawed. Always

Now, based on this please, tell us using coherent terms what have you done with the ice.

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Idk bout you guys.

Some of the NS/LS reasoning make sense for CCP to explain more in details.

But everyone else is just salty imo.

Not saying CCP is faultless here for shitty explanation on new ice spawn mechanics, but you guys sound omega entitled. CCP_Aurora is just doing her job and shes not a developer. Give her a break.

Plus if Ice is your only source of income or thing to do in EVE, I’m a little concerned for you lol.

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It’s not that Ice is people’s only source of income; Ice is necessary for T2 production, travel, logistics, station fuel, etc. It’s a pretty important part of life outside of Highsec, and it’s availability hasn’t just been reduced, it’s been decimated.

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For many of us the concern isn’t that they have changed things (although obviously such a drastic change in resource availability should have been more clearly communicated) but that what they have stated was changed does not match what we have seen in game.

What CCP Aurora stated (paraphrasing) was “Ice no longer has a 100% chance to spawn after its 4 hour timer, it could be 4 hours or it could be 5, 6, 7 or some other random length”. That description of the change matches the one small note in the patch, but does not match reality. What happens in reality is that each day every ice system rolls to determine if it will spawn ice belts or not. If a system is an Ice system that day the Ice Anom respawns every 4 hours like clockwork. If a system is not an ice system that day it will not spawn any ice at all.

The result of that change is a dramatic reduction in the amount of ice available in the game, something that was not discussed in a significant way during the leadup to the patch. It also means that many people who had consistent access to ice now have no access at all leading to drastic price increases in fuel for Citadels, reactions and other key pieces of Eve’s Industry. I realize that CCP’s intention is to generate shortages, but shortages of ice and fuel was not discussed at any point during the lead up meaning many people were caught completely off guard.

I am perfectly happy to adjust my play and change to adapt to a new patch. However, when CCP tells me that they changed things in one way, but my data and reality tell me they changed it in a very different way, its hard to adjust. I (and many others) are just looking for a clear explanation of what was changed and how ice spawns now behave given the data we have collected on its behavior. We are pretty sure we understand it, but we are looking for positive confirmation from the devs because while our sample sizes are reasonably large, they aren’t perfect and anything involving randomness is subject to variances.

Finally, I agree that we shouldn’t put this on CCP Aurora, but she is also the only person from CCP (that I’ve found) who has said anything about the changed mechanics so she is the only contact we have to try and get answers on what has changed so that we can begin adapting and adjusting to the new world. She may not be the best positioned to handle this as she isn’t one of the devs directly, but she is the only contact we have and we’re kinda desperate for any concrete information at this point.


This… 100%. We have 4 ice systems in our sov and we didn’t see a single ice belt for 4 days. How are we supposed to fuel our structures so we can dock? How can we import from HS without jump freighter fuel? How can we do T2 production without fuel blocks for reactions? How can we use titan bridging or blops or jump gates without liquid ozone and isotopes? How can our dreads run without stront?

I understand the reasoning behind the changes and agree with most of it, loss needs to be meaningful and the economy was busted for a long time. However, the baby is being thrown out with the bath water here.


Don’t you think that if it were like this everywhere, many more people would complain?

Hello again,

Sorry I didn’t get back to you right at the start of the week. I’ve been chasing this around trying to get more details and discuss the changes internally. The feedback, observations and Naverin’s chart have been really useful for me in these discussions so thank you for that.

I’ve clarified the way this change was intended to function:

At downtime some percentage of ice belts will spawn (in those systems with icebelts). Once mined out, these icebelts will then respawn after some time in another system that can also contain icebelts. You can think of it as being similar to how anomalies respawn, except it would be limited to ice systems.

However, this doesn’t seem to be what you guys are reporting as actually happening in game where ice systems are either ‘on’ or ‘off’ for the day. I’ve flagged this to the team and they are looking into it now - thank you for helping me to identify the issue. Should the intended functionality here be achieved, it will mean your ice belt system will have a chance throughout the day to get a belt spawn whereas right now if they don’t start the day with one it seems they simply will not get one. It would also mean that if you mine out an ice belt you can no longer count on getting a new one after 4 hours. In any case, the total volume of available ice in space will likely stay at a reduced rate, it will just be spread out a bit more evenly throughout the day. The team is monitoring these volumes and prices and can adjust availability as needed based on market response.

I’ll keep you all updated as the situation progresses - I will also update the patch notes to better reflect the actual situation once this has been settled.


inb4 “oops, we messed up and ice wasn’t spawning at all, please ignore that this falls right in line with scarcity and our desire to empty peoples storehouses, etc.”

Ice is certainly still spawning and in the intended qualities - just perhaps not as spread out as intended. This change was indeed for scarcity reasons: stimulating trade and ensuring the time spent to extract it has appropriate value.


@CCP_Aurora So does that mean we should expect some changes to the situation soon?

So if it’s spawning in intended quantities that means we will get 1 belt worth of ice from 4 ice belts in same constellation per 2 weeks? Well time to start unanchoring. Anyway thanks for looking into it @CCP_Aurora atleast now we know how the mechanic will work and what to expect, can work with that (once it works as it should work). Just one more question… shouldn’t this mechanic work for highsec also? The belts in highsec have regular 4-hour respawn and seeing 300 000 and more compressed ice blocks that some “bots” are selling is bit too much. Shouldn’t high sec get same shortage as lowsec/nullsec?

I’m not Aurora but I think that’s what she’s describing; the ice distribution is not spread out properly. Some ice systems may be getting more of it - in the manner of more consistent-looking respawns, while others seem neglected, nothing spawns. The total game-wide sum could be game designer’s new definition of “correct,” while some players feel very left out.

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Out in Vale of the Silent (Null sec) is has stopped spawning altogether. I have been going to Stegette in Sinq Laision and the ice respawns consistantly 2-4 hours after being mined out. So “intended quantities” may be that it’s always respawning in the same system over and over, as opposed to roaming around like a regular anomaly. Can you confirm/deny this??

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That is indeed a symptom of the issue I outlined above. Distribution of ice belts does not seem to be working as intended and is being looked into.

It hasn’t been decimated. If it was only a 10% reduction, people wouldn’t be making a huge deal out of it.


So to confirm, what is supposed to happen is ice belts de-spawn at dt and each system with ice in it rolls to see if ice will spawn in it that day. If a belt does spawn and is mined out that belt has a chance to spawn in any ice system in the region that doesn’t have an ice belt in it already?