Ice Mining

I wanted to follow up with some further details since I’m enjoying the whole, mystery that is the ice changes.

Since the acknowledgement from CCP Aurora (Thank you) that the implementation of ice is not what they intended but that the % of ice spawning is inline with what their adjustment intended.

I’ve continued to chart ice for my 2 regions Catch and Impass.

Things we know.
The system still remains in a state of On/Off If your system has ice at downtime it will continue to spawn all day long at its normal 4h interval if you empty your anom.

Some systems will not spawn ice. I’m unsure why but we have a system ‘E7VE-V’ that has not spawned ice since the change. We cannot figure why. is there another change with 0.0 security status’s coming into play? we cant quite figure the logic aside from the worst rolls of RNG that this system has not spawned yet.

The number 4 shows up repeatedly in our charting. Our guess right now is that prior to the change, if you cherry picked ice. In 4 days the belt would refresh/respawn as new. Its possible this 4 day threshold is related to moving or chance of re spawning.

2 of the high security systems I’m charting have yet to not have ice spawn.

In Catch our lowest ice day was 3 belts out of the 17. for 17.65% spawn.
In Impass our lowest ice day was 1 belt of 8. 12.5%

Some systems are going weeks without ice. Good mining systems are dry and its painful.

I want to acknowledge I could have missed data when charting and not marked a system on a particular day. I’m human.

Our Data for the sake of data nerds everywhere.

In Closing.
These changes have affected my daily play. If ice isn’t in my system and I’m busy IRL that I cant jump around the region. I’m not playing that day. (thumbsdown ingame)

High security ice belts are seeing increased numbers of people mining. (People are feeling the crunch and chasing that steady income)

Fuel prices are jumping.

Brave is Recruiting


@CCP_Aurora @CCP_Dopamine

Hey guys any updates in regards to this issue. I understand that you guys have a lot on your plate, however this ice belt situation is getting quite out of hand.

We are seeing some systems that had 0 spawns since the update and others only spawned 4 or 5 days in a row then have yet to see another ice belts spawn.

I understand that you guys are working on it however at least just revert back the changes until you guys come up with a proper fix to this.
Its been 26 days since we last heard from you guys!

Looking forward to hear some updates from you guys


It has now been over a month since this “ice update happened” and not once has a single ice belt spawned in E-B957 . @CCP_Aurora can you provide the community with update or at least your current thinking on this situation please? As a player base we would like to plan for the future and make some informed decisions (which structure to decommission - not point having a ice rigged station if there is no ice - but in order to do so we would appreciate a little more information please.


Im interested by the answer too @CCP_Aurora.



It’s been a month of waiting. Can we please get an answer of “This is not what we intended, but we like the end results” or can we get a “We are going to fix it so that x% of belts spawn at any given time”

Also, please clarify where you want ice to be. If you want to do something like the Ore Changes, where most spawns are null and low sec, less spawns in high-sec. CCP was clear and upfront about the ore changes, but this is not clear at all with ice.



At this point I’m not sure there will be an answer beyond “we’re still looking into it”, which should probably be simply taken to mean “working as intended”

Deflection, Misdirection, and Obfuscation: the primary required communication attributes for being in an MMO community manager role. I was hoping she would be different, but with the interactions here and a couple other spots, I’m losing hope.

At Crytek its likes this since 15 years… Mail & messenge nobody, post nothing in public and hide under the desk, then you cant be made responsible for anything :joy:

Newbies often fail on this and get fired after a year.

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I dont want to discuss why or if these changes where needed but i just want to share my experience with it and why its not enjoyeble for me as a miner.

Ice is the lifeblood of EVE. Our jump gates need it, our structures depend on it, our bigger ships need it. Industry and reactions depend on it. We all fight for systems and Ice is a big factor in deciding the value of a system. We setup infrastructure in terms of Athanors and P.I to supply our ability to make fuelblocks and the other products of Ice. We depend on it, all for a chance that it might spawn. If your Gas station had a chance of having fuel each time you went to it you couldt depend on it. So this creates alot of frustration where i either have to change our P.I setups and change our way of mining to do something that we can depend on or hope.

So i log in, see that the nearest system where there is Ice via the agency. Here is my list of things that i have to consider in order to get Ice in nullsec.

  1. Can i mine in that system? does my corp/alliance allow that.
  2. How far is it? do i have any ships even close to that perticual system?
  3. How much is left, are there any mining it?
  4. Are there any athanors with docking/reprocess abilities.

So if you play 2-3 hours a day and you want to ice mine you have a small chance of getting all those in your favour and get ships and things in order to mine. Its not FUN. I spend alot of time training, buying and fitting ships but the only reasonable way for me to consistantly mine is to have 3-4 sets of ships at each location. 3-4 athanors for reprocessing/compression.

And then hopefully i can play the game. Some of us love to mine Ice, to supply our corps and Alliances with the lifeblood that it needs so much of. We enjoy the gameplay.


Hi all, just in case you missed this information by CCP Aurora:

[…] We’re aware of the state of the ore (and ice) distribution right now and we know it’s not in the greatest state with some regions being quite empty - however this is a case of things ‘working as intended’ for the time being at least. That said, the current situation is temporary and not intended to be the final design. It’s just unfortunately bitter medicine as the economy is shifted towards what is deemed to be a healthier state (which I know is a topic you have debated at great length as we have sat and read many hours of it even if we don’t always jump into the discussions).

I know this isn’t exactly what you want to hear right now - I look forward to talking to you about what the final state will look like in the future. I’ve seen hints of what’s on the horizon and it has the potential to be really awesome and that excites me. But until that point all I can do is to keep making sure that your voices are heard by the design teams and decision makers as they work through this difficult chapter. Keep discussing it, keep letting us know how you feel and how it effects you and I’ll be there passing it all along to ensure you’re not lost amongst the cogs and pulleys of economic rebalancing that the economy team is busy tuning.

Source: Reddit - Dive into anything

Gives lots of room for speculations. I wonder how many subscriptions CCP lost due to the changes. In the meantime even the deniers (alias people who suggested “then mine moon ore!”) realise the issues coming up when no ice is available.


official forum again completely ignored…

Well, at lest they used reddit instead one of hundreds discord channels that you need to follow to grab all information devs share to “public”


@CCP_Aurora, why is this on reddit and not at least copied here?

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read the pachnotes today guys

Why? No change to ice belts at all.


arf the patchnote was wrong

CCP wants to end their game and go to unemployment, soon the end of the game with their change and much too long to adjust, 80% of the company’s players have stopped coming, and at least half of them have stopped their future subscription renewal, long live the future eve online without a player

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Will CPP refund the remainder of unused annual subscriptions that are purchased? I’m not trolling, I legitimately want my money back. The changes are ruining the fun of the game.

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Then ask GM. You will only get attention of trolls.

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Max ice belts in that system 1 belt
The system have 5 belts 5 belts
And other systems (where ice should be spawned) don`t get even a single ice belt already 2 month.

My guess is that those are ice anomalies that after change, have ability to pile up in a system.

But, yes. Ice belt spawn system seams to be still broken. It’s probably same thing as with no ore in null. So they try to somehow compensate for that bug in whole resource spawning system with granted ore anomalies and ice anomalies.

Yep they fixed it with breaking it even more… Ice belts now spawn randomy in systems where ice shouldn’t be spawning, some systems have even 3 belts. while other systems that should have ice belts have no ICE AT ALL… CONGRATULATION CCP… @CCP_Aurora can we get the normal freaking belt back in systems where they should be, just make respawn rate for 1-3 days randomly or something? IT’S PAIN IN… where sun don’t shine…