Ice Mining

I think you are incorrect. At this time, there is only 1 belt in Provi that has ice. We have been watching some systems and it has been over 22 hours since one spawned and 18 hours since another has spawned. I cannot believe this is acting as intended. For an entire region to only have 1 ice belt that people may or may not have permission to harvest in seems just a little harsh. Any chance that the current event might be somehow slowing down the spawning of the regular ice belts?

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I cannot speak directly about the spawning of ice, but ice prices has nosedived in Metropolis and the market is now full of ice.

Thatā€™s because there are systems in highsec and some low/null ā€œhotspotsā€ that have 4-5 ice belts in them at once. If we remember our good guys botters with freighter, orca and 10-15 skiffs no wonder it dropped.

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confirmation is not neededā€“fix the damned thing

when does the normal regional ice spawn again? im getting only festival ice fields that can not be refined to be used to build fuel in null sec region Malpais. From the beginning of this new festival event, Iā€™ve only seen these ice fields where you mine ice and put it into an npc orca to receive gifts from. All fun and so, but we need to be able to make fuel for our citadels also, CCP, these structures donā€™t run on gifts :frowning:

I thought ICE was going to be treated like low sec ores and move out of HS?

Unfortunately I disagree with you. I like how the new ice system is. It makes botting a lot harder and ice is now something you hunt for instead of camping a system. Makes it interesting and thereā€™s still loads to go around.

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Irrelevant. Though I totally agree with the rest of your post.

My alliance has 4 ice systems that we can mine in, Iā€™ve seen a total of 2 ice belts in the last week. If the intended goal was to reduce availability why couldnā€™t they just leave the spawn mechanic alone and reduce the volume of the rocks??? Seems like that would accomplish the same objective without screwing the player base so hard.

In my region, there are 4 alliances sharing the space and we arenā€™t allowed to mine in each otherā€™s space. If the alliance next to me gets a lucky belt and doesnā€™t mine it, I donā€™t get any ice to mine either.

Our jump gates need ozone, our dreads need stront, our jump freighters need isotopes, our Rorquals need heavy water. We need stront to build warp disrupt probes, we need fuel blocks for reactions. Without fuel we wonā€™t have a place to dock. It is almost impossible to build hulls without importing and to import, we need jump drive and cyno fuel. Come on CCP, stop kicking us in the nuts.


Mine ice belts to get them spawned somewhere else, THEY SAID!
But thereā€™s 1 ā€œsmall/tinyā€ problem. There is no Ice Belts in the whole region.
This game is getting worst and worst everyday.

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You guys got your ice belts spawns back. You csn return to mindless mining. Happy now?

I can confirm weā€™ve gotten less.

Ice is moving rapidly. You still have a random probability that one shows up at downtime from what ive observed. Once its mined out it no longer comes back in 4 hours. It moves onto another system that can spawn ice and does not appear to be region locked as weā€™ve had entire regions empty.

At one point we scouted a high security system with 9 ice belts in it. so its great for high security folks that can mobilize more quickly and safely.

Way less, ice doesnā€™t spawn at all (for weeks at a time). The asteroid belts in null have no rocks in them at all.

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Because they have to look like they actually care about the player base with a fake public reaction. On this forums they just ignore it or delete it.

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I am not even dependent on ice for my activities. But this crunch is so bad I have to say, it really looks like an attempt to just pull the plug on EVE while pretending the goal is not to pull the plug on EVE. I cannot really choose between bizarre and suicidal at this point.


They let a patch note slip briefly that showed ice would only spawn in 2 systems across all of eve space every 12 days in a late feb release


This would be hilarious. All those big alliances fighting for control over those two systems in order to fuel their structures and capitals, while maximum defence miners are trying to mine those resources under pressure of bombs.

It would create some fun content for a while, but after that parts of EVE will grind to a halt because of the lack of these resources.

Crazy high prices for jump fuel is another way to fight capital proliferation.

True that! But I donā€™t think sky high fuel prices is the way to go. :yum: