Ideas for improvement of Overview near and far distance display

Has it caught your attention that I suggested this could be optional?

Yes, but I don’t support the addition of bad options. Options increase maintenance cost, plus the initial cost is a whole lot of development that could be used for something else that is not “make the game worse to adapt to Ridley.”.

I dare you to undig your heels. You are being silly.

Stop being a douche and repeating the same BS we been through. Two other people also cited issues. I am not talking about changing the game, nor taking away from it. Its text in a &%$"ing window. Tone it down.

Its hard to tell what the Devil you think you could get instead of this. This is such a tiny aspect in aggregate though It would help me a lot.

Really seems like you just want an excuse to bicker.

At the verly least admit that using the capital K is dead common.

Km is a common notation for km, but not correct, much like ‘there’ is a common spelling for ‘their’.

While in the case of km the wrong capitalisation does not cause a lot of confusion, you should try suggesting Mm for millimeters! :wink:

(You would be off by a factor billion.)

Anyway, if you want a useful change to the overview:

Ask CCP to allow us to colour code cells in our columns based on values.
Target in scram range? Blue. Angular velocity higher than my current turret tracking? Red. Within warp range? Green. Etc.

Excel has it, why not EVE?

It’s a bit more work, but the flexibility of such a system would help everyone.

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But the world does use a standard format.

It’s just one sign.

Just like the game people change units as necessary.

They use km when km makes sense and m when m makes sense.

images (5)

Here’s a speedometer that’s actually attached to a car:

Seriously, look at all the ones that are actually attached to cars. The vast VAST majority use the standard format.

We are talking about it. But during the talk I’m allowed to say why your idea doesn’t make sense.

You don’t need to get so defensive when people criticise your ideas.

But YOU are the one getting confused.

Except it doesn’t as proven by:

You just admitted the world has different formats. You are just too petty to be able to come out and say it.

Of course you are IF YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT. But when I prove it does make sense you are supposed to conceed, not insist it doesn’t despite the proof.

Actually no. The switch from lower case to capital and vice versa, in this case, or even mixing them does not confuse me. Km, KM, km are all the same to me, but I must admit the middle one stands out.

Nor is it quite correct to say I am “confused” between km and m. What I said was its hard for me to quickly enough spot the difference between km and m on a list featuring both plus numbers that are constantly changing.

I do not believe that is your intent here at all frankly.

That is a meaningless goal post. There are more uses for speedometers than just cars. I would say the professional and speciality devices I pictured are more akin to use in EVE spaceships than Tom, Dick and Harry’s run of the mill car instruments.

Your obession with correctness is quaint and all, but when the crap hits the fan for real I think you will quickly start prioritizing better. Besides, this might interest you:

The abbreviations k or K (pronounced /keÉŞ/) are commonly used to represent kilometre, but are not recommended by the BIPM

Neither K nor k are “correct”. Also note that neither kilometer nor kilometre are any more “correct” than the other. This just isn’t going to be simplified to “correct” and “incorrect”. You will have to accept multiple options as existing whether you support them for EVE’s overview or not.

Exactly. But I am not always such an altruist as to sacrifice my needs suggesting CCP do more work for the sake of everyone when they could do less work for me and the two others also thinking this point is a problem.

Ah. I was not getting this. According to BIPM only “km” is considered correct and just “k” or “K” is not. Neither would be “KM” nor “Km” be “correct”.

Not that I care. Things like this change and they change for exactly the type of issue I and others have. Things change because nothing is perfect. Things change because times change.

As as I linked, plenty of people using variations and no looming crisis for it.

And just because some eggheads in ivory towers got together to make a decision is no guarantee its the best one. Eggheads in ivory towers are often enough bested by self-educated, more wordly people. John Harrison is a great example: John Harrison - Wikipedia

There is a reason most things change into standardized units so they are understandable for everyone in the world. Not so much the other way around.

But you don’t care.

You just want the world to adapt to you instead of the other way around.

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I don’t understand the problem.

I adjust the width of the column in my overview …
… to make sure that it shows the whole number.

I can see the numbers and immediately see the distance …
… but what truly matters is the distance visible on screen.

Relying solely on the overview can be considered bad practise …
… and makes you slower than others who don’t …
… because the overview is only updated every second.

Looks to me like the solution to the problem …
… which I admit I don’t understand because it’s apparently easily solvable …
… is not relying on the inferior overview when playing.

I agree, looking in space instead of relying on the overview is far superior to get a feeling for general distances to potential targets. And if you want to know whether someone is 150m or 150km away, nothing beats looking at what’s next to your ship in space, instead of the overview.

But maybe Ridley’s playstyle does not work when you look in space instead of the overview.

I wouldn’t know though, because he doesn’t share this context.

There’s no such thing as far as I can tell.
You can always use either. I find OP’s reasoning rather odd.

Also please be careful using the word playstyle.
What “style” is that supposed to be anyway?

It doesn’t even really make sense in this context. “Playstyles” is a word abused by those who feel entitled to playing how they want, regardless of anything else.

I think you missed the part about multiple stations on grid. How do I look at multiple stations at the same time?

Again I don’t think you guys are getting the point about sudden appearances and disappearances on overview. I am not looking at some ship for minutes confused about where it is. Its suddenly there and I need to get it right right away.

Also, please stop trying to “solve” this issue with suggestions and workarounds. I have been very specific about this. Its off topic.

I am NOT talking about changing UNITS. I am talking about changing NOTATION.

I said I don’t care about being “correct” according what some eggheads in ivory towers say. DO NOT take that to mean that I don’t care about anything at all please.

We been through this. I suggested it be optional several times. I pointed out the text in the overview is not even a game change. Its certainly not the world.

Could you please stop attacking me and misrepresenting me?

Whether you wanna call it difficulty or confusion it doesn’t really matter. When CCP are trying to ‘fix the stupid’ and make the UI easier to understand, what you’re asking for is kinda the opposite.

It’s the difference to speedometers used in practice and the knock-off mock up you’ve shown. Established and credible manufacturers use a standardised format rather than Tom in his shed.

It’s hard to justify changing eve’s format from a world recognised format to one you’ve made up. Even making it an option seems unnecessary and would mean some players are working from different data to everyone else.

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Thanks for this extra bit of context!

Now if you could explain the rest and had told this at the start, this thread could have been more constructive from the start, because we would know the context and be able to think of a solution with you.

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Maybe he replaced his ship’s windows with some armor plating. Let’s not judge. :laughing:

Interesting coming from the guy who, despite me saying “optional” multiple times, continued to accuse me of wanting to make everything “my way”.

No. I believe that more information would have just confused you further. I explained the problem and my needs clear enough from the start…I need to be able to read distances quickly and accurately from the overview and a single “k” does not stand out enough, to me at least.

I also made it clear this thread was for discussion of changes to the overview from the start, and later that it was not for workarounds. Didn’t stop anyone ignoring what was written.

So I gotta disagree that more info would have helped the thread.