My thanks to those pilots who’ve responded to the call for support so far! At present, IKAME has requested the assistance of SFRIM and Signal Cartel, and is reaching out to PNS in case of expanding security concerns. While IKAME will likely continue to take the lead to prevent issues with State security forces, this is now more properly an ARC operation. We’re inventorying and liaising with Zainou Biotech personnel as needed, in the meantime. Laboratory facilities are currently active aboard both the Zainou and Aliastra liaison facilities, and depending on needs and transmission risks we may set up additionally, further isolated hot lab facilities, though our experience with emergent infowar constructs is such that I am currently confident in the containment capabilities of our existing labs.
I would also like to thank Mako Koskanaiken for the first material delivery from Signal Cartel.
Suresha Bataav; you’ll have to relay my thanks for the initial contribution from Viriette Microlabs! At this stage, that stands as our largest donation of rogue drone cerebral components, though it’s early days yet.
Ms. Blackfire; absolutely understood on wanting to maintain oversight. The first step remains the Zainou liaison facility, as you know; we’ll then work on ensuring involvement in the process, though I’ll admit I’d assumed you’d want to participate in the general research pool.
Ms. Runekin; this is much appreciated! Whatever insight you’re able to provide will be useful, I’m sure. Oh, and on the cafeterias? You miiight find the concourses on the Aliastra liaison platform a bit more to your taste…? Though I suspect you’ll find the security procedures for Interbus transit in the system a bit more intrusive than normal, so… well, I can make no promises.