I'm qutting

Hi Hello. Noob coming through.

I’m actually a newer pilot, so take that into consideration before blasting me like you have been to every person who makes a subjective complaint. x_x

I quite enjoy this game a lot. The content itself is wonderful. It’s one of a kind. However, I do agree with OP on some of this. I already see the toxicity of this community, and it’s the main factor that holds me back from taking that plunge into Omega. The whole “heartless mob” thing is hard to swallow for my personality type maybe. If it isn’t belittling people in the forums, then it’s telling people to grow up when they don’t enjoy being suicide ganked while mining in high-sec. I get the risk and feeding the heavy pvpers their content, but at what point do you say: “It’s ok for the more lax group of players to play with their toys now. The bullies had their fun.” ?

Then again, I’m just an alpha pleb. I might be a carebear. I love my pvp in doses. Just to reiterate, this is all just my two cents. It breaks my heart seeing posts like this and the OP being dogpiled aggressively.