I'm qutting

You might want to rework that last line, because it can cause the impression that you sign your post as “asshole”. I mean, I know you did not, but it was confusing at first.

I am not fully awake yet.

The ambiguity was intentional, friend.

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I think people too much want to make EVE their own, win it for their group, for themselves too. But its shared content, first and foremost its CCP that are owners and they choose target audience. And audience is really diverse. That brings conflicts, conflict is the bread and butter of EVE.

These threads will not stop.

I am pretty much not playing it for conflicts myself tho, so there is de facto place for people like me too.

LOL someone hidden my post because I asked if he is chinese. :joy:

Whats wrong with you people? Are Chinese so bad in your eyes that asking about it is worth reporting? :rofl:

If this person would be chinese, fortunately there would be some ground to talk about Serenity and how ends what null has become.

call me Gandalf lol


hows does asking if your Chinese mean you’re a racist? lol wtf? last time I checked RETARDS… there is only one human race. grow up, mature up, and realize your are not alone here on planet Earth… lmao

can i use that for my bio? XD

@ISD_Buldath or @ISD_Eshtir or @ISD_Fractal, Hell anyone @ISD

This thread should have been locked a long time ago yet it’s still open, the OP is gone / bio-massed. This thread needs to be locked and buried.

After reading this thread, the majority of posted replies here shows just how toxic this playerbase actually is. It’s no wonder the log-in numbers keep dropping. Great job of moderation.


Hi Hello. Noob coming through.

I’m actually a newer pilot, so take that into consideration before blasting me like you have been to every person who makes a subjective complaint. x_x

I quite enjoy this game a lot. The content itself is wonderful. It’s one of a kind. However, I do agree with OP on some of this. I already see the toxicity of this community, and it’s the main factor that holds me back from taking that plunge into Omega. The whole “heartless mob” thing is hard to swallow for my personality type maybe. If it isn’t belittling people in the forums, then it’s telling people to grow up when they don’t enjoy being suicide ganked while mining in high-sec. I get the risk and feeding the heavy pvpers their content, but at what point do you say: “It’s ok for the more lax group of players to play with their toys now. The bullies had their fun.” ?

Then again, I’m just an alpha pleb. I might be a carebear. I love my pvp in doses. Just to reiterate, this is all just my two cents. It breaks my heart seeing posts like this and the OP being dogpiled aggressively.


That is your problem right there. You feel harassed in a competitive computer game because others play the game as intended. There are trolls everywhere but most who blast you into your clone bay simply play as intended. Try not acting as a victim and maybe you won’t feel as one.

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I wrote up some big response but just deleted it. I don’t think it’s worth it to explain my point of view any further.

I respect your opinion, but I don’t feel harassed at all. I just think morality might do good for some, even if it’s just a game. And no, I’m not talking about content. I’m talking about words.

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I cleaned up a few posts in this thread, but as the OP has biomassed and this thread has gone quite a bit off topic, I’m going to go ahead and close this thread.

Please be respectful of each other everyone when replying to threads everyone!

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face: