I don’t think Incursions should change, as I see them as ‘space mining’ anomalies. But… If you follow the ‘chasing tiny percentages’ formula then you’ll get bored soon enough. You’ll want to fly a different ship, someone will say no because of a tiny 1% difference in something, & slowly-but-surely you’ll lose the will to live.
A good FC can help, as can a good team, but Incursion is Incursion. A very useful tool for rebuilding after a big hit, with the price-tag being the repetition.
It’s Toxic players that harm Incursions. The fleets have SRP, and if the wrong person controls that then a Fleet gets Toxic pretty quickly. They may call it ‘efficiency’, but if you aren’t efficient enough you get squished.
It’s why some of us stick with WTM, and avoid the ‘tiny percentages’ agenda. A ‘non-contest’ fleet.
With the Leshak & Nestor so powerful it’s a lot harder to be a chilled-out space-miner now. And if EVE is ‘stress everywhere’ then the ‘space-miners’ will leave.
There has to be some ‘basic mining’ for people. Not everywhere, obviously, but in some places. Especially with this Null rebalance. I am using Incursion more again, as Null is a bit too rough for me at present. It’s a useful option.
I’d be more worried about those who do nothing but fly Incursion. I dread to think what’s happened there. A grind is a grind, sure, sometimes you have to; but perma-grind is… A bit weird if you ask me.
OP is wanting more spawns. I understand the need for more diversity & a bit less ISK, but…
I had to think about this one. It’s all about inflation. How prices are going up etc.
Well, they have to. That’s capitalism ( EVE’s system ). Prices go up, because it is currently harder to get stuff in Null. Supply & demand. The real question is can a newb keep up? Incursion-runners, even part-timers like myself, are loaded. Newbs need to be able to keep up.
Which takes us into the realms of newbie bashing. Baby-seal Clubbing. If a newb can’t afford the losses then it’s unlikely they’ll see EVE as a slot-machine. They’ll just leave. As the new owners said, who wants to fly for 6 months constantly losing? The old days of EVE only worked because the bigger players were only 2 yrs ahead on skill queues. Now the gap is 10 yrs. It’s quite the gap to close. I know injectors make it harder to judge this, but even so. Big fish are VERY big these days, compared to a decade ago.
And as I have said above, Incursion Fleets are newbie friendly generally. Useful ISK for newbs.
I agree on the stagnation. But that’s the price-tag for an ISK supply that pays. EVE is hard.
Just a shame that my crew took the biggest hit, but the tech balance may come back our way in the future. I enjoy space-mining. We can’t always be PvP-junkies ( adrenaline junkies ). Where is the down-time when we replace our losses, if not for stuff like Incursion?