Interview with an Eve Online Player

Hello everyone,

I run a Podcast called Crossing Darkness that talks about everything gaming, from Pen and Paper RPGs to MMORPGs like Eve Online. We are currently doing a special called Interview with an Eve Online Player and are looking for players that want to tell their Eve Online Stories. We do our shows live over Twitch and use Discord for the video/audio.

Please let me know if you have an interest in telling our listeners about your Eve Online experiences.

Thank you for your time,


It would interesting when talking about new bros to not interview the 14y guy with 20 accounts and 10 trillion.

Removed an off topic part of the comment. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

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Im open to basically any Eve Online player that is willing to tell their story on the show and have done interviews ranging from New Players to Bitter Vets.

I think it would be nice to make one episode with new player that spent one year in game, and then second with player who was in game for 10 or even longer. And ask about experiences not only stories. Maybe a rough estimate of career.


Interesting will have to look into do this.

I would offer if my EVE history wasn’t boring :stuck_out_tongue:


Im always up for an interview.


Ok, tell us a little about yourself.

Yeah I’d be interested. Been playing since 2009, serious since 2011.


Ok, tell us a little about yourself.

I will reach out to you via Evemail to setup a time

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I will reach out to you via Evemail to setup a time

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Ok, but could you all answer the question? Thanks!

I want to read an interview with Mortlake.

Have someone contact his agent.

I heard he’s taken to wearing only speedos and chocolate in his retirement.


NO. They don’t have to answer your question. You have NO authority here. This is not CODE forum. You have your own website page to gloat about your extortions, this isn’t it.
I can’t believe you have the gall to show your face on this forum. Go back to ganking defenseless miners, crook. That’s all you’re good at.

PS: I’m not a miner. You get that through your pea-brain?


Interview me. At least your podcast would be interesting. I promise to make it a riot.

Ok, I’ll interview you!

Why don’t you start by telling us a little bit about yourself, miner.

Sure! I’ll tell you about myself: I’M NOT A MINER and you and your gang of degenerates will never get to gank ME. How’s that for an introduction?
Now piss off.

Oh that’s very interesting, thank you for sharing!

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You’re not welcome. Middle finger to you.