Into The Abyss Ship Selection

im getting by in t4 very very reliably with only 500dps at 20km! so im not sure wehre your getting the whole 650dps isnt enough.

Doesn’t help with a socket closure. SiSi had two crashes and a socket closure today.

yes but that has nothing to do with content… ive had issues with SISI reliability but none with TQ. so basing judgement on content - which this post is all about - upon server stability doesn’t match up.

TQ went down today as well. If you get a socket closure it’s pretty much insta-death. Not exactly my idea of content creation, but I digress…

In any event, it looks like a T2/RLML fit Cerberus is the “hit Orbit and F1” monkey fit for the masses. Cap stable and deals over 700 DPS. Add Crash and you can hit anything with Fury missiles out to 70km+. Stick to the Dark (I think?) filaments (+velocity/-gun range) and you can easily clip along at 1000m/s.

You don’t even need cap boosters, paste, etc.

Not really. if you can connect again quickly you can get on with where it quit. (okay i will admit so far if you have a disconnect it causes the timer to disappear which makes things a little botty-clenching and is less than ideal - hope CCP fix this little glitch).

there was no failure of the TQ server today. your client may have had issues but the server was stable.

TQ and SiSi may have been fine - the network instability is another matter altogether. My point is that socket closures have been running rampant for weeks on end, and this is pretty much a good reason to run an entirely T2 fit with zero implants - as well as limit yourself to F3 tier filaments (max).

It sucks and I’ll just leave it at that.

network instability is your wifi/internet connection, not CCP’s fault.

When I traceroute the issue it’s on CCP’s side, so let’s just agree to disagree on that point. Back to the topic at hand…

Thats the problem. You did some lvl 3+ out of 15. Therefore you have encountered only a small fraction of spawn variance. Do 30 level 4s in a row and see how it goes. It is a huge difference. Your luck will only get you so far.

It’s not just (really at all) about luck. I’m now solely testing Tier 4 or 5 of the -resist sites (gamma, electric, firestorm and exotic) and its about how prepared for spawns you are. they are all doable. With the right preparation and approach. And knowing what is required for tier 4 or tier 5 filaments (drugs for the former and crystal/Asklepian implants + drugs for the latter).

Also the whole concept of this type of content - particularly at the upper end - is given the risk of the content, you will not always succeed. CCP are trying to create a new type of PVE content distinct from the current pve experience, and a part of that is the high risk nature of abyssal filaments - 20 minutes to succeed or die.

What causes you to die to timer is not the spawns, but mistakes/poor tactical decisions which lead you to being unable to kill the spawn in time. The spawns themselves are all solveable puzzels, given enough practice and understanding of how each spawn type functions.

No, actually you are wrong. Yesterday I did a lot of the same stuff in T4 in some bling and pretty much had no trouble. The problem is that with that much risk blinging on TQ is outta question. And this is just the PvE side, that’s not even mentioning the suspect timer afterwards.

I didn’t do this before because of the markets on Sisi don’t have what I require for my fits, so I had to go back to TQ, make fits, wait for full reset, then use the /copyships command then go get them and I have only so much time.

I can kinda see bling being a req for T5 IF there was no suspect timer and IF, and IF I could see the payout average at least cover bling costs, but this + timer on TQ ? LOL !!! That’s retarded.


I think for high-sec the general rule will be F3 filaments (max). Since you need to go beyond a T2 fit, adding bling + suspect status is just a recipe for disaster. The only way I can see it working is as part of fleet so they can rep you and potentially fight off any would-be attackers who opt to engage.

Great dialog…

Question… Currently how is the collection process for the threads/keys for the pockets?

How much time spent to obtain 1-3 and the 4-5s? For instance an hour of collecting will net you x?

No idea until everything goes live.

I guess the price of unstable will reach 1B. Which means, a correct item will cost several B.

Even at 1B/unstable, some scrams will be better 10B officer than 10B mutafaction.

So definitely, the “good” items will be as rare as officers, while the main loot of the abyss will be be components and bpcs.

@Anderson_Geten What exactly are you basing this on?

Some, as in 10 of them were tier 3 and tier 4, because tier 2 is to easy for a HAC.

I did a set of electrical F3s again in a T2 Phantasm without implants, only 2 boosters the Agency damage one and quafe zero for some added velocity for speed tanking and getting around. Died on the 6th one due to BSes. Not enough firepower without faction damage mods. Literally ran out on the last BS. Faction mods is what pushes it over.

The only nice thing about this particular encounter was that I had a large acid battery fitted so that + electrical cap recharge bonus did not do much to me even with 3 of them at a time neuting.

The pocket had 1 tracking support structure, completely useless since I don’t miss vs battleships at all. It had a cloud but I couldn’t pull the BSes to it in time due to their, not mine, slow movement. I pulled them over the edge instead which was very close but even that just takes too long to beat timer. And pulling them over the pod to explode it is useless as well, at best, since they’re BSes it just tickles one of them.

The loot from the ones until I died was pretty pitiful as well. So it will not cover even this set-up on TQ.

So I just tried out the new ship for some tier 3’s and one tier 2 (I found it, so why not) in the Vedmak - what a cool ship!

The first time I good neuted in the first room and died :frowning:

Second and further attempts very much more successful. The disintegrator gun helps a lot when you get cruiser + battleship spawns because with medium precursor specialization level 4 that gun with Occult does about 653dps (the last battleship exploded before it could reach more).
Tracking is scary to say the least and a little fancy flying and good rolls should make this a decent pve boat.

I hope the price will go to affordable soon™.

Did you lose it on SiSi or TQ?