Into The Abyss Ship Selection

I haven’t needed a web in any of the sites as of yet, I have run it in a handful of level 4’s and it works.

All heavy drones work fine but I haven’t tried this in the dark past level 1, sorry I should have pointed that out. I would avoid Dark as the speed increase is not going to work out well for heavy drones and frigs.

You’re right about charges, the 400 would be a better option but its very rare I’ve even used it. I have been neuted in the sites but so far (and I’m sure this will change) I haven’t found anything that puts massive pressure on the cap (the republic Fleet large cap Battery obviously helps here).

I wont claim to say this is the best fit in the game or anything daft like that, this post was just more to point out that heavy drones work surprising well in these sites and so far I haven’t come across anything too bad.


i was using 280mm artilery and a web instead of omni on sisi but thats pretty much the same you can drop the em rig as there isnt alot of dangerous EM dmg in the sites and fit another aux pump or nano acc.You can also go double large battery but battery plus injector gets you best of both worlds.

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I really find the guns only are used to pop the loot can or put a little extra dps on the odd frig so go with what ever your skills work with.

Dropping the EM Rig is not a bad idea, I would consider adding a trimark though for a little extra buffer as the reppers seem to handle things fine (and you have the drugs if things go South).

Caps not really an issue but I know as soon as I remove the booster I’ll run into a fleet of neuting buggers and regret it. :slight_smile:


Does anyone run a RAH on any of their fits or are EANM and specific hardeners the way to go? Also curious if anyone has tried Geckos? They’re faster, tankier and have better tracking - but not sure if the omni damage profile works for or against you.

Haven’t tried Geckos but they might work.

With regards to hardeners its a bit of pot luck on what type of rats you get in the site. On the Ishtar for example I feel safer having one hardeners for the hole (exp) and then slapping on one for the type of site you enter. Don’t think one solution is best as there’s a bit of luck involved in what you go up against.

It’s not so pot luck anything that does em or kinetic damage isn’t a huge threat so you can manage with bit less on those 2 what you really want is to plug thermal and explosive because of the triglavians

Having tried various ships now, I’m appreciating just how much the Abyssal content forces one to look at ships and fittings differently. I don’t see much point in running any drone boat other than the Gila (although I see some folks reporting success with things like the Ishtar). For non-drone ships I curse them if they need drones to get adequate dps given the latter’s vulnerability without Gila-class hitpoint bonuses.

Missile ships normally have a lot of attraction in PVE, but I’ve found it difficult to use them in higher filaments than T1 without max skills. After barely escaping a T2 dark pocket with 15-20 seconds to spare in a Caracal Navy, I gave up on missile fits except with a missile-specialist alt that I have. That alt is able to run dark/exotic T2 sites OK in a Cerberus with nearly-max HAM skills and a passive shield tank. However, I’m still trying to work out how I can get the dps high enough on that fit to run a T3 site safely without spending 1-2 billion on it.

I’m currently at 580 dps with faction missiles and 680 or so with Rage; I’m ignoring the 3 light drones the Cerberus carries since they can only be used some of the time and are prone to dying even then. That includes about 100 million in implants plus a damage booster. About half the implants improve damage application, and I’m using a target painter in the mids to deal with frigates.

I may look into a polarized missile fit, but it could be pretty hard to tank a Cerberus without its normal resists.

Meanwhile it looks like CCP either reduced the frequency of or eliminated some of the better loot that was dropping from T1-T2 sites last weekend (skillbooks and ship bpc’s) based on what I’ve seen in 40-50 sites the last three days. Yet another factor to contemplate in deciding what ships and fits are worth risking to fly into Abyssal deadspace.

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I’ve been able to run the calm dark, firestorm, and exotic Abyssal deadspace sites in this T1 rupture fit:

[Rupture, Vaped]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II
800mm Steel Plates II
Gyrostabilizer II

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Cap Recharger II

425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
425mm AutoCannon II
Small Energy Nosferatu II

Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I
Medium Anti-Kinetic Pump I
Medium Anti-Thermal Pump I

Hornet II x6 or Hobgoblin II x6

Hail M x3576
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M x2064
Barrage M x3500
Agency ‘Pyrolancea’ DB3 Dose I x1

Fit Cost 40 Mil isk


I started out running them in a Stratios.
The tier 2 site, would have been doable in the strat but I didn’t fit active rep. Dumb move on my part.

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So what is the reason for fitting the Warp Scrambler, do the NPC’s warp out of the site?

Unless they changed something, scrams don’t work.

I found that a RLM, shield-fitted Caracal does well in T1 Gamma sites.

The fit is also for holding and fighting anyone trying to catch me just outside of the pocket.

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In my experience, you’re almost always outnumbered 10:1 on exit (and outgunned). I’m not sure this would be my exit strategy, but to each their own.

Thanks, I was gonna say it looked like a PvP fit, just wasn’t sure about the warp scram.

10:1 on exit… because we need “PvP” in this content…expected absurd.

If you run a F4 or F5 filament in high-sec, you can expect a waiting armada on exit. Period. There isn’t going to be anything even remotely resembling a fair fight. There are roaming fleets that scan down Abyssal signatures and drop on them with impunity. A suspect flag is just a cheap way to pad killboards.

Since most Faction and T2 hulls have skyrocketed in price, I thought I’d offer up a few tips with respect to fits:

• While there’s not a lot you can do about the cost of your ship hull, there are a fast growing number of cheap Abyssal modules available on contract. For a fraction of the cost you can sometimes obtain ones that approximate Faction or C-Type Deadspace variants. One person’s junk is another’s treasure.

• Since Faction damage modules have also increased in price, you can often claw back the difference between T2 and Faction modules with a damage or rate of fire T2 rig. In addition, implants such as Zor’s Hyper-Link and +5 damage or rate of fire implants can also have a huge impact.

• Cap stable fits are a must for any filament - particularly anything beyond F2. Ideally you want to be aiming for a cap stability in excess of 50% with everything running to survive the various neut spawns. Where possible, fitting a medium nosferatu can often make the difference between life or death.

• Nanites to the rescue! While you’ll often be able to run filaments without having to overheat, occasionally a really bad spawn (or series of spawns) can wreak havoc. Make sure you bring enough paste to repair both your active and passive modules (and keep an eye on your passive modules, because nothing sucks more than burning out your cap battery with overheated webs).

Remember that it’s not just your damage but your ability to project that damage. Dual webs are mandatory for Dark filaments and trump everything else (tracking and guidance computers, painters and rigs).

Addendum: Apparently the next major release will feature mutaplasmids for NOS and cap batteries.

Stopped doing them now. Waste another ship and pod - billions for … well - nothing much back.

Its the randomness, the need to apply dps and tank and range and survive neuts, webs et al.

T3 - with 10 mins to spare, then T3 (same type) with 30 secs to spare.

Gila and Sac only sites basically.


@Rab_See The first week you could at least recoup losses. Now, if you lose your ship and pod you’re basically starting from scratch (or less). The loot drops have been nerfed as well.

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