Introducing the Community Beat

While CCP interacting with the players is a good thing. I would rather get new about why the balance changes happen in the game or what they see for the future. I would love to see a story about what CCP thinks they accomplished with the economy and how far they have to change stuff to make the economy better or the lessons learnt from this experiment. Maybe a story about the Ice Anoms not working like CCP thought or even how CCP thought they were going to work.

I don’t think I am alone in wanting more information straight from the horse mouth.


That would be so nice, right? Other games release dev diaries after or before patches that explain why developers saw it necessary to nerf/buff certain elements of the game. CCP, however, just drops random nerfs or buffs without any explanation, logic or reason – and has the audacity to call it “keeping up the mystery of EVE and encourage discovery of things”.


She is articulating 10/10 . That is how it should be .

And i am serious

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Thank you for the link. I was quite surprised at how different it is supposed to be pronounced compared to what I always thought. Especially the names with “gj”. I learned something.

But the last word they gave her was pretty mischievious. Hahaha, no way I could ever pronounce that.

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Nobody could :)) i remember the mess in televisions when that volcano popped couple of years ago

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Try pronouncing the following British place or institutional names correctly…



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now i want a ship named Eyjafjallajökull. :upside_down_face:


The fixes are planned to occur bi-annually. The definition of bi-annually may be dependent on the quality of the dictionary in use and the local mindset of its users .
It is, however, not guaranteed that everyone with the necessary paperwork, responsibilities and technical savvy to execute these fixes will all use the Gregorian calendar. Some well meaning folks may still use the YC enumeration, while some of their managers and team leads have been living in the year of the monkey for at least two years now.

Would you be interested in the tech2 versions, the Skjaldbreiður (cloaky stealth bomber cruiser) and the Þeistareykjarbunga (cloaky logi cruiser) as well ? Or rather settle for the navy faction version the Popocatépetl (cloaky pipe bomber) ?


Not forgetting that, for revolutionary republican ideologues such as Arrendis’ mate Webster, we are still firmly in Vendémiaire CCXXX…

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bunga … i like :slightly_smiling_face:

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The bpc’s will come with an autographed .wav file from @ccp_karkur - who should lend her voice to Aura, quite frankly. I’m sure we could stir up the community to gain some traction for this idea to replace the old new voice which replaced the old old voice. Back to the Icelandic EvE roots !
le 19ème Vendémiaire, CCXXX


Hey now, Danny and I disagree on a lot of things. For example, I still prefer the 'u’s in colour, honour, and of course, ‘parkour’. And I’m partial to ‘connexion’, which has fallen out of use in the last 50 or so years. I will, however, admit a preference for ‘aluminum’ over ‘aluminium’, but that’s because the former is actually what Davy named it, and the second is the result of someone attending one of his lectures not liking that he’d been consistent with ‘Platinum’, rather than ‘Potassium’.

All I’m saying is, you can’t cast Webster as the guy deviating from the norm when he’s the one who establishes the norm.

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How about picking a star system or landmark in each edition and giving fun facts, trivia, or even a small bit of background flavor text (history)? Just something short and not too elaborate.

Eve has plenty of interesting places that new players do not yet know about. This will add a bit of depth and more meaning to places that they would just fly past and not give a 2nd thought.

But with more info when they see the names they might go something like this - “Oh cool, I read about this. It is the place the guy sneezed when they asked him to name the system and thus it was accidentally registered as ‘Archavionet’” (yes probably not how it got its name, just an example) … “Wow there is 3 gazillion jumps through this system each day! That’s impressive.” … “A major battle took place here.” … “Hmm, his monument was built in memory of all lost drones. Let me warp to it and see what it actually looks like.”

(grins) Sorry for derailing the dictionary discussion :rofl:


Without picking a fight, the whole point with Webster was that he was deliberately altering commonly accepted spellings because he thought a) they were too difficult for children, and b) it would teach that wicked King George and his cohorts a lesson. So he was consciously deviating from the norm when it suited him. Howell and Johnson were well ahead of Webster, it was just that he was the first American to dip his toe into the water. The shame is that Webster did not go the whole hog and call his offering “American” rather than “English”.

The Americanism that really upsets me is ax, vice axe. The one that really amuses me is the US Navy and US Marine Corps thinking that “buoy” should be pronounced “booooeeee” rather than “boy”.

Yeah, how silly, that a Dutch word (‘boeye’) should be pronounced properly.

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Pronounced correctly in Dutch? Or pronounced correctly in English? How is New Amsterdam these days?

It’s lovely this time of year, thanks for asking.

And pronounced correctly. I can’t help it if you lazy lubbers wore down your pronunciation in the very same way as people who ‘ax’ a question.


Nothing lubberly about me, shippers. English is the most wonderfully mongrel language on the planet - and of course, you lot chose to leave before we had fully enriched it with imperial vocabulary acquisitions. I am sure our usage and pronunciation of pundit, kharzi, pyjama, chutney, avatar et al, horrify plenty of Indians…
