Is EVE being purposely sabotaged?


He didn’t show to the world the significant drop after may…

He instead cut the graph out at the ‘right’ place to boost his opinion…

I just writing here, but no one is listening. So maybe watching is the better thing you want to go throu or - dont you ?

If i am saying, there is a Masterplan behind this, you can thrust me, because i wrote this plan.

If you are saying, no i am a liar, do whatever you want to believe.

The reason behind this all is following (and sorry for the spoiler).

The magic will revealed in the future (i think 2-3 months from now on)…

tinfoilhat on - how could i do this ?

Because of this.

This Time.... - YouTube (i guess you wont watch this to end… but i just sayin)

ok, you dont want watch this ?

then watch this…

and if you dont like that, maybe something more like that here ?

well i dont know, why should i explain more. You have your own thoughts, and i dont have to proove it, i can sit back and relax and wait. Thats what i do :slight_smile:

Sabotage might be overstating it, but some of this Triglavian stuff makes me think they aren’t even trying. I mean, even an intern could have told them to double-check Trig invasions in starter systems - or not to mess up the SOE epic arc - or that the map should have two separate check boxes (one for avoid-EDENCOM and another one for avoid-Triglavians). The constant “small” failures by CCP are all the more puzzling when you look at the Pochven update and see how much effort they put in to all the graphical assets.


Cash Shop is king in today’s world. It brings in the profits in the short term, and that is all that the investors care about. Quality and depth are thrown aside and replaced with shallow facades, each one torn down and replaced by another the moment the playerbase shows the slightest inclination to spend less money. The playerbase that once valued complexity and depth, is replaced by a playerbase that has the attention span of a Gnat with ADD.


Even the most far sighted companies have to worry about this quarter and this year. It is funny how our economic system forces everyone to have short attention spans and easy, myopic goals.

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Short term “gains” for a long term loss. That seems to be the current plan for the great majority of businesses these days.

I’m grateful companies like SCS software still exist. They are a rare example of not following this trend though.

OOOOHHHHhhhhhhh trucking!
I used to play this on the c64!

Don’t mind me, that is all.

Haha don’t be angry that u can’t sell your illegal stuff any more, and not spending 1000 days grinding skills has nothing to do with a low attention span. Also you are outright lying, I remeber when I played back in the day before I went to swg, and the entire game was plagued by thousands of rmt.

So that is just garbage about you saying the people who started this game were some kind of super attentive people. All you guys did was buy accounts and isk illegally by the 100s of thousands.

Now new players can do it and actually get the company money. The only people who don’t support the cash shop are people trying to scam new players into buying thier illegal garbage.

Trying to tell people they have a fly attention span if they don’t want to spent 4 years skill grinding starring at the screen, and don’t have all day to sit and grind. All the cash shop did was make it so people who actually work can keep up if they want. Although you guys like to imagine so werid crap about stealing parents credit cards or so garbage, must be like your psyco tendency to murder and steal in the game had you stealing your parents stuff as a kid I dono.

So no the game is not purposely being sabatoage, not many people have the ability to play eve 14 hours a day, and spending less than a days wage to get 40b makes it easier to follow eves golden rule of dont fly what you can’t afford to lose.

With out it new players would just be scared to do anything, o yeah I know you vets come at me with your well I’ve been player for so many years I dont even know and can make 5 trillion isk in 3 mins, but for a new player that isn’t reality. You got missions, wormholes, and mining for new players and none of them equal anything.

You are asking for impossible. CSM is under NDA and they can never say what they actually do. It’s always: we were talking to CCP devs, discussing something, et cetera.
It is funny because CSM actually have nothing to show for their work. They say “we are doing important job” but then you can never get anything to prove this. I guess it is just pure trust that they are actually needed and play some important role.

And this trust gets constant hits by sudden changes by CCP and threadhoughts on the forums where nobody from CSM is to be seen. Did anyone ask them? Did they said anything? Nope. Silence.

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This is utter nonsense and I wish people would stop repeating it. If CCP nerfs income for those successful players with tons of ISK then who is paying for PLEX with ISK? CCP needs people with lots of surplus wealth who are willing to spend some of it on their subscription cost and therefore enable PLEX purchases from people trying to get ISK.

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Don’t be naïve, all game developers got a population bump in March due to COVID.

Most much more.


Anecdot: since i’d switched to work from home i’ve started to spend more time with my bicycle too. I even restored my ability to drive it while not using hands (the skill has been lost for like 30 years).

This only means that “population bump” should be looked at very carefully.

When I look at all those changes that happened in the past months, I’d answer yes. CCP just does not listen to the CSM or player feedback.

How long was the red dot discussion going on to give an option to disable it? Nearly a year now
Does CCP care about Pochven? No, you cannot enter that Region without spending ages to grind standing. Or spending billions for a filament.
And the removeal of Abyssal PVP made some players angry. Especially since there were houndreds of posts about fixing it. Only few had the stuff CCP mentioned in the DEV blog. Also, this was the first time since 2006(!!!) where CCP removed “gameplay” content completely. And the thing that is the worst on that is that CCP did not mention it in patch notes, nor gave they a good reason to take it away, so that those who liked it just dont uderstand that. The results are a lot of whining posts on the forum and reddit, plus several players quitting EVE completely.

I can see the same thing happen to Pochven again. Just like Abyssal PVP, CCP released it, and then they stopped taking care for. Feedback seems not to be welcome at all, they just let this Region die. In a year or so, this place might end up beeing turned back into normal space, making again some players angry, especially those who farmed invasions to make that even possible. On Reddit there was a post saying that when the CSM brought that up, CCP immediately wanted to jump for Q4 content, ignoring Pochven. That shows that CCP does not care about that content.

I think what CCP should do more in the future:

  • Listen to feedback early and actually do what they want!
  • fix your stuff and check your stuff before releasing, some agents still send players into Pochven!
  • When removing gameplay content, even if it only affects a few players, be very careful! Look at the removeal of Abyssal PVP, what do you have from that? Several players quitting and several players whining everywhere. Even the feedback thread had houndreds of posts saying that the old arena should stay among the new events. Take that serious!

I should really take a look at mine, haven’t used it in a year or more and the old waistline will become an equator if I don’t do something about it; last time I rode with no hands I broke my nose lol, I was exercising the dog and she decided that she was going left and I was following her.

Mine looks at me accusingly “You left me to rust!”

The goal after the pearl abyss acquisition for $425,000,000 has been to reimagine eve online as the 2nd most P2W MMO in the world. To accomplish that goal PA/CCP needs to rob players of wealth and make acquisition of new wealth extremely difficult so they can flood the game with micro-transactions. Trust me pearl abyss is the king of robbing its player base blind. All the changes I have seen have made gaining wealth harder and death more costly. All they need to do now is throw you a lifeline just insert your credit card here…


A fool and his money are soon parted.


CCP never rob me, they cheat me, they lie me, they troll me, but never rob me. PA? Who they are? Do they feel the funk? I dont think so… diffferent culture, they love cages, cages, and monkeys inside… they have to still learn a lot or they stay in the red zone forever

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Pochven seems like a very Korean concept - grind all year before you can use the gates.


Yes, I have only seen grind in Korean games. Those damn rice munchers!

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