That’s not a rumour…
So you got pretty significant portion of the player base wondering it CCP is actually trying to screw them out of their gaming experience.
This is what the PA CCP looks like.
Instead of us focused on content or attacking each other in the game, many feel CCP is intentionally showing them the door.
I think CCP wanted to flush their paying subs down the drain in favor of the real gravy train which is the per transaction schemes this company and everything greed-driven mmo have moved too.
If CCP cared about community and their players they’d do away with alpha clones.
Instead we will now always be wondering if PA made a decision to benefit themselves or the game. H onestly, since the acqusition of CCP by PA all I see is greed and a bunch of devs who never played the eve I started off on.
Alpha clones are a great why to introduce people to EVE…IMO CCP are TOO generous with the skills available to Alpha but other than that, they are fine.
I’ve had 3 friends try EVE just because it was free…none stayed but at least they tried. With no Alphas there would never have even tried.
Eve had free 21 day trials. I recruited tons of people coming off those back in the day.
Do you really think CCP devalued the entire experience for the player to attract new players? Or did they get a whiff of that transaction-based monai and have been degrading the game experience from the player perspective ever since?
Had…now they don’t.
My point is that they need some form of trial system now…Alphas are a god start albeit flawed IMO.
…and yes they probably want to also make more money…that’s the point of businesses after all. It’s not a charity.
You don’t have to buy the monetised tat, and the degradation of the game experience is subjective in that what you dislike, another may like.
Different strokes for different folks and all that.
Yeah - I like Bacon – check the title of the thread…seems my reply is on point to me- how about yours?
Theres making money and there’s unbridled IDGAF greed. I’m just saying you can make some good bank and treat long term customers right – you don’t have to screw them just because mmo markets are tight these days. The screwing part came from PA.
Either debate with reasonable discourse or stop trolling. They could have a free trial tomorrow if they wanted to.
You raised a point that is no longer valid and then you call me a troll…LOL…ok then…if you can’t talk to people without resorting to falling apart and calling them names then maybe don’t start in the first place.
And the do have a free trial now…it’s called ALPHA…
Really? What have they done that falls into that category…please enlighten us…
I don’t need to check it, it’s a rhetorical question.
…seems my reply is on point to me
Did I dispute the validity of your post, or did you take offence because I dared to point out that what you posted is based on a subjective judgement, not an objective one?
how about yours?
My post is as valid as yours is.
Okay, I totally have to do this Runa and I’m not going to apologize for it.
Water, Runa, is NOT wet.
“In a liquid-liquid interaction, such as water by itself, we can say that water is not wet, as molecules are all bound together and not wetting one another.”
Liquids can not ever be wet.
“Wet” describes the sensation you have when you touch something which is soaked in water, or which has water on its surface. Even the latter is actually wrong, because a surface isn’t wet just because there’s water on it. There’s just water on it. That doesn’t make it wet. That also doesn’t make the water wet. Language! It’s nuts!
A dish coated with a hydrophobic material, flat on a table, with water on top, would still not be wet, because it’s hydrophobic. People would still call it wet, because when they touch it, their hands are wet. Instead of correctly recognizing that THEIR HANDS are wet, they mistakenly declare that the dish is wet. You know, “it’s always someone elses fault”.
When you soak a tshirt in water, then that tshirt is wet. When you touch it, your hands are wet too. The water itself isn’t, never has and never will be wet. The universe will fall apart on the day water magically turns wet.
Please refrain from torturing me like this again.
There’s a very popular logical fallacy, it’s like this “i don’t like that thing, so i’m 100 % sure nobody else likes it either”. Yes, this is also related to the Dunning-Kruger effect, as we all are comparing the world to our own experiences, all the time. Let’s be serious: Eve needs to evolve. 17 years is older than many of it’s players. This game needs to grow, needs to change, needs to introduce new stuff and discard the used up and worn parts. Also, let’s acknowledge CCP are the professionals while we are plain consumers. So i’m totally curious about what comes next in New Eden.
You’re trying to destroy the universe and I can not let that happen!
The sky isn’t blue either, we merely perceive it as such due to atmospheric particles scattering light wavelengths with varying efficiencies.
That has nothing to do with water! Look at what you’re doing! Next someone will declare that THE OCEANS ARE BLUE!
Are my tears wet? Are they!!!