Is EVE being purposely sabotaged?

It’s not THAT complicated…

All numbers showing an increase are made up with false calculations…

That’s easy to see through if you are no fanboy…all you have to do is just to pick up the real numbers at specific times of the day…

Actual number : 26765…Still WAY under the 40k that is shown on the graph…and this is prime time …

What shall we think about that?


A lie?

Well…choose…but little in the past was so easy to be seen through like those sweetened up player numbers…

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Actually the Alpha clones go toward people who want instant gratification. The 21 days trial were great ( I would have personally made it 60 days free trial) and CCP should go back to that.


CCP just used korean milking model now.

Buy Plex - assemble ship - lose ship - buy Plex

I had tried to return to the game, but I see only despondency and desolation where it used to be fun.


Somebody doesn’t understand how an average works.

:not shocked:


Mind explaining what used to be fun?

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Exploration, POSes, big wars, scan mechanics, feelings of expanding endless universe and CCP doing interesting content.

Now eve is - go buy Plex, go buy Skin, go frick yourself we will ruinbalance the game and this will be content for you. Also do not forget to buy Skin

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CCP gives me skins for free. Almost every day.


You don’t have to buy PLEX or Skins. Who is making you do this?

All of these still exist except for “big wars”, but that’s a diplo thing and not controlled by CCP.


Personally, I like the red dots…



Bye then!

One less space-baby! Yay!

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When I came back last year I thought PLEX was a great idea. Back in the day (2007) people used to buy ISK with real money from the ISK farmers. It was a bannable offence and I sure it still is. But instead of risking getting banned you can buy PLEX and sell it for ISK. CCP gets both the money from the PLEX and gets to keep charging a monthly fee since you did not get banned.

I have also noticed that changes have been made to make the game more expensive to play. This seems just a play to get more money from people buying PLEX.

Then I started noticing little things put in the game that seemed to just be to annoy the players. This would NOT be a way to get more money. I thought that might be some old developers that did not like some of the new changes. Maybe they have another job lined and kicking things on their way out. Angry people do not always do logical things.

Maybe my life experiences have made me paranoid. But remember that just because you are paranoid, it does not mean that you are not being followed! :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not understand ship skins. Do players take a close look at your ship to see if has a cool skin before they blow it up?


Could you imagine if 2 years ago a micro singularity developed and your ethernet cable briefly superimposed with it’s future self, including the stream of tcp packets in transit, and you where able to catch a single snippet of future media and this was what you got? Besides for dumping all your stock, what would you imagine was going on in futureworld from that single snippet?

Black dessert seems like the absolute best thing in the world, I imagine like brownie ice cream that weighs as much as lead, nothing but chocolate and more chocolate with chocolate even inside the chocolate. But walmart now closes at 8:30 and I read this thread about black dessert at 8:40. :frowning:

It will be your last mistake… after you get biomassed. Haha!

It’s for the player…Some ships are butt-ugly (most Gals) and need a new look desperately…don’t like em, don’t use em…

There are entire games built around playing dollhouse with stuff like skins. It takes a lot less of CCP’s time than walking in stations would have. I think people like mission runners need cool skins - otherwise they might die of boredom.

not gonna try to skim through all the drivel.
I just see the DDoS attacks as angry botters or people who are pissed at CCP for changing their “meta”.


You do know that plex existing back in 2010 as well right? Before the OH NOES… CCP is killing the game selling out.


I remember before skill Injectors and I remember in 2011 ish, when PLEXing your account, only needed 1, not 500.


Yes but that is not a sign of the plex becoming more expensive. It was a design choice from CCP to make plex easier to trade and use with NEX store items.

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