Is high sec mining nearly dead

Well if you got an idea, present it on the idea board.

I have a fancy one

For what? Write for an hour so it can be ignored? I have better things to do, like scope out systems, manufacture stuff and figure out what I should sale and where.
I leave the bright ideas to CCP, it’s their game.

The problem is that staring on how your ship itself is shooting a laser into same rock for 15-20 minutes or in case of gas even full hour is not something I would call and engaging gameplay. Hence mining is mostly completely AFK or semi-afk activity.

You really won’t make a fortune, or lets say any meaningful progress, by sneaking into lowsec and getting full load of hemorphite. It is not a fun and when you dock with full load and realize how little you have, also demoralizing…

Mining is only for massive multiboxers these days. (Because massive multiboxers caused the prices to be where they are.)

It might be boring, but watching over a stargate where someone to shoot at might jump through for 15-20 minutes before giving it up and going elsewhere to camp isn’t exactly exciting, either.

The reason you need to max out your profit is that there is static costs, such as subscription fees, which don’t scale with your ingame activity. Whether you want to fly a t1 frigate with meta modules, or a supercap with full abysal officer fit, your subscription always has the same price. If you shoot at other players hard enough, you will either have to invest into criminal tags or you will need “highsec alts”, which means more subscriptions. Criminal tags can be bought from other players who will not care how you got the need to buy them and will always charge the same prize, but even if you go to lowsec and search for clone soldiers dropping the criminal tags to save the investment, CONCORD will ask for ISK on top of the criminal tags, and concord won’t care whether you thrashered a null carebear that was afk autopiloting his untanked hauler in 1.0sec (null carebears always have security 5.0 so you take max security loss), or you smartbombed some -10.0 security criminal in 0.1 lowsec to need turning in security tags, either.
Contract Fees, PI tax, Industrial “Estimated Item Value” and “Item Estimated Values” are prices that were snapshot from the eve market average in 2014 and never updated since then, basically becoming fixed prizes, too. And there’s many more fixed prizes you end up having to pay for.

There’s a fixed amount of isk you need to be generating, and a rorqual does this better then a venture, just as a golem does it better then a condor.

On top of that, alliances form to rescue rorquals and other capitals while noone cares about ventures or cruisers, allowing capital crabs to neglect basic gank preemption techniques, and if the alliance fails to rescue a capital crab that was too careless, the crab is SRP-ed and the alliance asks for forgiveness to fail to save their crab, while a BS or whale getting wrecked, in the eyes of the alliance is an afk miner that didn’t deserve better, and will be trashed on if his killmail is deemed too expensive, leading to the bigger is better narrative, especially in null.

Mine Dark Ochre, right now it’s 3 times more isk/time then any coherent ore.

sorry what kind of activity is that?

Mining isn’t for everyone. I get that. But I and many others like it. It allows us to keep playing, to explore more systems, even dangerous ones in search of materials to build, to sell and contribute to the game our way.

The miners who AFK are the ones who come crying on the forum and demand their stuff back. I don’t AFK, if I play EvE I play EvE and not watching a movie. I may check the info panel, check zKillboard or another website that compliments the game but I’m present in the task.
I think the AFK meme is used too often as a copout to understanding someone else’s point of view.

Billions, Trillions, Shmucklions… is it all that matter to people today, the size of their purse? Why play a game then?? Go to work!

I’m bringing down the prices where I can. If I can manufacture a thousand iterations from a BPO then I can certainly devote an hour or two to undersell the greedy ghosts who are bringing down the Market with their isk-delirium.

True, there aren’t that many fun things to do in this game. You nailed it. Although, the PvP is always a bit thrilling at least from the start. Even if you know you have advantage, sometimes you get an adrenaline surge simply because of “will I get him or not?”. But that of course eventually goes away too after too much repeating.

Sadly yes. But it is not that simple. I often joke about this on forums, but this issue is not really avoiding me personally either. If there are two activities, say combat missions and exploration and one gives much bigger rewards than others, why would I ever do the other activity. Especially if it is not that fun to do. Speaking of mining, that is not even activity. Staring on the screen and at best, if it is lowsec or wh, spamming dscan every 2 seconds is just completely ■■■■ design that needs rework.

I don’t believe anyone actually likes it. What they like is the fact that they can earn something while not actually playing the game. So if someone says he likes it, it always triggers a bot-aspirant flag in my eyes. Sorry.

I don’t know, because it’s a game and in the end it doesn’t matter?

It is too an activity. It is one of the major careers in EvE. Again, it isn’t for everyone. And there are other things to do while mining, I mentioned them when discussing AFK.

Reality doesn’t care what you believe.

Well. That ends our conversation then.
Nice chatting with you and fly safe.

Looks like I guessed it right then.

I see. You’re a troublemaker. One more reason to end our conversation.
Fly Safe but I hope you get ganked :smiley:

I like it as medidative counterpoint to a hustling combat universe.

If high sec mining is dead eventually it means only enthusiast are left, which is not so bad.

You don’t understand corporate financing do you? If someone does play the game inactively he is still participatign in it and that means likely pay ccp for it. If ccp has more money they might employ a few more coders and artists to design your combat game or invest in server architecture.

And if you think that increases server load you might not know what a server cluster is - each solar systems sits on an own server.

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??? What that has to do with what I wrote? Are you replying to someone else maybe?

Do you mind if you send you a skill book “reading comprehension” and “rudimantery lateral thinking” from the caille market as present for christmas?

Nope, I’m a solo HS miner and still enjoy it (been here over 11 years), nor am I ever afk.

You are of course entitled to your own opinion.

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Solo even?

Can you explain or describe us what you genuinely enjoy about it? So you park your mackinaw or other ship on asteroid belt, you select two rocks, press F1 and F2 and then what. You are admiring the view? Checking cargo periodically and getting fun how it fills up? Or you spam d-scan and enjoy doing that? Maybe you enjoy watching local for “reds” and then playing the patience game while docked up if they show up?

Are are you by any chance a eve is only for hardcore gamer supremancist with a nightmare of any miner in game being seen by a hardcore gamer tainting this games reputation? Just trying to comprehend your motivation to be anti miner?


Always has been.

Why are you replying to something I didn’t ask you? Didn’t you said you are done with me?

Jeez, at least stay up for what you claim.

I enjoy the collecting, I find it relaxing in this and other games. Whether that’s ore or Skins, even salvaging is still collecting.

Yes I spam d-scan and watch local.

Plus I have more than one window open so I can mine amongst other things in my other game as well (Dofus) where there’s no PVP, unless you opt in. I can even have windows tiled in all four corners with different games running via BlueStacks and still keep a very close eye on EVE.

So just because you are vehemently anti miner it doesn’t mean others can’t enjoy it whilst multi tasking (or not).

You don’t have to stare at a single screen all day watching the timers run down lol. BTW, I also mission run and explore.

Or do you seriously think we just stare at a Skiff all day?

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Inerestig what you are able to read in my postings. And no I need no allowance from you to reply, no one does.

Talking about this technique called gaslighting with you would shure be interesting you seem quite like an expert in various life topics.