Is Imperium unstoppable?

I cannot let this go by without comment as it is simply wrong. The inability to insta-flip mining anoms was squarely focused on depressing mining income for the GOONS, it was countered by the goons by expanding their mining fleet to new and more depressingly large numbers of Rorquals but it in the long term began to have an impact as DELVE started filling up with so many Rorquals that pretty much every system that can reasonably be mined in DELVE is being mined. So, CCPs soft-cap on DELVE mining has had serious negative consequences for GOON mining, just as CCP intended.

This sort of attack on the GOONs simply because they are successful at being goons is wholly and completely unacceptable and one of the reasons i stopped playing EVE in nullsec (I’m okay fighting other alliances but I could not tolerate fighting CCP on the side).

p.s. Im quite aware of the GOONs ownership of the CSM and the detrimental impact this has on the game but again if CCP makes the game a certain way and the GOONs exploit this design, then more power to them, since the GOONs should be rewarded for their size and organizational skills.


Technological advancement, EVE lacks that. Cavemens could think about making a bow or other weapon. There was a talk of CCP devs long time ago that was about it specifically. They wanted to do something like that with modules. Players cant do anything like that, invent new modules that do something different entirely. Dont know what happened with that. Probably SKINs were more important. :thinking:

I thought of it, and I want to see shifts in that pertified ground, I want to see earthquake. Server reset is not feasible, why do you even talk about that? I said I want to see a real counter-caps weapon. Sorry if your titans can get hurt.


But that depends where Bob is?

Titans can already be killed by dread-bomb with huge efficiency and pretty cheap after insurance.

You want real counter-caps weapon for small guy. Basically something which should be cheap and not require hordes of players. And now the question: why would one build such beasts if it can be easily killed by something cheap and affordable by small guys?
That’s what i’m talking about. You basically want to make all the effort spent by thousands of players in 0.0 to be meaningless.
And if you succeed? Next step would be other “bigger guys” like some WH corporations who can field full fleet of T3Cs.
Server resets are the limit!


That is the way earthquakes work.

People rebuild. Adapt. Revolution! :sunglasses:

Not unstoppable no, but would take a damn long time for a smaller group to do it… and a lot of isk.

Goons are inherently bad at Eve. Ask them, and they will confirm it. And that’s ironic, considering how good they seem to be at Eve right now. However, they will ■■■■ up eventually. Will they die from it? Unlikely. But they will ■■■■ up. Think Asakai, but much bigger. It’s the Goon way.


Getting in close contact with high ranking members of the GOONs isnt even hard, it is SO easy that literally anyone in the goonswarm federation can do it. What you obviously thought was bragging on my part was simply me letting potential readers understand the basis of my knowledge about the GOONs.

It is obvious that you know nothing about the Goonswarm and hence your intended sarcasm falls flat on its face and expresses poignantly your ignorance of Goonswarm operations.

In the end, we see your sarcasm for what it truly is, a pathetic attempt to come off like you know what is going on in nullsec when anyone, even vaguely aware of the inner workings of the Goons, could easily confirm my statement. In fact, even someone with the most rudimentary understanding of nullsec at all should, understand how easy it is to reach and speak with, high ranking members of the Goonswarm.


Dreds are caps, Titans are caps dredbombs killing titans is exactly as it should be. There is nothing wrong there, though IMHO dreds are a bit underpowered, I don’t think it should take as many of them as it currently does to kill a Titan, but this would be a minor tweak at the most.

On the other hand… Caps vs sub-caps is where there is a complete, total and utter lack of balance. Its not even screwed up or messed up balance, complete and utter lack of it from just about every single perspective and direction.

1st off caps got too cheap. They are way too easy to replace and have way too high insurance. Insurance needs to get mega nerfed, cap production costs except maybe dreds need to go way up.

2nd they trivialize group content. Cap ratting is fkn broken rediculous and it trivializes group content without even a need to multibox, much less group up and do the content as it was meant to. You can literally AFK through what was designed to be group content using single carriers and titans or even 2-3 multiboxed dreds. This again needs to be ubber nerfed. The ISK generation is just stupid broken beyond any and all reason and is harmful to the entire game and its economy.

Caps themselves take way too many sub caps to kill and are often capable of taking out entire sub cap fleets by themselves without any sub-cap support of their own. This is the fked up thing. There should never, ever, ever under any circumstances whatsoever be any ship, cap or whatever else, that can solo an entire fleet of players. And right now there is. This is again stupid fkn broken and the caps capable of doing this need an ubber nerf. Straight out complete and total nerf. Nothing else.

Now, I do not want them nerfed completely out of existance, but just somewhat balanced and reasonable which is currently not the case. Yes the crappy players and those who like to abuse the broken ISK generation mechanics will be greatly upset, and many will hopefully leave thus the game will be much better off.

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The thing is - Supercaps weren’t so broken 10 years ago, and I would argue that they aren’t broken now. Their individual power has only decreased since then, while pretty much every other ship class got stronger. The original AoE Titan doomsday was ridiculous, as was the ability to jump Titans and Motherships from one side of the cluster to the other in less than an hour. This was however not so broken 10 years ago, because there simply weren’t that many supers.

Overall, this may not so much be a problem with the supercaps themselves, but with the whole economy in Eve. in 2008, a Titan was not more expensive than it is now in terms of ISK and Minerals. But getting together 100B worth of minerals was much harder. Now we have Rorquals mining in every system in Delve, Jump-Freighters all over the place to haul the stuff to wherever it’s needed and ridiculously tough structures shitting out those things without a break.

But due to the same mechanics, building subcaps has become just as easy. Back then, losing a battleship hurt a lot more than it does today, even though it did not take more minerals to build than it does today, and even though it was often cheaper in terms of ISK. And if this was true for battleships, then it was doubly true for Dreadnoughts or Titans.

A big war back then was mainly a matter of resources: One side could easily lose a war by not being able to replace ships anymore, be they caps or subcaps. This does not happen these days. Pretty much everyone can just keep replacing their fleets maybe not forever, but for a very long time.

I do not think just tweaking Supercaps will help with this. The influx of both minerals and ISK into the game needs to be reduced drastically across the board, to make the loss of a ship hurt again. And then people will think twice again before fielding a Titan or a Mothership.

Only when we are back at that point can we start thinking about maybe adding a subcap-based counterplay for supers. As long as they can still be replaced easily, killing them will not make much of a difference.

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By nerfing only economic factor, you will cement the status quo. All those caps are already produced. There would be need of something what diminish the amount of caps already produced, to bring balance to the nature, to the game. Them should be lost in fights I think. Imagine bunch of small guys at last having fun with titan pilots.

But there is one very big obstacle on that road. CCP may think it will make game bring less money. I think they could override that by making stuff that is counter-cap in nature available to Omegas only.

That is where the revolution comes in. The people band together and kill caps. But good luck getting that going.

Sure, it would have to be a process, and it would take time. But as I see it, the order has to be: Fix the economy first, then worry about the existing supercaps.

They might just get whittled down and not get rebuilt. After all, a Titan is something along the lines of 50 Battleships in terms of resources, but if you have the manpower available, 50 Battleships can do more than a single Titan. And if you do not have the resources to just make both, then you might opt to rebuild 50 Battleships instead of just one Titan.

If that doesn’t work out, then one could still think about implementing an anti-cap, or nerfing supers, maybe even just temporarily. But this cannot be the first step.

If CCP implemented an anti-cap-ship now, and you fielded 500 of them, then Goons could just field 500 of them as well, and 1000 regular subcaps and 200 Titans and 200 Motherships. And any Supers lost that way would just get rebuilt, because why not?

This will help for a month. Then we will be back to square one.

You have never used carrier did you? Fighters require clicks per second like no other ships in a game! Leave aside hardcore frigate fighters maybe :rofl:

Again: you are mistakenly using word “caps” when you talk about capitals, dreads, supercarriers and titans. Carriers die to small gangs, dreads too. Have you ever heard word “defanged”?

Other than that there is many videos when somebody soloes entire fleets in various ships. Given proper fit and skills + proper stupidity of enemy fleet killing it solo is entirely possible.

I can understand when people talk about blobs of “200 titans”. But calling “caps” stupidly overpowered in any case??? :thinking:


Stop making it even easier to ridicule you.

Probably not unstoppable, yet.
But rapidly reaching that point.

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Actually I think he totally owned you.

During the period of being blue to Goons I went to NPC Delve and put on market a load of heavy water that I had there and it all went. What he said happened has happened to Delve, they are indeed spreading out more. But you are so unaware it is laughable…

@March_rabbit Great posts once again.

What they don’t understand is that the insurance on dreads actually enables the little people to get the odd kill…

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Yes, they are. Though im surprised they havnt yet smashed one by one every single corp that attacked / evicted them earlier

The Imperium is unstoppable.

United under the flawless leadership of the Mittani (pbuh), our Lord and Master has ushered the Imperium into a golden age of dominance and wealth the likes of which have never been seen before. Pandemic Horde could send wave after wave of their troops, but those waves would break upon the walls of Fortress Delve. Black Legion and NCDot can drop some of our carriers and Rorquals, but you can’t drop them all.

We are not an army. We are the Swarm. Against our wealth and numbers, what could you possibly do?