how is it pve
Try reading the entire statement.
okay but we are discussing mining specifically
What purpose dids this mining serve?
Is it for the sake of it?
It actually started with mission rewards - ISK, Loot and LPâs but mining will work too.
Like I said, if nobody else comes into the system and starts doing what youâre doing, then itâs PvE, especially since everything respawns at DT.
nah mining isnt pve
look up any definition of pve it wont include harvesting resources
people seem to think anything that isnt shooting people is pve
like jumping through a stargate is pve
its not
shooting rats is pve
shooting rocks is not
Sorry but according to others you shooting rats is PvP cuz youâre depriving others the opportunity to do it.
Hell, you not logging into the game still has an impact on the economy in-game so thatâs PvP as well.
hm well if its rats in belts or anoms then yeah i guess it could be
if its missions then those rats are spawned on demand for you
so thats not pvp
but then using the lp and isk in ways that affects other players could be considered pvp in some ways
i dont consider the generation of isk from mission faucets to be pvp as the isk does not affect the economy while it is in your wallet
but when the isk is spent then i guess it falls into the realm of pvp
Is it PvP against all humans, now and future:
When I pickup a grain of sand on a beach?
When I breathe?
When water evaporates off my skin after a swim in the ocean?
When I pickup a fallen stick in a forest to make my shelter with?
When I disinfect my hands, so as to not pass germs on them to you when we shake hands?
I quite literally didnt take it from anyone.
depends on circumstances but potentially
Amazing mental acrobatics.
Does the fact I own this phone Im typing on, and not you, constitute PvP?
so if you jump the queue at a cinema and get the last seat have you not taken the seat from someone
RL isnât a PVP game
EVE is.
I didnt take the seat from anyone, as they never occupied/owned it.
If I enter the theater, rip them out of their seat, and sit in it, then I took it from them.
youve taken their place in the queue and denied their opportunity to watch the movie
very underhanded
all the effort they spent to get to the cinema and wait in queue only to go back home without a reward for their efforts
you pvped them hard

youve taken their place in the queue
I took their place in the queue, yes.
That was PvP.
But I did not take their seat from them, as they did not yet occupy it, nor have purchased it.

I took their place in the queue, yes.
yeah same as with the diamond
yeah maybe its a stretch but you know you are stretching further