Is it all about pvp?

you cant say you are pveing it either though
youre just harvesting resources
while denying other players those resources

But you can say, ā€œIā€™m PVPā€™ing all the players that canā€™t mine this space rock when Iā€™m done with itā€

Check mate, athetits.

If there is no-one else there PvEing that space rock, there is no PvP, as there is no other player involved to constitute it as PvP.

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so after youve done mining it is the rock still there for another player to mine
no it is gone and you have denied other players the opportunity to take its resources
and i dont consider harvesting a rock pve tbh

If I find a diamond in a rock IRL, I havent PvPed anyone to get it. Nor does me picking it up constitute PvP.

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Gotta give you credit for twisting it around into a ā€œDamned if you do and damned if you donā€™tā€ type of scenario.

Going by your interpretation - not logging into the game is also PvP since that action has an impact on the economy as well.

Man, that takes the cake.


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sure you have
youve pvped all the other people in the world and every single person to exist in future generations
potentially trillions of people

Video games arenā€™t RL, buddy. And RL isnā€™t a video game, either. Iā€™m sorry to break it to you.

Not really.

But if you really want to go there.

That diamond you found is one that no one else gets to find.

There was no competition or other player interaction involved.

Just me and the environment.

Its like you are saying Genghis Khan PvPd every human to have existed since, though he died hundreds of years ago.

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You donā€™t get it, do you.

By beating everyone else to the punch, YOUā€™RE the competition for everyone else.

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youve taken away the opportunity for anyone else to find that diamond
youve removed wealth from another person

yeah thats right
think about 300 years ago when banks and financial institutions started making complicated terminology and rules to rip people off
those people are long dead and yet their rules are still ripping us all off

I didnt remove it from any other person, as no other person ever had it.

Only I have it, from the environment.

If someone tries to take it from me, or haggles with me to buy it, that is PvP.

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To be honest, my bank has never ripped me off.

Because I donā€™t use banks, I use credit unions.

But I digress.

youve taken it from the next person who would have found it if you hadnt found it first

Youā€™re the one who doesnā€™t get it.

At Downtime the rocks, exploration sites, missions, etc are respawned again. If nobody else enters that system and tries to do what youā€™re doing in it, then itā€™s just PvE.

And what are you going to do with the stuff you find there?

Leave it in your cargo for decoration?

Cognitive dissonance.

No wonder you cant understand the difference between PvE and PvP.

My dude, I canā€™t help that your ability to understand very basic ironic humour is limited.

I might keep it on my desk for good luck.

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