Are you guys done? I was trying to have serious conversation over about this matter, feel free to avoid it
The Great Deceiver wants to have a serious conversation.
How quaint.
Do you know any murderers/rapists/pedophiles that play EVE?
Or are you more affiliated with white collar crime?
In what way? Can you explain how this is a different subject than the thread I mentioned?
why are you so obsessed with murderers rapists and pedophiles?
Why have you brought them up? What do they have to do with Eve?
You are the one that brought them up.
This is very serious issue, I said if it was okay if these kind of people would play the game and express their character ingame alike, based on the corp discription which invites you to feel free to be as bad as you desire. (sadistic murderer for example)
The way you guys are triggered by it …
Are you hiding something?
Again, there is no “sadistic murder” in Eve. So how do you express your “personality” of being a sadistic murderer?
This is stupid. Its 2mm off saying because Im a Blood Raider, I exsanguinate people in RL.
Ok OP so at first I thought you were serious so I was very worried about your mental stability but it only took a few hours to reveal the troll.
are we done?
In your first post you highlighted the
‘mandatory zizek’ qote from the GSF Alliance bio
I posted a link to a great series of videos in which an actor portrays Zizek (you know Zizek is a philosopher and that passage is a quote from a famous article he wrote about the internet), being forced to watch famous internet cat videos and such.
ANYONE who likes Cat videos and pseudo-intellectual jokes about ‘memes’ should find it very amusing, so that’s most of eve then- its a fun watch well I think so.
Ask yourself this:
a) Why do GSF head this quote with the modifier
b) Are you supposed to take the words you highlighted literally, by GSF who repeated them in their bio, or Zizek himself?
c) Is Zizek quoted there as an authority, as a justification, or is the placement of that quote in that bio for that particular alliance,
a pragmatic act designed to elicit a response, or to make a statement, perhaps even a provocation, that may not be the literal statement Zizek is making in that excerpt from his article?
d) Does Zizek’s underlying philosophy, which is a radicalisation of traditional Marxist (and thus Hegelian) thought through the lens of Lacanian psychoanalysis, justify either the interpretations you are making, or justify us taking Zizek himself seriously?
The comment- you drank the kool aid again, means you may have been taken in by some propaganda, and that the actual intent behind the ‘mandatory Zizek’, may be to elicit just this kind of response we are seeing from you in this thread?
Yeah, we’re done.
So what you’re saying is they copied some random text of the internet which they like or identify with and put use that in that bio, and also putting explicitly putting Zizek on top of it, so they’re not responsible for any compliance
Well thanks for hijacking the thread, I know I can always count on you guys
You are welcome, Mr. Anti-Christ/Diablo.
I can appreciate you’re talking with a lot of respect to me
Also not necessarily anymore, just say something not so nice from now on
Not exactly no-
I don’t think it is ‘random text’- I am sure someone with the reputation for both pseudo-intellectualism and the dramatic use of irony and the meta bordering on Larping which The Mittani has, was not being random when he posted or allowed that to be posted, in the bio for his alliance.
I am sure it was designed to elicit a response, if GSF are anything they are aware of irony and its uses, and play the meta well,
well enough to be the biggest alliance in eve, without ever needing to be ‘elite’ indeed one can see their self portrayal as goons, as a fine example of Sun Tzu’s principles in practice, or not as one may not wish to read anything into anything.
Watch the videos I linked, read up on Zizek, then see if that quote makes you so angry?
PS. Grrrrrr Gons is a bit passe now? Aren’t they all mining and whatnot? Or have I also ‘drank the kool aid’.
A big part of eve is the stories groups tell about other groups, and the way they represent themselves- ‘propoganda’- it can be very entertaining but remember this is a game and a game played by all sides, or at least those who wish to succeed
to ‘drink the kool aid’ is to take this stuff too literally and believe it instead of seeing it for what it is
A Space Opera, where neckbeards in basements, retired lawyers, astrophysicists, IT guys who should really be getting some work done, and even teenagers who clicked a link on Steam, make the drama, the stories and the lore.
Just don’t forget that a Space Opera is a Soap Opera set in space, don’t drink the Kool-Aid, enjoy it.
Mr. Anti-Christ/Diablo is really a very nice guy.
So cute emojis he uses :3
Id hire him in an instant when I saw his name on an application!
Please stop dribbling nonsense from your various orifices.