Is sanctuary being provided to unwanted entities in EVE Online?

In game, there are 2 types of Eve player:

You can have fun either way - just don’t take your conflicts out of game. CCP tends to have zero tolerance for that.

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What makes you guys and girls harassing other people on the forum is a good idea?
I make a topic about unwanted entities in eve online and made one example about a corp which states publicly about behavior which is not desirable to normal people, and people lose their minds.
The only one normally participating in this thread is Do Little, although I do not agree with the person on most sides he isn’t is here because of his insecurities.

The only thing you guys do most on this forum is gang up on people bully them, anyone who want talk in a normal sense about issues in eve for example, and get rid of it on the forum.
You guys are full of hate, insecurities and fear, and want to keep an environment where you can flow these side effects.
Think about it, the moment you are reading this right now what I’m typing, what goes through your mind right now?
Feel the fixation, you know how you going to take on this in words, but question yourself, look your self in the mirror, have you achieved everything you wanted in your life, or are you acting out of fear of?

Second questions, what is your goal here to achieve with your behavior? how long do you estimate would take the job? how high do you predict the chances of actually succeeding in your goal?

What are the consequences of actually not succeeding?


Ok, Mr. Anti-Christ/Diablo.

I guess we are bad people :frowning:

I prefer this version.


I asked you to clarify what you were talking about in regards to how this thread is different from another thread that you are in and already exists so I could engage you in civil discussion, but you have chosen to ignore it.

Not sure what you expect anyone to do if you ignore actual interest in discussion.


It’s a snapshot of 0.0 carebear, which crafting two Avatars in a Southern region sandbox, at ‘hot-drop’ nasty time.

I’m wondering if English is your first language. If it is not, you are doing rather well, if it is you should return to education. I also think you project your own feelings onto others a little, and shouldn’t really be calling anyone else here insecure.

Of course not, life is a sandbox and I value the sandbox.

I’m at work and have some time on my hands, so I’m participating in discussions about my favorite game. My goal is to be entertained, at the same time as add a voice of reason to various carebear rants like this one.

High. I am both entertained and adding a voice of reason to the thread.

Assuming at some point I am no longer entertained and not discussing anything of worth / entertainment I will probably be forced to find something else to do at work. Scary concept.

It’s not content… it’s content

Now that I’ve actually read the thread.

In answer to the OP, it’s goons being goons, nowt new there.

Congratulations on discovering that you don’t need to login to PvP, and that everything is a trap.

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I would advice anyone question them self if you don’t like this thread what are you doing here?
For those who are entertained by these, please keep going.
You can ask again…and again…and again, and again, to question what is the purpose of this, but why you do this, but why you do that, and keep asking those questions to satisfy your fixations.


Waauw a real addition to humanity :icecream:


Why would you think we are harassing you, I think this is a great thread it has goons, zizek, cat videos, someone with an opinion they hold really dear and a bunch of people who mostly disagree, most are nice about it but all are looking for some entertainment also?

It’s just how I talk and write!
I would never gang up.
I tried to explain that the ‘bio’ you highlighted may not be public statement about behaviour which is not desirable to normal people,
but a quote from zizek,
which may be both ironic and propaganda, and both.

I don’t see how I can behave on a forum (literally- a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged)
without sharing my views on what you wrote?

And how can others contribute if they do not do the same?

Do you expect everyone to agree with your point of view and to do otherwise is to harass you?

I wish you would just watch this great series of ‘Zizek reacts to the Internet’, and then tell me what you think that goons bio MEANS, both the intention behind it AND what it means ‘in the game’

-and in a thread with goons, cat videos, and zizek it is actually quite irrelevant if you are a troll or not, at this point we are all just pawns in someone elses eve- the someone who put that quote, in that bio which like a butterfly flapping its wings triggered this response troll or otherwise that is this thread- and further I do not call troll to label YOU a troll but to make sure you realise that we could all be trolls or alts of two characters, as far as the other repliers know I could be your ALT- welcome to eve)- and yes I did just blame the Mittani for this thread

If you like cat videos and the internet why not watch this:

it will give that bio perspective for you I am sure, and maybe make you feel better or laugh, even if it is just at how sweaty ‘zizek’ (its an actor) is

I love seeing players with hardcore names cry about how unfair the game is and how mean other players are. Priceless stuff.


Okay guys… this thread was pretty much made to derail and derail it has. I will be closing it now.