Is there any plans to close the loop hole that is ganking?

PLEX! Do it with style, PLEX shuttle, best shuttle. :credit_card: :smiley:


Gankers hate him for this trick!


Gish posting wont help you.

I hope, one day, you will understand thatā€¦


Pot meet kettleā€¦

Also, what are you going to do when Ccp tells you me, Major and Anderson donā€™t even live in the same country? :joy:

Oh wait, thatā€™s impossible weā€™re only one person :roll_eyes:

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What if they tell us we all four do ?

That embarrassing moment ā€¦ Forced to be Salvosā€™ alt too !!
Rather get myself biomassed ā€¦
Waitā€¦ thatā€™s what he was saying before ā€¦

Thanks for confirming investigative need of VPN or other proxy mechanics.

So much damage control posting.

Lmao Wat

Now thatā€™s just embarrassing for you mate :joy:

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Nothing embarrassing about exposing liars and cheaters, mate.

CCP have mercy on you
Thatā€™s all I have to say at this point o7

See below:

What do you say to that?

I always deliver.

It is not permitted for a person to run multiple alphas clients, or an omega with x alpha clients, simultaneously, regardless of how many platforms they are running on.

Source thread:

Are multiple accounts allowed as an Alpha?

->Re-posted past deliberate gish posting by vested trolls/alts.

Then you need to learn to read

YOU claim something is forbidden, YOU have to back that claim. Not me.

this is not a point about alpha/omega but about you claiming things.

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And not very relevant to the op (not surprising tho lol)

Major claimed it was allowed if its not on the same PC.
You agreed.
I said that was false.
You asked me for evidence.
I delivered.

Both of you where wrong, and Major specifically said that he should be reported/permabanned if he had been wrong in running multiple alphas/omega+alpha, as was his, false, interpretation of the rules.

Seems he has been cheating.

Its all evidenced in the thread.

I believe in unicorns
Unicorns are real
You said unicorns, thatā€™s proof theyā€™re real
Youā€™re all wrong if you say otherwise

Thatā€™s you in a nutshell

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Little things like this remind me why I donā€™t mingle with highsec peons.

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Where exactly did I say he was right ?

Not until we get videos. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is possible, but I havenā€™t seen anything concrete to support this.

I donā€™t know why you are hung up on causation here and statistical analysis. I have not claimed this is statistically rigorous and even if it were it would not prove causation.

Still when we look through the killboards there is a dearth of procurer/skiff kills. There is not for other mining ships. We also know it is possible to tank a procurer. Even so-so procurer fit will have considerably more tank than the other ships. It is not unreasonable, given our lack of complete data, to conclude that such a switch will lower the likelihood of being ganked or suffering from a successful gank. Your chances of surviving a gank in a covetor depends on things like being constantly aware of your immediate environment and being prepared to warp out.

Not everyone wants to mine like that. So there are options open to players. Like using a tanked proc/skiff. Yes if there are 10 guys ganking together they can gank you. But if it is 2 guys the canā€™t unless the wait for more pilots. Which again is a trade off situation. Wait for more guys or move on and gank softer targets.

It is kind of like Uber. Uber lets a person with a decent car can earn some extra money on what is likely a kinda crappy investment. Mining is generally a boring activity, but it also lends itself to what I have called semi-afk play. You can get on comms and chat, maybe watch Netflix and relax. But ganking disrupts that. Fitting for tank can help mitigate that disruption.

How is the doxing going? I suggest you throttle back from real life crime to shitposting. #InBeforePoliceKnocksAtDoor

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