It takes less than 60 minutes to play for one month

I think that what @Mohammad_Mediouni_Sh_rifi means is that if all players refuse to sub and buy PLEX for real money and only extend their omega via PLEX. And then he is right CCP will make no money.

Unfortunately there are enough whales and idiots who buy so many PLEX for real money that there are hundreds of players who can PLEX 20+ multibox accounts. The fact the price of the PLEX haven’t change almost at all since 2018 strongly suggests this.

And yes, if players will stop spending real money eventually ingame prices of PLEX raises to the extreme which will then motivate players to start paying real money again as they get more value from them ingame. At any rate it doesn’t look like the income for CCP and PLEX for those of us refusing to pay real money will run dry anytime soon.

Because they already made the money.

You cant pretend that the Plex just exists. It was bought and paid for.

What I wonder is: if every player expected to only spend ISK to buy PLEX ingame - that no one bought for real money - first: no one could sub for ISK → PLEX, second: CCP would make no money ( and there would be no one subbed )

Exactly. That’s why if every player wanted to sub through ISK → PLEX - but no one bought PLEX - then no one could sub with ISK made ingame ( to buy PLEX and sub )

It isn’t that it would happen, it was simply the week-old question that had already been answered.

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I mean if everyone stopped buying plex or subbing from CCP then people subbing from plex would deplete the reserves while the plex price rises and will eventually run out and no one would be able to sub anymore and all end up as alpha’s but that will never happen becuase as people see the plex price raise they will think they can get more for their $ and then buy plex from CCP again.


This conversation is getting dangerously close to sounding like a Cilly repeat.

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I barely recovered from that

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Strange how this thread is still open xD

Who is Cilly btw?

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Probably a forum warrior.

fixed it for you

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ISK sink working as intended.

–Absolutely Certain Gadget


It is that easi but since eve comunity is cancer and filled by brim to egoistic players that force theyr perspective of how eve is suposed to play then its almost imposible to newbros thas surounded by bigest concentration of those players in hi sec to actuali learn the game.

If this were wow then hi sec whud be literary elven forest anybody who whud say that hes playing wow for years but never left wlven forest whud be laugh on.

In wow if somebody spred stupid builds and rotations it whud be laught on.

Of course eve is diferent then wow its more spred out an nobody show you the way. But mechanickly its same as every other mmo it have starter easi zones that make low gain and endgame zones that make big gains.

The main point is that eve as any other mmo can be mastered and stuff like farming can be calculated and minmaxed to the max.

Exeptions exist in every mmo and are prove of the rule.

Yes im talk about sex roleplayers is goldshire.

In the end problem iznt in the way people play the game problem is in people who force other players how to play.

When you min max you pve you wery fast get to hnderstanding that eve is a realy just shoter mmo where farming is just a way to limit how big ships you can fly in what time. Whit out pve everybody whud just play titans online.

So untill the hisec cancer comunity stop gatekeeping newbros by forcing theyr sex in goldhire is the best way to play and pvp is for noobs fly what you want hippie way.

And actuali show the newbros whats posible then it wilk not change. Im wasnewbro one time to and im was lied to by almost every hi se player im met mostly by ther stupidity not malice but this is self propagating cycle.

When im learned about incursion isk printing im fastracked my character to pvp moved to null and never look back.

Now im veteran ceo of corp and everynewbro im meet im directly tell whats posible and not to beleve gpogle or youtube egoists.

You dont get it. CCP has already received the money from the PLEX. For the PLEX to exist ingame, CCP has to have received the money. So if everyone bought PLEX from ISK, how would CCP make money? Answer: They already did.
And when the PLEX supply dries up, people will have to give CCP more money to either subscribe or spawn new PLEX.

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Please describe the exact process of earning that much within 47 minutes, from log in to log out.

Op logs in warps to belt gets bored and swipes credit card all within 47minutes.


@Altara_Zemara confirmed cilly is their alt

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Nooo…there was just some episode with ̶a̶l̶i̶e̶n̶s̶ owls and ancient Sumerians and nobody knows what really happened.

No he wouldn’t.
Like myself and others have informed here, plexing an account is more $$ for CCP then a sub is. Plex does not enter the EVE market without a person paying for it first, with RL $$.


Ah right of course. What I really meant is “if all players refuse to spend real money”. My previous statement didn’t exclude the possibility to buy PLEX for real money. Although it is really nonsense if you think about it.

If all players swear to refuse to pay monthly fee and everyone just start to PLEX their accounts. At one point PLEX supply will run dry. At which point players either have to:

  • pay the sub and breaking the promise
  • buy plex for more than costs sub to use it ingame to go omega
  • and quit of course

So it really makes no sense that players would be buying PLEX in that situation. But whatever.

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Ok, then EVE will cease to be as it will not be viable to proceed when it does not make money.

In reality that will not happen until the eve store is no longer reachable to buy plex.

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Yes it seems that for many players EVE still brings enough content and fun to pay not just sub but also PLEX, hypercores and what else. And that will probably never change. Good for CCP and good for us because these players are keeping game alive.

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