Actually the isk they send still belongs to Code. & James 315
You sure like racking up huge debt, don’t you A-KO?
Actually the isk they send still belongs to Code. & James 315
You sure like racking up huge debt, don’t you A-KO?
Do keep up.
It’s quite simple- don’t pay. sure, they can destroy my Skiff, but it’ll cost them a lot of time and money to do so. I can promise that it will never be profitable for them. If they do bring enough ships to destroy my ship before Concord arrives, I’ll just hop into another one and keep going. It’s not like Skiffs are a huge loss.
Never buy mining permits.
Self destruct
See, this is why nobody likes miners. Not everything is about the money, Glen.
Fake News
This should be flagged for Misinformation and misleading newbros and vets a like.
Gankers make a profit, and there are those that commission catalysts for them. Don’t be fooled by this scam bot trying to lead you astray, because if you don’t have a permit and are trying to access upwells maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but trust and believe I promise we will find you.
K thanks, have a nice day ↔
I never implied that it was all about the money. I merely stated that it would be costly. Im able and willing to replace my ship. I can handle the cost of destruction and I’ll keep tanking so that all the pirates involved have to lose money as well.
To me, that’s by far worth it to never buy a mining permit.
You still don’t get it, Glen. Nobody cares about the cost, nobody cares about profit or loss. If a ganker spends double the cost of your ship to gank you, that’s no loss for them. It’s only monopoly money.
Mining permits are about community, and participation, and good citizenship, not something so crass as mere isk.
Honestly you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking in such shallow materialistic terms. I want you to reflect on this, and when you decide that you are ready to be a better person, just send me 100 million isk and I’ll get you sorted out.
Sir you are inspirational @Syeed_Ameer_Ali
Indeed he is.
If anyone can correct Glen’s thinking , and turn him onto a better person, it is him.
You don’t get it. I’m stating that I as a miner don’t care about the money. I know someone can gank me if they want to enforce the mining permit. I’m choosing the option to not pay. I could pay and still get my ship blown up or I could not pay and get my ship blown up. You keep trying to convince me that I need to pay because money isn’t everything. I’m choosing to play your little mining permit game by not paying because I don’t care about money either. I’d rather buy a new ship than a mining permit and no amount of “You don’t get it. Money isn’t everything” speeches will change my mind. I’m a better person because I’m not giving you money.
“Don’t fly a ship you can’t afford to lose.” That’s the ONLY rule in Eve. I can afford to lose my Skiff. I have a hanger full of mining barges and exhumers. Correct my thinking? Come at me and try! Chuckles
I don’t know who told you all that miners can’t afford to lose a barge or three. They were lying. You’ll get my 100m ISK on the day I run out of clones. I’m the independent miner. I can pack up and move to another system without a trace anytime I wish. No ties. Unlimited bank account. No preferred system. I only follow Eve’s one rule. Money means absolutely nothing to me.
Wow Glen, calm down…miner. Listen, it’s like this. You have choices in life. You can buy a mining permit, and have a golden, perfect life, the respect of your peers…or you can be bitter and recalcitrant. Your choice.
Long ago, back in Chicago, a man would walk into a bar and tell the owner, “I sell jukebox insurance. For $50 a month you can protect that jukebox over there.”. The owner of course would reject his offer and later that week a fight breaks out in the bar and the big guy picks up the jukebox and throws it over the bar busting glass and making damage. Later the next day the salesman returns and asks, “How about $50 payment for that jukebox insurance or would you like it to happen again next month?”.
Mining permits are just like jukebox insurance. They only “protect” you from the person you are paying. If you do pay, another character from an alt account will be used to gank you. It is a joke on you for even thinking you are paying something official. You would be better off to work this the other end. Find a debt collector who is willing to split 50/50 of the damages. They collect the debt and keep 50% and you get 50% from being ganked. Most commonly in real life an attorney does this; they would send the ganker a mail stating they ganked you and give details of how much you lost. If they pay the attorney, he sends the victim 50% of the collection. Otherwise the attorney enlists collectors to pay them a visit and collect in person. The collectors impose a higher debt and won’t back off until they get paid.
You have the killboard to build a large client list. You contact the victims in game, get permission to collect, and start sending out mail.
Have fun!
Anyone who pays for a HS mining permit loses all respect.
this is called “mafia war”
There are only three ways to solve the issue: make permits official and regulated into the game oooor stop your boring mining activity
To quote a friend, “If you can’t handle a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it’s not for the timid.”
I didn’t become a capselleer to live a golden perfect life. Let’s play. I cannot be intimidated because I don’t care about money or dying.
So you just like watching paint dry
You do realise that stealing ore makes you a criminal right?
What next, you gonna burn your bra?