Just a heads up about HS mining Permits

Eve. I mine in Eve.

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You can run , but you cannot hide.


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Yes. Iā€™ve been there. I met a very lovely woman there. We had a wonderful time, but I had to move on. That was long ago.

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You are young and impudent, less than 3 months old, have alot to learn.

For 1 billion ISK Dr Zaera (PhD Gankotherapy) can start you on your path to enlightenment and throw in a free mining permit.

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Iā€™ve already told you how you can get a mining permit into my hands. It will be the day I run out of clones.

To quote another friend of mine, ā€œIt is a good day to die.ā€

You do know that you donā€™t need clones, right?

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I also donā€™t need to be a capseleer, but here I am.

Well you soon to meet another, have the money for your mining permit ready

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Bring 20 of your closest friends and make sure they have their disposable ships ready. Once the dust settles, Iā€™ll move to another corner of this galaxy, hop into one of the many skiffs I have stashed around Eve, and continue mining with no further thoughts of you. You and your suicide cult will be forgotten by the time I arrive at my next destination.


Run Rabbitā€¦Run!

evil eye


Tissues has opened another permit thread I see.

A bit late for the party.

You still need a Mining Permit Mr Bennington

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Aiko doesnā€™t scare meā€¦ Aiko shouldnā€™t scare anyone.

Iā€™ll tell you what Aiko -is- scared of thoughā€¦

A fleet of Sebo Nadoā€™s that can LokkaBlappa faster than Concord can fly in and say ā€œWhatā€™s all this then?ā€


Have any more jokes?

Oh I have one


Is this something Iā€™m supposed to care about?

Oh waitā€¦ Nope, I donā€™t.

But wait, hereā€™s a good one

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I donā€™t get it?

Why would you want to hurt Aiko Danuja? She is friend to all!

I mean she found me as a newbro and introduced me to the code, gave me premium real estate in a secluded star cluster, showed me how to build ships efficiently and invites me to enjoy the revelry of gankmas.

If you adhere to the CODE Safety is your friend.


Safety. can go suck a giant chunk of Spodumain.


Wow language Mr.!

You talk like a miner and need to calm down.

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Top damage concorde, the 2 of you were just kill whoring.

Now link the Safety. kill you were involved in with a Tornado.

I can wait.

BTW You had as much effect as a fly hitting a windscreen


Wow nothing.

Guess that settles that then

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